chapter 6

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"Where are we going" Hailey asked hoping I would finally tell her. She was wrong.

"You'll find out but I need to get ready so entertain yourselves." I said walking to my closet. I stared at the huge room until a short finally sparked my interest. I put on a pair of baggy light wash jeans with a lace top. I paired it with a pair of black and white Jordans.

I walked out of the closet when I was done changing and into the bathroom

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

I walked out of the closet when I was done changing and into the bathroom. I straightened my hair and put on a little makeup, but not a lot. I threw on some gold rings and a thick cuban link necklace. I sprayed some perfume over my body and decided I was ready. 

"You look like a whore" said Isaiah the moment I stepped out.

"and you look like a failed abortion" I said sarcastically smiling at him.

"haha very funny" he mocked.

Hailey got off the bed and watched me go into a safe on the shelf. Slowly this caught everyone's attention but I couldn't care less. I had money to make tonight. I punched in the code to the safe making sure nobody else saw


The safe opened and everyone had gotten off the bed to watch me. I pulled out a shiny, black, semi- automatic hand gun. I spun it around in my hand feeling the hefty weight of it.

"Ready?" I asked the four that were going with me.

"lets go"

"you're gonna get us killed"


They all spoke at the same time as I dragged Xavier, Hailey, Elijah, and Isaiah out of the house. I opened the doors of my car which everyone pretty much had the same reaction. We got in the car and I checked my mirrors before revving the engine and speeding onto the highway. Xavier sat in the front while the other three sat in the back since Xavier was the tallest. It was relatively quiet until finally someone spoke.

"would you like to explain" Hailey asked.

"only if you promise me it won't change the way you see me." I said focusing on the road

"Izzie what are you so scared of" asked Elijah

"here goes nothing bitches " I took a deep breath and thought about what my next words were. "I have to start from the beginning because that's only fair to you. When I was around three my dad died, my mom was severely addicted to drugs and it only got worse as time went on. She was violent and abusive towards me and encouraged her boyfriends to act the same. I met Shea in the super market when I was 7 and he was 10. He told me he could help me and keep me safe. He introduced me to a man who taught me to defend myself. As I got older he taught me to street race and fight. Im the youngest and most dangerous girl in the illegal world. Mafias know my name and that's how I make money. My mom is in jail and I moved so that when she gets out she couldn't find me. Im pretty much rich and raise myself." I finally finished and my hands were gripping the steering wheel and turning white.

"how can you be so dangerous you're literally 5'1?" asked Isaiah.

"you're about to find out boys" I said turning off the road. Down a long dark alley there were stadium lights I was home. All eyes went to my car as we drove through the crowds. "Now its time for rules because you four are practically children. Don't talk to anybody, don't touch anything, don't look at anything for too long. I will leave you with my friends but don't leave them unless you're with me. If anyone gives you an issue tell them you're with me. Got it?"

"yes mother" they responded in unison.

I parked my car next to our tent and we all got out. I felt Xavier right behind me and even though I didn't need it I felt protected. We hadn't really talked since our moment but I was glad he was here. All my friends were behind me and after a second my family came into sight. Brooke, Ollie, and Ben came sprinting towards me. They took me into a group hug before letting go.

"So who are the replacements behind you?" Brooke asked pointing to my friends behind me.

"Shut up, this is Hailey, Isaiah, Elijah, and Xavier" I said pointing to each one.

"So quick to find a new version of us" Ben said putting his hand on his heart.

"You were getting pretty boring" I said laughing.

"So they're gonna stay with us while you win" Ollie asked

"Dont jinx it" I said hitting him in the arm.

"Im sure you'll do great" Hailey assured me

"Oh I know Ill do great but I have to be the best." I said starting to stress myself out.

"time to go chief" Shea said from behind me. I waved at everyone and started over to my car. Sitting in the front seat I made sure everything was just how I like it. After the tenth time of looking over the car a drove to the start line. There were a bunch of unrecognizable cars that I didn't know. I didn't even see Wyatt anywhere which was strange.

The countdown begun and I held the steering wheel ready. I stared intently until the flag waved down. I stepped on the gas and got a lead on everyone. I saw the first turn coming so I jerked the wheel as far left as it could go. Once I got around it I straightened back out and sped down the straightaway. I took a few more turns until the final stretch. In my rear view mirror I saw him. Wyatt was speeding through cars and catching up to me. In the last few seconds we were neck and neck. I put my car into nitro and cut in front of him through the finish line.

I practically jumped out of my car in happiness. This was what I was good at, and I loved it. I walked to go collect my money and I saw Brooke and Xavier talking. Fucking weirdos.



I know its a very short chapter but school has been absolutely insane.

Please let me know what you think of it so far and what you wanna see in the future by commenting here ----->

I will be answering a couple questions every chapter to give you guys a better look on what you want to know about any characters, plot, setting, etc. Please ask any questions by commenting right here ----->

When will the next have to be out and if you have one what's your posting schedule? 

I try to post once a week around Wednesday or Thursday. Sometimes this doesn't happen because I am a sophomore so bear with me.

word count: 1145

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