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'Y/N IT'S BEEN AGES.' Tubbo smiled, instantly engulfing me in a hug. Tubbo's hugs were one of the best things to exist, they felt so warming and friendly, which was what i needed sometimes. Tubbo's hugs were better than Wilbur's for sure, but they could never top Tommy's.

'I am so confused what on Earth is going on.' I laughed as Tubbo kindly put my bag in the boot, which he did without me asking.

'If I speak I am in trouble.' Tubbo's mum laughed as me and him sat in the back seats.

'Tubbo.' I said turning to him as the car drove.

'Y/N.' Tubbo replied in the same tone.

'What the flipedy flop is going on.' I laughed.

'Oh you'll know soon, you'll really like it.' He smiled.

'I'll take your word for it.' I laughed.

'Did you see my stream the other day?' I asked to make conversation, as his mum had a 'trashy' radio station on.

'I think I watched some of it yeah! Do you mean the Jackbox one with the 'american lads'. Tubbo laughed.

'That is exactly who I meant.' I smiled.

'Are the American lads people like Ranboo?' His mum asked from the front seat.

'Yep! It was Ranboo, Quackity, Karl, Sapnap, Dream, Corpse and myself. I was obviously the odd one out there but it was so funny.'

'I could imagine from what Tubbo has told me about everyone.' His mum smiled.

'Do you want a drink?' Tubbo asked getting a Sainsburys bag that was by his feet.

'I'm all set.' I laughed getting my monster from my bag.

'What flavour is that?' Tubbo smiled.

'It's my favourite one.' I laughed.


The car journey with Tubbo and his mum lasted a little over two hours, probably around 2 hour 8 minutes. It was quite nice actually. Me and Tubbo had conversations about the most random things, from twitch/streaming to if pineapple should be on pizza.

'Right is this the right one?' Tubbo's mum asked as we pulled up into a carpark, where beyond it there was a playing field and a park.

'Yes this is the one, uh it matches the pictures.' Tubbo smiled.

'Okay so i'll leave you guys be, i'm going to meet my friend Sarah in 15 minutes.' His mum smiled as the two of us unclipped our seat belts.

'Well thank you for the journey, even though i'm still very confused as to what is going on.' I laughed as I opened the car door.

'It's no problem, i'll be back for around 8:30 is that good for you?' Tubbo's mum asked him.

'Yeah that's perfect, see you later mum.' Tubbo replied closing his car door as I waved.

'Right so we have to go this way.' Tubbo laughed pointing towards a forest track.

'I hope you won't murder me, oh let me take a bag you literally have two thick bags.' I laughed pointing to the two nearly over flowing Sainsbury's bags.

'Oh thank you.' He smiled, handing me the one that was ever so slightly less full. Me and Tubbo walked for around 15 minutes through a forest trail, which was aesthetic you could say. It had the typical trees and the weird mud on the ground which had a layer of tiny broken twigs. The trees were surrounded by blue bells, which were so pretty.

'Tubbo I don't know if this will ruin the plan if there is one but can I take a few photos of the flowers?' I asked.

'Sure!' Tubbo smiled as his stomach grumbled.

'You hungry too?' I asked as I took a few photos of the surroundings.

'Yep I am but we will be able to have our little picnic or whatever you want to call in a few minutes with-.' Tubbo said before stopping himself.

'With who Tubbo?' I asked as we reached the edge of the woods, which opened up to a small enclosed grass area. It reminded me of those aesthetic places you see on pinterest.

'With me bitch.'


my little pogchamp [ TommyInnit x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now