Uncomfortable conversations

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3rd Person POV:

*3 am*

Teddy couldn't sleep, but he didn't want to wake up Harry. Since his grandmother didn't approve of him waking up at night, he felt like he only had one choice- the guest room. 

He was surprised to see that his cousin was sleeping in the room, but nevertheless, he crawled into the bed next to him. 

"Are you alright Teddy?" he asked. Teddy saw that he hadn't slept at all, so he was grateful that Draco didn't ask him to leave. 

"I can't sleep, but I don't want to wake Harry up." 

Draco nodded in agreement. "I'll go sleep on the couch and you can stay here," he said, getting up. 

"Can you stay with me?" Draco looked surprised at his request but lay down on the bed again letting Teddy snuggle into him. Who knew children could be so adorable?

He placed an arm around Teddy and sleep finally came. 

*le time skipppppp*

Andromeda Tonks POV:

I went to wake Teddy up but saw only Harry. Seeing as he was sleeping for the first time in a while, I left quietly and went back downstairs. I looked everywhere, but there was not sign of the child. As my heartbeat raced faster than my legs ever could, I decided to look in the one place I hadn't, no matter how unlikely. 

I entered the guest room to see a heartwarming sight:

I quickly took a picture, wanting to savour this forever, and tiptoed out of the room

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I quickly took a picture, wanting to savour this forever, and tiptoed out of the room. Before I could close the door, I heard a low voice. 

"I'm awake, but Teddy is still sleeping so I'll stay until he wakes up. Can we talk in a bit?"

"Of course, dear. Teddy is an early waker, so he'll be up and about soon."

*Half an hour later*

Teddy bounded up behind me screaming "Good morning gandma! Good morning! Good morning! Good morning! Good morning! Good morning! Good morning! Good morning! Good morning!"

"Good morning my little ball of energy!" I exclaimed, "You seem to be very joyful this morning! What happened?"

"I woke up and I asked Draco questions about absolutely EVERYTHING! Teddy excliamed. I chuckled heartily.

"Did he? What kind of things did you ask him?"

"I can't tell you, it's a secret."

At that moment, a sleepy-looking Draco entered the room. Teddy's hair and eyes instantly mimicked Draco's and he chuckled. 

There were footsteps coming nearer and Harry, hair messier than it ever was, if possible, entered the room, yawning. 

"Morning," he grumbled, flopping down on the nearest chair. I took this as a sign to start scambling some eggs as I gestured for my nephew to sit down. Teddy crawled onto his lap and Draco ruffled his hair playfully. 

"When did this happen?" Harry asked curiously, pointing at the other two.

"Teddy couldn't sleep last night and he didn't want to wake you, so he came into my room." Draco replied, smiling weakly. "I was awake so I told him he could stay with me."

Teddy looked up at him, frowning, and said," You offered to go to the couch so I could take your bed."

At that, I turned around to face a guilty-looking Draco Malfoy looking at me. 

"What did I tell you?" I say jokingly.

Draco shrugged, looking at me with sorry eyes, but a grin tugged at his lips. 

 Harry looked at our exchange in pure confusion. 

"Yesterday, you had never even met each other, and now you're talking like you've been best friends for years!"

"I know," I answered, "but it turns out Draco is nothing like his Aunt Bellatrix or his father. Quite the opposite, really."

"What about my mother?"

"My younger sister was always lovely to me, even when Trixie was... you know..."

Both Harry and Draco nodded in understanding. I cut up some carrots and placed them on the plates with the scrambled eggs, placing them in front of the three boys.

"Eat up. If you're planning on apparating out of here, you'll need the energy," I state.

They obeyed, obviously quite hungry, and once they finished, I sent Harry to get Teddy ready so that I could talk to Draco. 

I decided to start the conversation by asking, "Is there anything else you would like to learn about your mother's childhood?

Draco took a deep breath. "Well, was she forced to marry my father? Because I know she probably wouldn't marry him by choice."

I nodded grimly. His head hung down and, though he already knew the answer, he probably hadn't truly believed it until I confirmed it. The poor child. So young, yet he has so much responsibility and has seen more than anyone should see in a lifetime, maybe two! I give him a sympathetic look and decide not to pester him about Harry.

I was quite surprised when he half-whispered,"So what exactly did you want to talk to me about?"

I rolled my eyes, "I know you know, but if you're too uncomfortable, we don't have to."

"No, no, it's alright. I'll have to talk about it eventually." 

There was am awkward silence, one where both of us were at loss for words. Eventually, I stated, "Look, I know about your feelings towards Harry. It's quite obvious actually. I'm guessing he is the most oblivious being on Earth and has not realised?"

"Well, yes."

"When did this start?"

"I'm not sure. I think I always liked him, but I only realised in the third year. Something like that. I'm not really sure of it myself."

I nodded. That was understandable. "What do you think he feels, honestly?"

It looked like a painful subject for him, but he answered. "I don't think he thinks of me as any more than a new friend. He's such an ignorant prat, that he wouldn't realise if I ripped my heart out and gave it to him with a note saying 'I love you'."

His eyes widened. He covered his face with his hands and groaned. He obviously hadn't realised he was in love  with Harry yet. "And anyway, it would never work, seeing as I'm an ex-death eater and he's the Saviour of the Wizarding World. And because my feelings for him are definitely more than his feelings for me, that's for sure."

I felt a sudden urge to hug him, but I refrained from doing so as it would be a little awkward, what with Harry and Teddy coming down any moment now. But then, I heard a silent sob, one infused with so much pain and heartbreak that I couldn't resist putting my arms around him. 

The poor boy...

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