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I have had the HUGEST writer's block! Sorry for not updating. I won't be able to for a while, because we're going back to school and I won't get the chance. I'll try as hard as I can!



TW: Swearing

Draco POV:

Ugh! I was so embarassed! I slammed the door behind me, nearly causing it to fall of its hinges, a new record. Not that I was happy about that, of course. A few seconds later, while I was plotting a way to kill Pansy, making it look like a suicide, there was a soft, barely noticable knock. 

Sighing loudly, I groped behind me, trying to find the knob in the darkness, but eventually stood up, unsuccessful. I sharply sucked in a breath when I saw who it was, and shut the door behind him immediately for privacy.

"I still haven't given you your wand, you know."

I gaze at Potter. I'm a bloody idiot! How could I forget to take the one thing he came here for?

"Thanks," I let out a muffled reply. Not wanting to seem rude, patted the spot next to me on the bed, offering him a seat. He obeyed. 

" I'm sorry for being rude this morning. I was being selfish," he started. 

"No, it's alright, I was being quite rue and antisocial." 

We sat on my bed, staring anywhere but each other, both frantically thinking of something to say, but nothing coming to mind. That was how we stayed for a while. 

Ronald Weasley POV:

Hermione and Pansy were huddled in the corner, arms around each other, evidently subconciously as they took no notice of it. Every now and then, they would check Pansy's wand to see if Harry and Malfoy had even tried to open the door, but to no avail. I was beginning to worry slightly. What had happened?

I made the decision to unlock the door using the key on the table opposite. Just as I was about to insert it into the keyhole, a hand grabbed mine. Without any hesitation, I knew it was Blaise. His hand was so smooth and though he didn't put much force on it, my hand retreated slowly while I turned to look into his deep, chocolate eyes. I was lost in them for a moment, until I realised we were in the middle of the corridor, and that Pansy and Hermione were looking at us expectantly. 

I blushed and we stepped back simultaneously. The girls snorted and if a look could kill, they would both be dead in a second. I rubbed the back of my neck nervously and mumble something about going to the bathroom. I hear Blaise sigh as I leave.

The moment I close the door behind me, I collapse on the closed toilet seat, head in my hands.

What in the bloody hell just happened? Or nearly just happened... Do I really like him? I  think I do, but I'm not so sure. I love spending time with him, he's great at chess, (not as great as me, obviously) he's smart and funny and-

I think it's safe to say I like him.

Pansmione POV (3rd person)

Hermione and Pansy teased Blaise non-stop right up 'till the moment Ron returned. He seemed to be having an internal battle, and the girls knew straight away what he was thinking. 

They both sighed in disappointment when Pansy's wand glowed red. They all stared at it, tranfixed, before realising that Harry and Draco had tried to open the door. 

"You know, they could be dying for all we know. Draco's room has a silencing charm." Blaise smirked.

"I have an idea-"

A stag leaped at Hermione and she jumped back, nearly having a heart attack.

"Are you kidding me 'Mione? I know for a fact that it was you, I saw you researching when you thought I wasn't looking. I found the counter-charm, you know, and memorised it. Nice try."

Everyone looked downcast as Harry entered the room, Draco hot at his heels. The latter yanked Pansy away from Hermiones's embrace and dragged her to anothe room. 

"Have you lost your bloody mind? Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to be in a room with him for that long? Don't you realise that what you did made me have a fucking PANIC ATTACK in front of him?"

"Well, no, I wasn't in there," Pansy replied, "But you're starting to ramble, darling, I'm getting a bit worried."

At this, Draco's breathing started to even out and he leaned against the wall, looking at her pointedly.

"If I ever have a relationship with Harry Potter, it will be because I wanted it to happed, because I chose for it to happen, not because of your meddling. Haven't you gained enough out of this already? You got Granger for Merlin's sake!"

Pansy shut up at that and looked at the floor, becoming increasingly fascinated by the carpet.

"That's what I thought."


"Are you fucking kidding me? First you look at us weirdly at lunch, then you plot to get us together, and then you actually use magic to trap us in a room by ourselves? Really, Hermione?" Harry yelled, his throat sore.

Hermione mumbled something Harry couldn't decipher, but from her posture he could tell that she really was sorry. (Imma go all Sherlock on you now)

Her weight was shifted to one leg, the other tapping nrevously on the ground. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead as she looked down, and if she bit any harder on her lip, it would probably bleed. Her eyes were clouded, red and half-closed, tears beginning to form at their base. Her hands fidgeted with an imaginary object. Strands of hair fell pitifully from their place as she trembled. Harry immediately felt guilty for scaring her and placed a reassuring arm on her shoulder. 

"I'm sorry 'Mione, I didn't mean to scare you. I overreacted. I knew how to get out anyway."

She sniffled and hugged him. Harry exhaled, not having realised he'd been holding his breath awaiting Hermione's response. 

They stayed like that for a while, before returning to the others.

Playing with fire (drarry, blairon, pansmione short story)Where stories live. Discover now