Hana huffed. "Well, we couldn't really just leave the situation to fester," she said, slightly glaring at Kaeya. He...is a captain. How come the Knights did not do anything but run and hide? As Knights who swore to protect their home and its people, they must be ready to risk it all. It was the same as being a hero, Hana thought. If she was not brave enough to risk her life to save people and those important to her, then she would rather not become a hero.

Kaeya ignored her seething glare and informed them that the Acting Grand Master of the Knight had invited them to their headquarters, wishing to meet them. Somehow he knew what exactly Hana meant by her statement, and honestly, he would agree.

Hana clicked her tongue. Jean wanted to meet them? Why? Will she suspect them for being dangerous people just like how Amber and Kaeya did? Okay, maybe she's being a little dramatic, but she can't be blamed. She wanted to sleep for five days straight.

Kaeya silently led them to the Headquarters, though he would shiver once in a while as he felt eyes burning at his back. He knew who it was, of course. Kaeya didn't know why Hana seemed to dislike him. Her red orbs also reminded him of Diluc. Kaeya pouted. Why do red-eyed people seem to have deep hatred towards him and his career? Unfair!

Soon enough, they have arrived. Other knights greeted Kaeya and Amber respectfully, opening the door for them. Kaeya knocked on one door before he entered. The previous voices Hana heard prior to entering stopped when they entered.

"Jean, I've brought them," he said. He then retold the story up until he brought them to see Jean. surprisingly, Jean did not look like he was suspecting them at all. In fact, she looked relieved and seemed grateful. Hana felt guilty now, she judged her before she even knew her. Being the leader of the knights must be stressful, just like how it's also the same for All Might and other heroes.

Lisa, who was introduced as the librarian—though if Hana can express her opinion, Lisa seemed too powerful to just be a librarian—gazed at them fondly like how a mother or a big sister would. "Oh, are you cuties here to help us out?" she asked, voice soft and inviting. Hana decided she liked Lisa. the only concern she had was how her chest seemed to be bouncing each time she breathed.

"We simply ask that you help us out here in Mondstadt while we help you seek out your sister," Jean said to Aether, "and hopefully find you a way back home," she continued, this time it was directed to Hana, who just nodded silently.

"Sure, I'll help," Hana smiled. It wouldn't hurt to help out these people.

They collectively took relieved sighs, grateful and happy for the extra help.

"In that case, we need a plan," Kaeya said.

↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ-

Somehow the plan involved them all splitting up. Since they were too many, Jean decided it would save more time to have them go in separately. And how was this decided? Hana was stupid enough to suggest drawing lots, in which most of them were clueless about what it was. Due to that, Hana ended up partnering with one person she did not feel very comfortable with.

Of all people, why Kaeya?

His teasing smirk did not help at all. All she wanted to do was wipe off that smirk and finish this quickly.

"So, don't you think we may be able to bond during this quest? I am certainly happy about this arrangement," Kaeya said as they walked to the temple they were assigned to.

Hana rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "I am certainly not happy with this arrangement." she huffed, proceeding to walk faster to avoid the man.

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