PART 1: How to win the title of Uncle Tommy's favorite Nephew!

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"Uncle Tommy!"

I heard my name being screamed, paired of hurried footsteps, before I could react, two bodies collided my back. I almost stumbled on the ground before Ranboo and Techno took a hold my body, supporting the other two on my back.



I blinked in surprised, and checked over my back, Ranboo's hovering me checking if i'm okay, while seeing Tubbo and Wilbur scolding the two kids. Yes, kids.

While Michael is only six years old and Fundy being in his adult form technically he is only eight in general but due to his fast growth genes, he is currently nineteen in twenties in his adult form. But surprisingly, he can transform into his younger form.

"You're going to get hurt! Don't do that, Michael!" Tubbo chided, arms crossed over his chest, sternly looking at Michael, pout presented, almost like Tubbo when he stubbornly won't listen. Like father, Like son.  "What if you hurt, Tommy, too?"

While Wilbur continually stared at Fundy, one brow raised, waiting for an explanation. Fundy, ears down in submissive position, fingers lacing nervously together.  "You aren't going to answer?"

I turned back at Ranboo and Techno still hovering at my position. I shook my head at them. "I'm fine.." I said, patting both of their shoulders in assurance.

"Hey, Tubbo, Wibur!" I called out, and waved my concerned on them, while Michael and Fundy, happily run towards my direction, and hugged my figure, trying to hide to their parents. "You don't have to worry I'm okay"

"You really shouldn't spoiled them, Tommy" Wilbur sighed, and went over to my side, scanning my body, looking for possible injuries. I rolled my eyes on to him, while this also snapped, Tubbo, and realization hits him, marching towards my side.

"Guys! I'm fine! Geez" I huffed at them, whilst the two kids, grips tighten to my clothes. "Ranboo and Tech managed to catch me, so it's fine"

After we settled, and went back to the Mansion. The two kids apparently burst in a crying fit, nervous and guilt went to them, it took us an hour and half to calm the two plus assuring words.

"So, anyways, what's up?" I asked, the two perks their heads up, and turned to look at each other. Seemingly, to have a conversation, and quickly turned back towards my direction. I tilted my head in response, small smiled on my face.

"Uncle Tommy!"


"Who's your favorite nephew?!"


"This is your fault, Michael!" Fundy pouted, ears and tails down, with a disheartened expression. Alongside him with him was Michael with similar situation, pout evident on his face."Why me? I can't believed we were outrank by a cow!" Michael whined, stomping his feet on the ground.

"Who's your favorite nephew?!"

Tommy blinked in surprised,  the other spectator as well, surprised at the sudden question by the two.

"Who's my favorite nephew?" Tommy repeated slowly, not quite sure at the question. The two kids nodded in unison, eyes sparkled with impatient and determination, Fundy's ears and tails perk up while Michael's ear twitch every now and then.

"Yes! I'm your favorite right?" Michael cutely asked, eyes going big.  Fundy growled at Michael, eyes sneering then turned to Tommy. "As if! I'm his favorite!"

The two continued to bicker, while the others were chuckling at their antics, Tommy, however was silently, head tilted at his side, pondering.

"Let's see..." Tommy started, the floor got quiet, waiting for his reply. "I don't have a favorite nephew, since I like you both equally but If you're asking who's my favorite then It's henry!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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