chapter 2 | weed vs skunk |

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re-edited chapter. Hope enjoy the new version better. I changed it to I perspective to make it more personal. Also, this is so short. Sorry bout that.

TW: insomnia, internalized homophobia, drug use, and suicide mention

(word count: 2500)

(〃` 3′〃)

I'm lying awake at 3 in the morning and dying to fall asleep. This isn't really an odd thing for me. When I turned 12 I wanted to see how long I could stay awake. I got through 4 whole days. On the fifth day, my hallucinations got so bad that I was sure I was seeing dead people.

Once dad was done with my whining, he even tried weed to calm me down. I kept screaming until the drug started doing its thing. Ever since then, I can't fall asleep unless I take my medication. However, mom took them away since she was convinced I was addicted to them. 

Now I usually only get about 2 to 3 hours of sleep. I have tried to fall asleep for about three hours now and it didn't work one bit. I decide to just go downstairs and see if there was anything on tv. As I open my door, Sid is also heading downstairs making me have a tiny heart attack.

"Where the hell is the chocolate?" I whisper-shout looking through the cabinets. "Here," Sid whisper-shouts back from the cough. I sit down beside Sid as she hands me the chocolate bar. I immediately rip the wrapper and bite off a nice big chunk.

I roll my eyes as I recognize mom's footsteps walking toward the cough. "What are we watching," she asks drunkenly sitting down next to Sid.

I hate it when mom drinks.

"Don't know" Sid answers. "The AC's broken" she comments after a minute. "The unit's probably just overheated" "It's hot as balls in this house" I complain. "Open a window" it's already just the way mom says that. It makes me want to shout at her.

"We got called into the counsellor's office today" I and Sid got called in because of our rage or something like that. Apparently, I'm 'notorious' among the teachers for picking fights with my bullies. Often losing them as well.

"Why, what did you do?" "Nothing" I answer shrugging. "She just told us we need an outlet or something" Sydney mumbles and I hum in agreement. "An outlet for what?".

Is this woman serious. 'an outlet for what?'. Oh, I don't fucking know. Maybe for my dad who fucking hung himself a few feet away. Maybe that's what it's for! 

"Just sometimes it feels like, the people I love don't love me back," Sid answers. I can hear in Sydney's voice that she's trying not to absolutely lose it right now. I give her a soft nudge trying to comfort her.

"Well maybe, Sid, you're aiming too high, Hun" Mom sighs. I hang my head as I mumble a quiet 'oh my god' not believing mom just said that. I look through my fingers at Sid who's staring at mom in pure disgust. I hear Sydney standing up and walking to her room. She slams her door shut and it echoes through the house.

I pinch the bridge of my nose sighing loudly. I ignore mom's whines as I take her wine glass and dump it down the drain. Before deciding to go upstairs as well. I'm walking up the stairs when suddenly an instant migraine hits me like a fucking hammer. I hear a loud crack only seconds after. 

Disregarding the migraine I run to Sydney's room where I heard the sound come from. Sydney snaps her head up when not only hearing a horrible crack but also a door opening, rather aggressively.

"What the hell happened?!" I hurry, crouching down to where Sid's sitting. My face goes white when Sydney keeps quiet and just turns to the wall behind her. I gape at the giant crack in the wall. "What--ho--who--how d--" I stutter trying to comprehend how she just slashed a fucking gap in the wall.

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