Guess who's back, back again

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Harry Pov:

Malfoy replied! Wow. I didn't think they'd be up at this hour. He probably couldn't sleep either...

I opened the letter, and was surprised at the reply:

Dear Potter, 

We also think it would be a great idea, though please tell Weasley and Granger to refrain from bickering, or we might lose our temper. Should we meet at the leaky cauldron for lunch at 1?

Yours sincerely, 


Brilliant! I thought they would refuse, or at least say a rude comment. I guess we're all prejudiced. I pocketed the letter and went to have breakfast. Surprisingly, both Ron and Hermione were already up, but they were arguing again. 

"Morning," I grumbled.

"Hi Harry, " Hermione replied.

"Hey mate," Ron yawned, "I don't think I've ever been up this early, not even when we were horcrux-hunting!"

I smiled. "Hey, do you guys want to go for lunch at the leaky cauldron? It's been a while since we left the house and I need to get something from Diagon Alley."

Ron shrugged, "Sure. 'Mione?"

"That's a fantastic idea! I've been planning to go to Flourish and Blotts for ages! They have an amazing new collection of books on Ancient Runes that I've been wanting!"

"I'll floo and make reservations for 1 o'clock, alright?"

"Sounds good mate."

I quickly scrambled some eggs, wolfed them down and ran to the fireplace. After flooing the Leaky Cauldron, I sprinted up the stairs to write the letter to Malfoy, and distinctly heard:

"He's in a good mood. What's going on?"

"I have no idea."

I grinned. I scribbled a reply:

Dear Malfoy, Parkinson and Zabini, 

1 is good. I already made reservations under the name 'Malfoy' because we might be a little bit late. 


I tied the letter to Pig's foot and he swooped away. 

It's actually happening. 

We're actually doing this. 

I can't wait.

Draco Malfoy POV:

They were late, as Potter had said, and the look on Granger and Weasley's faces was priceless. They stood, frozen to the spot, their mouths agape, looking from us to Potter again and again. By the time they sat down, Potter had already ordered their favourite food, we had ordered and the food came. I must add that the service in the Leaky Cauldron is abysmal. The slowly sat, looking at us strangely. Potter stifled a laugh.

"So, what have you been doing since Hogwarts?" I asked, trying to start conversation. 

Since Weasley and Granger were, well, preoccupied, Potter answered. 

"We've been staying at my house all together for the past three years and we rarely ever left. How about you?"

Pansy answered, "Draco and I ended up staying at Blaise's house more than ours, so recently we bought a flat together. Draco also sold Malfoy Manor and his mother is finally divorced from that, that-"

"We get it Pansy," I muttered, trying not to think of that evil, awful man.

There was an uncomfortable silence, broken when Granger finally decided to speak.

"Sorry about that... Harry didn't tell us anything and, to be honest, we're shocked that you actually agreed to meet."

"We're shocked too, actually," Pansy replied with a smile. Hermione was taken aback, never having seen Pansy smile before, but smiled back nonetheless. 

I finished my sushi and stood up, excusing myself to go to the bathroom. I placed my hands on the sink and I heard someone enter behind me. Looking in the mirror I see Potter, and my heart flutters. I close my eyes to calm it, before I spoke, a weak smile tugging at the corners of my lips. 

"Well, I'm getting Déjà vu." 

He looked incredibly guilty, and I immediately regretted saying it. Crestfallen, he whispered:

"I'm really, really, sorry about that."

"It's ok, don't worry, it's nothing compared to what I did to you!"

He looked at me, raising an eyebrow. "I nearly killed you."

"I was about to curse you," I shrugged, "Anyway, it was 4 years ago, we can't change anything that happened in the past."

"When did you get so wise?" he grinned.

"I learned that specific lesson a while ago," I muttered, looking down. 

"Oh... I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine..."

We stayed in silence for a while before I decided to break it.

"So, do you think the plan is going well?"

"I think so... Ron and Blaise are having a very heated conversation about quidditch teams and Pansy and Hermione are talking about Ancient Runes."

I smiled knowingly. 

"What is it?" Potter asked.

"Nothing..." I say, unable to contain a smile.

We both walked out of the bathroom, Potter looking at me suspiciously, and sat down on opposite ends of the table. Potter glanced at his watch.

"Oh!" he exclaimed, "I told Andromeda I would go see Teddy today! I completely forgot. You guys carry on without me, I gotta go."

He picked up his jacket and walked towards the exit. An idea clicked in my mind.

"Wait!" I yelled, "Can I come? I've never met my Aunt before."

Potter looked flabbergasted. "Sure..." he replied. 

Harry Potter POV:

Malfoy. Wants to come. With me. To see his Aunt who he's never met before. So much is happening today! I don't want to seem rude or anything, so I tell him he can come and he practically skips towards me. 

I hold out my arm so he can apparate with me and we spin into nothingness. 

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