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          "Long before time had a name..."

          A man stood in the center of a deserted clearing, wearing a blank kimono and straw hat. His gaze lingered on the darkness ahead of him, and he gripped his flaming sword with great force, raising it. Sparks danced around the fiery weapon, and the light stretched a few feet ahead of the man, unable to puncture the shadows any further.

          "Ninjago was created by the first Spinjitzu Master by using the four weapons of Spinjitzu: the Scythe of Quakes, the Nunchucks of Lightning, the Shurikens of Ice, and the Sword of Fire, weapons so powerful, no one could handle all their power at once."

          There were rustling noises coming from the bushes nearby, and, with harsh growls, dark figures jumped out, closing in on the man. They wore heavy armor, layers of metal plates covering their chests, backs, shoulders, stomachs, and limbs. Huge helmets protected their heads, antler-shaped horns sticking out from the sides. The shadow warriors advanced with their swords held high, blazing, vile green eyes piercing the source of the light, which they very much detested.

          However, the man was incomparably stronger than all of them combined. With an easy, yet steady, wave of his sword, the fire scorched them all. They retreated a few steps, hissing at the light which reflected off of their horrid, gaunt faces. Once again, that man thrashed his weapon around, his face alight with determination as the shadows recoiled yet again. His chest brightened gold, and with a final thrust, he struck the burning sword deep into the ground, and it glowed beneath the feet of the warriors. They screeched painfully as their bodies dissolved from head to toe, black wisps billowing away into the distance, their armor clanging loudly as they fell.

          A great disturbing force briefly threw the man off guard as the ground cracked right in front of his feet. As the clearing shook violently, tendrils seeped their way out of the underground. The man glared at the unholy being towering over him, an enormous shadow cast upon his miniscule size. The beast was made from pure shades of night and had deep, violet eyes that stretched eerily, its gaping maw wide enough to swallow the realm whole. Roaring wildly, it wreaked havoc, thrashing its clawed hands around. Boulders hovered dangerously, shaking from the destruction of the divided land. Gripping his sword tightly with both hands, the man leaped forward, aiming one final blow that would surely deem peace...

          "When he passed, his two sons swore to protect the four weapons. But the oldest was consumed by darkness and wanted to possess the weapons."

          On the peak of a mountain stood an elderly sensei who greatly resembled his father, wearing a white kimono with a symbol embroidered on the right side, which looked like petals patterned in a circle. He had the same straw hat, a long white beard reaching his waist. He watched, with remorse, as the Dark Lord faced him, his black skin parched and rough. Grey-blue eyes met crimson red, and the younger of the two held his staff, bracing himself... shoving away the lost memories of his brother, who had been devoured from the evil within his veins...

          "A battle between brothers broke out, and the oldest was struck down and banished to the Underworld. Peace returned, and the younger brother hid the weapons. But knowing his older brother's relentless ambition for power, he placed a guardian to protect each of them. And for fear of his own demise, a map for an honest man to hide."

          Sensei Wu gently caressed the snout of the Fire Dragon, gazing absentmindedly at the Sword of Fire. With a light puff of smoke, the dragon awoke him from his thoughts. Sensei Wu gave the mythical creature specific orders to protect the Golden Weapon with its life at all times, and with that he walked away, ignoring the troublesome idea that his brother was beyond the edge in the Fire Temple, stuck in the Underworld...

          Well. He knew who to find. And he knew the ones who would be Ninjago's next hope.

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