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Another school year, another year of disappointment. Sunghoon was now a senior in high school, he was graduating soon, but this time Sunghoon was gonna make sure that his final year in high school will be the most unforgettable moment of his life.

He promised himself during summer vacation that during the end of his senior year, he will ask Sunoo out and confess to him.

He excitedly got out of the house, walking a few steps before reaching the younger's house.

He knocked on the door, the door opening revealing a sweet and beautiful lady. "Hi Mrs. Kim!" Sunghoon greeted her with a huge smile on his face, Mrs. Kim let out a soft chuckle before letting Sunghoon inside the house. "Stay here dear, I'll just go get Sunoo." She said in her sweet and soft voice, she walked upstairs to get Sunoo.

Sunghoon was sitting there on the couch, sipping his tea that Sunoo's mom gave him. Even though he refused it, his mom still insisted that he should drink it. However, Sunghoon's smile widened as he almost dropped the cup he was holding in his hands.

The sight of Sunoo never failed to disappoint him, He stared at the younger admiring him. His proportionate body, his cute face, his soft skin, and of course his beautiful soft pink lips. Sunghoon just wanted to run over to Sunoo and kiss him.

"So how long are you gonna stare at me like this?" Sunoo laughed, causing Sunghoon to quickly go back to reality. Sunghoon looked to the side and bit his lip, as his cheeks started turning into a light shade of red.

"Come on, what are you waiting for let's go!" Sunoo said while grabbing Sunghoon's arm while dragging Sunghoon out of the house. "Yah! I can walk on my own!" Sunghoon spoke, slightly raising his voice. "Bye mom, we'll be going now!" Sunoo said with a bright smile on his face as he waved at his mother. "Stay safe boys." She said while waving back before closing the door.

"Are you excited for this new school year?" Sunoo exclaimed happily as he started jumping up and down from excitement. "Nah...I think this year will just be another year of disappointment." Sunghoon uttered.

"Oh come on, stop being so gloomy. Look on the bright side for once Sunghoon, who knows maybe you'll find love this year!" Sunoo gushed at the thought of Sunghoon finding a lover as he let out a soft giggle, Sunghoon chuckled at the younger's words as he looked down at the sidewalk as he rubbed the back of his neck.

The two boys finally arrived at school, but they were greeted by two other boys who jumped on top of them "Gotcha!" Daniel exclaimed as he grabbed Sunoo pinning him onto the floor as he hugged him "My gosh Daniel, you haven't changed" Sunghoon stated. "Well everything excluding your height hasn't changed..." He added.

Daniel is a Freshman, and you'd be thinking. Why isn't Sunghoon jealous of Sunoo's close relationship with Daniel? Well it's because Sunoo and Daniel are cousins, so that doesn't give Sunghoon an excuse to be jealous. Besides, their cousins they're supposed to have a close relationship like that.

Jay slightly nudged Sunghoon "Ouch, Jay what the hell?!" He whisper-shouted. "So when are you confessing to Sunoo?" Jay leaned in, whispering to Sunghoon's hear so that the two boys wouldn't be able to hear them. "I don't know Jay, I was thinking about confessing this year...but-"

Jay groaned at Sunghoon's words "Ugh come on Sunghoon, it's been years..why haven't you asked him out yet?" Jay grunted. "I mean-"

"Well if you're planning to confess..you better do it quickly, or else Ni-ki might steal Sunoo away from you."

Sunghoon's eyes widened as he heard what Jay said "Who..?" Sunghoon asked.

"Ni-ki, a Japanese student who transferred here last year. He was in the same club as me. "

'Ni-ki, huh? Looks like I have another person who's trying to steal Sunoo from me. Well I won't let that happen. ' Sunghoon thought to himself.

'I'll find a way to get rid of you' He smiled psychotically as he let out a low and soft chuckle.

Sunghoon then realized he was standing alone in a hallway, all the students were gone. He looked at the time on the clock and realized he was late for class.

"Oh shit." He cursed to himself, as he dashed through the halls looking for his classroom.

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