don't even need to touch me baby, just breathe on me

Start from the beginning

A peek at the clock tells Harry he's spent nearly half the class fantasizing about Louis, which – par for the course, really. But he moves his notebook into his lap half-heartedly, intent on actually listening. If he bites his lip while he sneaks a peak of Louis' arse, well, he's not perfect.

Class ends half an hour later and Harry does his typical sluggish routine of packing up slowly in case Professor Tomlinson tries to strike up a conversation. He's hopeless. Except today he actually does talk to him.

"Harry!" he calls.

Harry spins around and tries not to look too over eager as he bounds his way over to Louis like an excited puppy. "Yes, Professor?"

"Told you to call me Louis, Mr. Styles," Louis says in faux-sternness. Harry bows his head in acknowledgement. "Wanted to ask you something, actually. Judging by my grade book you have one of the highest grades in class right now." Harry tries not to let his surprise show. He thought for sure his struggle to keep his eyes off Louis' arse had actually manifested itself in poor scores this time around. "I'm going to start a bi-weekly study session for my Intro Lit course and I need a student to assist. I was wondering if you'd be interested?"

Bi-weekly study sessions. An extra twice a week he'd get to spend with Louis. There's a big part of Harry dancing inside; he tries to keep his face impassive.

Louis must take this impassiveness as a sign of reluctance, because he hurries to add, "You'll be paid for your time, of course! Twice a week, four hours, that'll be like...fifty quid, give or take? It'll look good on your resume too." Louis doesn't need to butter him up for this. Harry would do anything for him, probably. Hide a body? Sure. Accompany him on a trip to Mount Doom? Easy.

"Sure, Prof—Louis, yeah. Why not?" Harry answers.

"Great! I know it's hard for students to find jobs around this time of year, so hopefully this won't be a total waste of your time," Louis laughs. Harry chuckles awkwardly. Louis doesn't know about his job job. Money isn't exactly an issue. He doesn't need to know that.

"Sounds good to me, Louis."

Louis beams at him and sends him on his way.


Harry texts his roommate Niall on the way to his next class.

prof asked me to teach some extra study sessions w/ him :D

ayyyyyyy m8 get in !!! u excited ?

im nervous but like !!!! ya !!! :D

mayb if u get the d youll shut up about him from now on eh


:D :D :D :D 8===D


Harry prepares for work that night after giving Niall some money and telling him to do whatever he wants for a couple hours as long as he leaves the room. Niall knows what he does, of course, but, like, it's kind of awkward getting yourself off on camera with your roommate in the bed across from you watching something on Netflix. Bit hard to get in the mood.

As soon as the door shuts behind Niall, Harry walks into their ensuite and jumps in the shower. He cleans himself thoroughly and drapes a small towel around his waist when he leaves. He strolls across the room to quickly make his bed, propping a few decorative pillows on top for ambience. He lights a few of his cinnamon-scented candles placed on his nightstand to give the room a more seductive glow – not that any of his viewers will notice anything beyond his arse, but he wants to put forth an effort.

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