Chapter 8

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I awoke that night surrounded by the bodies of my boys. I had turned on my side sometime during my sleep, and Dwayne's arms had come around me tighter, pulling me back against him. David's hand had taken one of mine, his face to mine, his lips pressed against my knuckles. Paul's tall form had somehow curled just over David's, his hand grasped my other and was laying my palm flat against his cheek. And my lovely Marko had worked his way further up my body, his head rested just above my knees, his arms wrapped around my legs just at the bend of my knees. I smiled as I looked around me.

The candles that had been set up this morning were mostly out; a couple were guttering their last breaths, leaving the room in inky darkness. I smiled as I looked around me at my boys. I made a content sighing noise and tried to stretch a little, but they gripped me too tightly. I murmured their names quietly. Dwayne just held me tighter, and I felt his lips against my earlobe, making me shiver and heat pool in my core. Apparently my arousal awoke them, because David's eyes opened, followed by Paul's and Marko's. I couldn't see Dwayne's, but I felt him tense for a moment before his thumb began to rub circles just under my breasts. When their eyes first opened, they flashed gold before returning to normal and I had to tamp down my excitement a bit.

"Good evening, Princess," David said, rubbing a soft fingertip along my jaw before pressing it against my lips. I blushed and let him push it into my mouth and watched him go slightly slack-jawed and his eyes glazed when I nipped it. I felt a sudden pang run through me and groaned, catching all their attentions. I blushed and looked at David. "As much as I hate to interrupt, I'm afraid I need to make use of the closest bathroom," I said softly. Great, I thought, surrounded by hungry, horny vampires and I have to pee!

He nodded. "Dwayne, take Madison down the hall. There's that old bathroom there with the sunken tub we retrofitted a few years back," he reminded Dwayne.

"Come on, Princess," Dwayne said, making me squeal as he lifted me into his arms, stood and stepped over the bodies of David, Marko and Paul. He jumped down from the bed, making me yelp in fright of falling, and the others laughed. Dwayne landed solidly on both feet and carried me down the hallway and two door down on the right side, there was indeed a bathroom. It was lit up by moonlight, and was a beautiful rendition of an old roman bath house, as Victorians would have lovingly rebuilt it. A ceramic toilet with the old fashioned pull-top was on one side, and in the middle of the room was a sunken tub.

"Everything works, the tub will fill and drains, too. We all use it and it's deep enough for all of us," he said, grinning at me. I laughed and pushed him out of the room. "I'll be right out, won't be but a moment," I said.

"I'll be right outside to carry you back, my Princess. Don't make us wait," he said, bending over to run his lips over mine. I blushed. "Wouldn't dream of it," I said quietly, making him chuckle.

As I promised, I used the facilities quickly, washing my hands in the tub, which had a supply of constantly running water like a fountain. "Dwayne?" I called out, stepping carefully over a few rocks on the ground as I walked back to the doorway. He appeared at my side in a moment, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his chest, causing me to tip my head back to see him. "You called, Princess?"

I chuckled. "Finished," I said to him. He smiled and pulled me up to my tiptoes to kiss me. He then proceeded to toss me over his shoulder and carry me back to the bedroom where the boys were still laying. While we'd been gone, Paul and most likely Marko had found many more candles and they littered every surface of the room around the outer walls, but none too close to the bed or it's draperies. I was surprised to see them all still there, though they had moved a bit. David was leaning against the headboard, smoking, his black shirt and jacket off . Paul was at the bottom of the bed and had pulled his mesh shirt off, too. "Marko, send Star and Laddie to the boardwalk so that we can spend some time with our Princess," David ordered. Marko nodded and walked out of the room.

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