chapter 7 | blood on his prom dress |

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HAPPY NEW YEAR. I LOVED rewriting this chapter. I love all of y'all who tuned in 💌

TW; crying, strong language, drug use, homophobia, dissociation

(word count: 2620)

(〃` 3′〃)

I wake up to Sydney who storms into my room. "Good morning August, how are you!" she spreads her arms out waiting for a hug. "You're gonna stand there forever" "Ugh just get out of bed, I'm gonna make pancakes" with that Syd walks out. I jump under the shower and put on the first things I can find. 

"Eww, are you guys drinking coffee?" Liam asks as he walks into the kitchen. Sid had poured me mug and I just took it. I hate coffee but it makes living with 4 hours of sleep just a little easier. I put a shit ton of sugar in it anyway. "Yup, you want some?" Syd asks and she poures him a cup without waiting for his answer. "I want one like Auston," Liam says pointing at me while I add my fifth scoop of sugar.

"Still mad at us?" Sid asks with an awkward grin after I give Liam his sugar coffee.

"Well, I mean it still kinda hurts, but lucky for me, Veronica Thompson has a thing for tough guys. She gave me a sticker" Liam says with a grin. "Nice one Goob" "I'm never washing these pyjamas," Liam says looking up at the ceiling for some reason.

"That's disgusting" I mumble under his breath after shoving a pancake in my mouth. "Also made you lunch. Cut the crust off the sandwich. Just wanted to let you know I care" Sid chuckles at him. "Are you okay?" Liam asks with a frown "Wha e aid" I manage to get out through my pancake. "Paint me yellow and call me fucking sunshine, Goob" "All right, I am leaving" I sigh and grab my bag.

(〃` 3′〃)

I figured if I stay positive nothing bad will happen, which is exactly what I need today. No time for any breaking or cracking, just fun...problem solved. Sid is certainly helping. Shouldn't be too hard.

I'm walking to the bleachers with Sid at my side. I'm sweating far too much. It's crazy we need to wear sweaters while running around under the burning sun. "I don't think I have ever seen you run that hard, in fact, I think I've never even seen you run" "Oh god it's the worst" "I felt the last slighter of energy leaving my body just now" I manage to say between breaths. We sit down and Dina walks over to us. 

"Look about the whole library situation-" "-We shouldn't have asked you to help steal anything, Dina. It was stupid. Truth is and I know this is gonna sound crazy, but...Auston and I sorta had this hallucination" "Shit" "Or something. I don't know, we were just freaked out". "I mean, this is exactly the kind of crazy shit you guys should be telling me. That's what I'm here for. I don't get it. I used to know everything about you two. I even knew what you would have for lunch. Now it's just, like, nothing" Dina shrugs. I kind of really want to hug Dina right now.

"Well, I guess we should tell you. Today I had a delicious pancake smothered in syrup" "And I had an apple, and some peanut butter and chocolate three cartons of Nerds" We laugh together. I can't remember the last time that happened. Suddenly a guy is standing in front of us. I almost fucking gulp when looking at his fucking abs. A 17-year-old is not supposed to look jacked like that. Jesus.

"I was thinking, since you and Brad are like, whatever, and the dance is tonight, maybe we could-" "Oh I've decided to kind of just lay low this year" "Cool, no worries" and the guy walks off. "Oh my god. No way" I say in genuine shock while Dina laughs at my face.

"This is like the third person that asked me today. I mean I'm flattered, but oh, I'm so over boys right now" I narrow my eyes at Dina, luckily she doesn't notice. Sid speaks up "Me too" "You know that's what I said a few years ago about girls, and look where that brought me" I mumble. "Wait what" Dina squicks. "So Stan and I are sorta, ya know...we're a thing," I say feeling my face go hot. "Oh my god that's so cute" Dina smiles at me while Sydney rolls her eyes. The PE teacher calls me over saying something about cheating on how many laps I did or whatever that means.

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