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"Why didn't you have one of us come with you?! What if he did something to you?!" Kageyama shouted, shaking Hinata's shoulders and making him dizzy.

"I just wanted to see if he was okay!" The ginger cried, taking hold of the raven's hands. "Even if something did happen, I knew you guys would be there to help me! Otherwise, why would you've given me a time limit?"

In shock, Kageyama's grip loosened enough for Hinata to slip away and step behind Daichi for protection, but he was still smiling. "I might be a bit too reliant on you guys, sorry."

As the rest of the squad huddled around to see what the commotion was, their hearts nearly beat out of their chests. "Forget that! More like, we're too reliant on you!" Nishinoya bawled, pulling Hinata into a hug.

"What do you mean? I don't deserve you're kindness, Nishinoya-Senpai, but one day, I'll protect you all! I'll get super strong!" To prove his point, the ginger lifted his arm and put a hand on his... small bicep.

"There's no need for you to be, Hinata. We've devoted our lives to protecting you," Sugawara said, opening the door to the limo for the ginger. Daichi and Ennoshita stayed behind to pay for everything, so Hinata made a mental note to pay them back.

"But I feel so helpless, Suga-Senpai. From the moment I came here, I've been doing nothing but dragging you guys down." Tears began to well up in Hinata's eyes, startling the half of the squad who had gone to the limo.

"I-I want to get strong so I don't burden you guys anymore. You're all like family to me, which is why-" The little ginger was cut off by a hand being placed on his forehead and pulling him backward, where he crashed into a body.

To everyone's shock, Tsukishima was the first to embrace the weeping ginger. "How weak do you think we are? We're the most dangerous mafia in Japan, yet you're worried about our safety? That doesn't make any sense," he grumbled, tucking a hand into his pocket.

"Are you a dumbass? Why would you think you're burdening us, Dumbass!" Kageyama shouted, taking hold of Hinata's hand and gripping it softly.

"Hinata, you're the most valuable thing in our lives. Without you, we would've continued shrouding in darkness. You're light to us," Sugawara coaxed, kissing the ginger's cheek softly.

He could only sniffle and cry harder. Despite their kind words, he was still going to try and get strong. Not just to protect them, but to join them on the front lines. Hinata wanted to fight with them.

"Shouyou, please let us protect you. Please don't try to leave," Nishinoya cried, but this time, his tears were real. Just the mere thought of Hinata not being there with them made their very beings quake with sadness and rage.

If their little sunshine were to ever be taken away, they'd probably go on an unstoppable killing spree.


Hinata had fallen asleep against Yamaguchi on the way there, much to everyone else's vexation. "We're here," the driver whispered through the window separating them, aware of the sleeping ginger.

"Yes!" Tanaka and Noya whisper-shouted, pumping their fists up. "I'll carry Hinata inside, will you get his bags, Yamaguchi?" The greenette nodded, getting out of the limo once the ginger was pulled off of him gently.

Daichi adjusted himself so that one of his arms was under Hinata's knees, and the other was propping the ginger's adorable face against his chest. When he had fallen asleep, Sugawara explained what they had discussed, and it upset him a bit.

Not once had he ever thought of Hinata as a burden. No one did! To them, he was more than an angel, he was a God. A savior. To think that he'd want to get strong enough to leave them is- "Ushiwaka said he'd meet us in the first living room. Do you remember the way?"

Asahi asked, tucking his phone into his back pocket and glancing at the sleeping ginger. "Yeah, thank you." As the rest of the squad unloaded the luggage, Daichi made his way to the door, knocking with his foot.

"Oh, I'll get it!" He heard from the other side before it opened. A male with a purple bowl cut looked at him with confusion, seeing as Ushijima had already given them the okay to come in. He was about to question it until his eyes landed on Hinata.

Blushing, he slapped a hand over his mouth and continued to stare at him. Daichi was not happy. He made his way through the door and walked to the living room, disregarding the bowl-cut male. "Ushijima, you wouldn't happen to have a blanket around, would you?"

The man deemed 'Ushijima' turned away from his squadmate and looked at him with his natural stoic look, but his eyes widened upon viewing Hinata.

Again, seriously? Were we like this too? Poor Hinata... He thought to himself, suddenly a bit ashamed of the way he acted when he first met the ginger.

"Who's that? I don't remember him being here the last time we discussed something," the tall, beefy male said as he made his way to the defensive crow.

"He joined us recently. He's Ukai's nephew, and I don't think Boss would like it if he caught you ogling at him," Daichi spat, taking a step back. Sensing the body heat of another person behind him, the carrier of Hinata jumped, landing on the opposite side of the room.

"Woah~ What a cutie~" A red-haired male sang as he eyed Hinata. "Damn it, where are we sleeping?!" The black-haired male growled, holding Hinata closer to him unconsciously.

"... Fourth floor. It's the one above our rooms," Ushijima muttered, pointing his finger up as if Daichi didn't know where the fourth floor was. Without hesitation, Dachi stomped his way up the stairs. He definitely didn't like the looks they were giving the little ginger.

Once there, he slammed one of the room doors open and walked toward the bed, softly placing Hinata down and covering his small body with the blanket.

"This is going to be a long fucking trip," he groaned, running his fingers through his hair.


A/n: This is a bit of a filler, ahaha. Sorry, but I'm working on the upcoming chapters because I have a lot I want to add in. Also, sorry this story's so cringe lmao 🤢. I swear it didn't turn out like this in my head. (ಥ _ ಥ)

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