In short, Venti was admiring her. He only witnessed her use of cryo, anemo, and her wings. Her fire element was just as beautiful as it was not the usual red-orange one he would normally see; instead it was white. No, not white. It was so light of a blue that it seemed white.

Hana leaned closer to his face after seeing him not respond to her call. "Venti? Hello?"


"I was asking what's next on the list since you're the one holding it."

Venti looked at the paper tucked inside his pocket and scratched his head nervously. "Oh, sorry. I was just admiring your skills. I didn't know you can use fire like that!" He exclaimed, not noticing Hana's cheeks reddening.

Sure, people often commented on her specialized use of fire. It is unusual for fire to be that color as well as manipulated easily like water. Not even Todoroki Shouto could do what she can. Perhaps it was because her mother specially trained her fire element and thus passed to her.

"T-Thanks..." she mumbled shyly.

Venti's eyes scanned the paper. "Oh, this one is not too difficult! We just have to deliver a package!"

Hana sweatdropped, "A package? Really?"

Venti shrugged, "Unfortunately. Let's go back to Mondstadt!"

Hopefully, the two wouldn't get too distracted on their way. They decided to just teleport to prevent wasting anymore time since they deemed they wasted more than what is considered normal.

They searched for a person named Jack, who gave them a box of something suspicious, according to Hana's paranoid brain. Heavily wrapped box that was heavy was suspicious to her; after being attacked by villians every chance they got made her wary of everything.

They have to deliver the box to someone near Dragonspine. Apparently it was emergency food supplies, which eased her heart eventually.

Venti and Hana completed the rest of their commissions, which included buying people food or clearing hilichurl roadblocks. It was not boring, but Hana expected more. Mondstadt had their knights, surely they could handle some hilichurls. She was starting to question how capable their knights are if all they do is leave their job to adventurers.

Oh well, at least she got mora soo after, which was enough to last her a couple of days of food. Her only problem is looking for shelter. She doubted Venti even had some place to stay since the time she knew more about him, he was all about freedom and letting things flow, or whatever.

Venti stared at the darkening sky. Stars littered the heavens, and Hana couldn't recall how long it had been since she saw this many stars in the sky due to her world's increasing pollution in the air.

"Wow..." Hana admired the sky, a small smile plastered on her face as she took in the beauty of Teyvat.

Venti glanced at her from the corner of his eyes. Her platinum hair shone like silver under the moonlight, her skin glowing, making her look very much angelic. Let out her wings and she might just be an angel.

While she was busy admiring the sky, Venti looked around for something before returning beside her.

Without a word, Venti tucked a Cecilia flower on her ear, making her flinch in surprise and glance at the boy. His mesmerizing blue-green eyes glistened like the ocean. The two remained silent, eyes on each other.

Venti was the first to break eye contact, coughing nervously. "So, did you find a place to stay?" He asked.

Hana looked away, "Yeah. I found a cheap room beside this tavern, I'll survive," she chuckled, standing up and stretching her limbs. Venti followed her actions.

"Well," Hana bowed to the boy politely, her short hair swaying along, "thank you for today, Mr. Tour Guide. I hope we see each other again before I leave."

Hana waved goodbye before turning around and walking away, leaving Venti before he could even say goodbye.

"No...problem, drenched angel..." Venti muttered more to himself than to her. He watched her as she got further, and the feeling of loneliness invaded his heart once more. He sighed dejectedly and turned to leave the village of Mondstadt.

Where does he go now?

↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ-

Hana made a relieved sound as she entered her room for the whole week. For a cheap price, the place wasn't so bad. It was big enough for her to store her belongings—which were close to none. Maybe she should buy some clothes, she can't really wear her hero costume for a whole week.

Groaning, she left her room to look for clothes and dinner. However, before she could even get far enough, the sound of the door opening behind her made her glance back, only to see no one. She furrowed her brows before rolling her eyes and shrugging it off.

"It was probably nothing," she said.

As she continued looking around, the figure hiding behind a wall took a peak and sighed in relief. The person can't possibly let a villager see them in that state. It would only cause panic and gain them unwanted attention.

The person groaned painfully, clutching their bleeding stomach, though before the person rushed back to their home, their eyes landed on the villager, who was now twirling around and looked like dancing on a beat only she could hear. The curve of their lips curved upwards ever so slightly.

Oh, to be carefree as her. When will be the time for me? When will I be free from the burdens I have laid upon myself?

In the end, Hana was able to buy some clothes and food, and she returned to her room for a fresh bath. Her hero costume now washed and drying, she plopped into bed. Too tired, she fell asleep before eating her dinner.

Below her room, an injured man stumbled across his things, the pain unbearable. It was a stupid mistake on his side. He had underestimated his enemies, thinking it would be as easy as all his previous encounters with them. He was wrong, and it almost cost him his life.

As he cleaned his wound, his mind wandered on the woman he saw. He wondered what her reaction would be if she saw him all bloodied and hurt.

His thoughts were stopped by a knock on his door. He grunted.

"Come in."

Another man entered, a worried look on his deep blue eye. "Diluc, what the hell happened? You aren't this reckless."

'Diluc' fought back the urge to roll his eyes. He really needed help right now, and he won't let his pride ruin it and make him end up dead. "Shut up, Kaeya."

'Kaeya' let out a breath, knowing fully well that his half-brother had no other choice but to call him. Despite their history, he still cared for Diluc. "Alright, mind showing me the wound?"

Diluc removed the clumsily wrapped bandage around his stomach, dried blood on his clothes and skin. The redhead avoided the glare sent to him by his brother.

"Idiot, you are," Kaeya grumbled, but nonetheless started to clean up the wound. As a Knight Kaeya is, he knew how to deal with wounds like this, or at least the basics to prevent it from getting worse. He did experience his fair share of injuries and comrades with fatal wounds.

"The Abyss Order has been planning something, I don't know what but we need to do something about it," Diluc winced in pain when Kaeya's fingers brushed against the wound. "Though I doubt the Knights are capable of doing such things."

Kaeya ignored Diluc's comment, "I will talk to Jean about it, she is occupied with small things from villagers."

Diluc scoffed. "Just proves how much Knights are so incompetent. Not even able to finish such tasks when they should be protecting their people."

No words were exchanged after that, and Kaeya left the room soon after Diluc was fine enough to move.

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