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The limo stopped at a secluded area where they would walk the rest of the way to the restaurant. It would cause too much attention if it suddenly pulled up at some small cafe.

"You okay, Hinata?" Yachi asked, placing a hand on his shoulder as he stepped into the alleyway with everyone else. "Y-Yeah, thank-"

He tried taking a breath but began choking on it as everyone panicked. Shimizu began patting his back in order to help him, which, in the long run, did. "Thank you, Kiyoko-San," Hinata said, holding his throat and sticking his tongue out in an attempt to soothe the burning in it.

"Bathroom..." Tanaka whispered, walking to the cafe as fast as possible. "Aye, wait for me, bro!" Nishinoya flusteredly ran after his friend.


Tsukishima was able to snag the seat in the booth next to Hinata since he had chosen to sit by the window. "Ah, look! Look!" The ginger shouted, taking hold of Tsukishima's sleeve and pointing out the window.


"Look at the squirrel! Isn't it cute?" Hinata giggled, putting his hands and face on the glass. "What can I get for you today?" A waiter asked politely, holding a pen and journal at the ready. He glanced over everyone at the table but was unable to see Hinata's face.

One by one, everyone ordered their breakfast until only Hinata was left. "Oh, there's another one!" The ginger peeped up, turning around with a large smile. "Look over there, Tsukishima-San!" Not noticing the waiter, Hinata pointed out the window to the two squirrels.

Everyone was ready to kill the waiter for goggling at their precious sunshine. "Hinata, you need to order something," Daichi whispered to him from the other side of the booth. Confused, the ginger turned away from the window, making eye contact with the awestruck waiter.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Can I have a strawberry milkshake please?" He said with a bashful smile. "Y-Yes, um, right away!" With a bow, the waiter left in a hurry, almost tripping when he entered the kitchen.

"Ugh, I already hate that guy..." Tsukishima muttered, pulling his phone out of his pocket. Everyone was minding their own business as they waited for the waiter to come back. Most of the squad had to sit at separate booths since their party was too big to fit into just one.

Daichi and Kageyama watched Hinata look out the window in awe at every little animal or person that passed by. Getting to watch all of his facial expressions and how his face would light up every time someone waved at him or a bird landed was entertaining.

"H-Here's your orders!" The waiter said, not-so-inconspicuously staring at Hinata. It seemed he had told his coworkers about the angelic ginger as well because they were all peering through the order window and kitchen door, which urked the squad to no end.

Sugawara began to pull a derringer from his pocket, which was harshly shoved back in by Kinoshita. "We're in public!"

"Um, what's-what's your name?" The waiter asked shakily. "Hmm? Me?" The ginger questioned, holding onto his milkshake with both hands as he took a sip of it. "Y-Yeah!"

"Oh, I'm Hinata Shouyou!" Hinata just smiled, kicking his feet back and forth beneath the table since his feet couldn't reach the floor. "Can I get... your number! Please!" Suddenly, Kageyama arose from his seat, glaring at the waiter.

"He's not interested! If you value your life, you'll fucking scram!" He yelled angrily, startling the rest of the customers. "Who do you think you are?! I didn't fucking ask you, so butt out!"

Deciding it was time to intervene, Daichi stood, holding an overly calm facade. "He's right. You really... don't wanna mess with us." It was then he noticed every member of the squad had a murderous aura. Their looks alone could kill him in a thousand different ways.

frightened, he took a step back, tripping over his foot as he did so. The little ginger, completely oblivious to the situation, gasped and stepped over Tsukishima to help him up. "Are you okay?" He asked, worry evident on his face.

As if a switch had been flipped the squad calmed and got back to their normal antics.

Well, after Tsukishima pulled Hinata back into the booth.

"Awe~ Hinata's so kind!~" Tanaka swooned, putting his hands on his cheeks to unsuccessfully hide his flushed cheeks. "Tell me about it! He's God-sent! An absolute angel!" Nishinoya added, blood dripping from his nose.

Hinata just sipped at his shake, looking up at the kitchen every now and then. Once he finished it, he stood and stepped over Tsukishima once again. "I, um, I need to go to the bathroom. I'll be back in a bit!"

Though they didn't seem to buy it, they shrugged it off. "Just hurry, okay? If you're not back in five minutes, we'll come in there," Daichi said, biting into his croissant. "Got it! I'll be back in five minutes then!"

When he was sure the squad wasn't looking at him, he slipped into the staff room, letting out a relieved sigh. "Um, you're not supposed to be..." The man trailed off, admiring Hinata's flawless looks, but he wasn't the waiter.

"I'm so sorry, but I wanted to talk with the man who waited our table. Is he here?" The little ginger walked away from the door and closer to the man, who seemed to be a dishwasher.

"You mean Gin? He's through that door right there." He pointed to a door to the left, and Hinata bowed his head and thanked him, to which the male flushed red.

Slowly, the ginger opened the door, seeing the male who had waited for them sitting at a table with his phone in his hand. "Excuse me?" At the familiar voice, the man sat up straight, looking to the doorway with a shocked expression.

"Ah, um, I wanted to make sure you were okay," the ginger muttered, walking to the male and standing beside him. "Y-Yeah, yeah. I'm fine, but your friends are... horrifying, to say the least." The man chuckled, placing his phone down.

"I'm glad to hear that. I don't have much time, but I wanted to give you something for your hard work. I have a feeling my friends wouldn't give you a tip, so..." Hinata put his foot on one of the chairs and pulled 4,000 yen out.

"Woah, I can't accept this." Gin held a hand up in refute, but the ginger just smiled, gently taking his hand and turning it over so he could place the money in it.

"Well, most of it's for the trouble we caused you. Once again, I'm sorry. I have to go, but I'll come back here one day if you'll have me!" Hinata giggled as he walked to the door, waving goodbye. "W-Wait!" Gin quickly stood, jogging to the ginger and pulling him into a hug.

It was rather uncomfortable for Hinata, but he chose not to say anything about it. "Thank you so much! I'll wait for you here! Please, come back," Gin pleaded, hesitant to let the ginger go. "I will. The milkshakes are really good here! Ahaha~"

As he snuck out of the door leading to the kitchen, he glanced toward his table and saw everyone staring at him with disappointment in their eyes.

He gulped.


The Light Under the Doorway | h. haremWhere stories live. Discover now