"Mr.Blum has never dared to be nice to a student and he even looked scared of you." She explained.

"Oh that was nothing. I have a file that all teachers are required to read. It tends to scare them off" I said in a loud whisper smiling.

"You're literally the coolest. Im Hailey" she said keeping the bright smile on her face.

"Im Isabella according to the feds but call me Izzie" I said causing her to laugh.

"Do I even wanna ask what's on that file" she asked

"No, but you might find out" I said chuckling to myself. We sat doing nothing for the rest of the period when Hailey dragged me to her locker.

"Ok so don't turn around yet BUT, the most popular and hot players of the school are about to walk by and we have next period with them." she squealed in my ear. As they walked by I got a good look at the three guys. They were extremely tall and towered over my 5'1 self. I couldn't see their faces too well but from what I could tell they were pretty muscular and hot. They disappeared into the classroom down the hall while Hailey was digging through her locker. We were late to class so once Hailey found her homework we ran.

Hailey walked through the door first and the teacher was absolutely furious that she was late to class. He was full on yelling in her face for literally nothing. 

What a bitch. 

I stepped into the room clearing my throat.

"Oh and you brought a friend that doesn't belong-" he yelled.

"Now that is no way to be speaking if you like your job" I interrupted

"Who do you think you are" he shouted angrily as I stood in front of Hailey

"Isabella Castillo, I suggest you go open your file on your desk and read it before you dare disrespecting me again." I said with a cold tone. He walked over to his desk and picked of the beige folder. Watching his face as he read through the papers he slowly became more and more terrified.

I dragged Hailey to two empty seats towards the back. On our way one of the boys that Hailey had pointed out earlier was staring at me with wide eyes and a look of shock on his face. I sent him a wink and a smile before sitting in the seats in front of them. Throughout the lesson the teacher kept glancing at me and pausing as if I would attack him. I put my head down for the rest of class and was woken up by Hailey poking me.

"Class is over" she said pulling me out of the desk. "You can eat with my friends and I for lunch they're gonna love you" She said as we walked into the cafeteria. Some girls waved at Hailey and we walked over to their table.

"Guys this is Izzie, she's new here. You're gonna love her, she scared of Mr.Smith" she said with a big smile. "Izzie, this is Naomi and Skylar"

"Hey, and Mr.Smith was not that big that big of a deal." I said nonchalantly

"Mr.Smith has never respected a student and some how you managed to shut him up in less than 2 sentences. It's a big deal" said Hailey. She explained the whole ordeal and Naomi and Skylar were in complete shock.

"Ok I literally love you" said Naomi.

"Where the fuck did you come from" said Skylar jokingly. We spent lunch talking and getting to know each other until the bell rang. 

I had a free period next which meant I could do my work or absolutely fucking nothing. Since I've been here for all of one day and have no work I chose option 2. I checked in for attendance before walking out to the back of the school. It was nice out and there was a picnic table underneath a tree. I went and sat down pulling the juul out of my back pocket.

I scrolled through instagram while inhaling the mango flavored nicotine into my lungs when I heard someone else near. I turned to see the boy that Hailey said didn't really talk much. He was leaning against the wall hitting his own juul and glance in my direction. We made eye contact and he took that as a sign to sit at the table with me. As he walked closet I got a good look at him. His eyes were a piercing grey and he had dark brown hair. he was about 6'4 and his jawline was so sharp it could slice my tires. It was safe to say he was hot. Just as he sat down the rest of the group quickly appeared out of seemingly nowhere.

"So new girl what's up with you" said one with blond curly hair and ocean blue eyes. He was probably 6'1 or 6'2.

"I don't really talk to strangers" I said taking another hit.

"The name is Elijah, that over there" he said pointing to a big with brown hair and hazel eyes "would be Isaiah and this right here" I said grabbing the shoulders of the insanely hot guy in front of me "is Xavier and if I heard Mr.Smith correctly you're Isabella"

"Only call me Isabella if you want to get yourself hurt, Izzie works perfectly fine" I said with a charming smile.

"So how'd you get Mr. Smith to shut the fuck up" asked Isaiah as he sat on the bench next to me.

"Honestly I don't get why this is a big deal, but I have a file that has to be sent to every school I attend. It tends to scare people" I explained.

"And what on this file" asked Elijah even more interested.

"Well Im trying to make friends here so I'll save that for another time" I said. Throughout my conversation which was more like an interrogation Xavier stayed quiet. Under the table Elijah took a dab pen from Isaiah's bag and went to hit it. Before he could push the button Isaiah had jumped over the table and held him in a head lock.

'I KNOW you were not about to just take a hit of my pen after you broke your own" he shouted keeping Elijah in a headlock on the ground. I looked at my phone to see that period was over and I turned to Xavier.

"Should we tell them" I asked him

"I got Elijah you get Isaiah" He said in a deep and husky voice. Xavier picked Elijah up in one swift move and I did the same to Isaiah. They brushed themselves off while running to catch up with Xavier and I.

"What class do you have?" asked Elijah while throwing his arm over my shoulders.


"Perfect so do we" said Isaiah throwing his arm over my other shoulder. We walked to class and got there right on time. As we walked into the empty seats I saw Hailey, Naomi, and Skylar. All them were in disbelief and I motioned that I would explain later. We sat down and I immediately put my head down to sleep. I was already fluent in Spanish so it was just an easy A for me.

"Should we wake her up?"

"She might hurt you"

I opened to see and empty classroom and Isaiah holding a book over my head ready to drop at any moment. Once he saw I was awake he threw it behind him hitting Xavier in the stomach.

"Now Im gonna hurt you" said Xavier and Isaiah hid behind Elijah.

"So anyways what are we doing" asked Hailey.

"You guys could come over to my house if you want" I suggested.The three girls nodded excitedly at me.

"We'll be there" said Elijah throwing Isaiah out from behind him. All seven of us walked out to the parking lot to our cars. Hailey came in my car and the rest filed into their own. I pulled out first and the rest followed.

"So how did you manage to become friends with the hottest guys" she asked.

"I had a free period and they came up to me. They're actually pretty nice and funny" I explained. She took this answer and I had a gut feeling that this was going to be a fun time.



I know it's a bit shorter than usual but Im trying to get these chapters out for you guys. I hope to write one more before Friday.

Please let me know what you think of it so far and what you wanna see in the future by commenting here ----->

I will be answering a couple questions every chapter to give you guys a better look on what you want to know about any characters, plot, setting, etc. Please ask any questions by commenting right here ----->

word count: 2120

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