Peter P X Bi!Nb!Stark Reader

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Well, you thought yourself, I want to die. Not that that's different from any other day.

"Hey kiddo! Good day at school?" Tony shouted over at you

"Well I roped myself into a D&D campaign with Peter so not really Dad," you replied

As your dad passed you an almond milk latte he asked "Wanna talk about it?"

"Not much to it," you replied with as you took a sip of your coffee "I got roped into a D&D campaign that starts on Saturday. With Peter. I'm so dead."

"Why???" Tony asked teasingly

"I may or may not have a thing for your 'intern'!" you replied sticking your tongue out

"How will my dearest spawn deal with this?? Liking... a HUMAN??" he replied with leaning back dramatically

"Stuff it. Least I don't like my old flings niece like capsicle,"

"I heard that!" Steve said from his room

"Damn super hearing!"


"Oh for fu-... anyways anything new with you?"

"Not much besides boring meetings and meeting someone," Tony responded with

"Oooohhh, spill the tea - well coffee. Who, where, how?"

"Her name is May, at that coffee shop you go to all the time and I got her number from Peter,"

"May... Peter," you start mumbling "WAIT. Peter's Aunt May?????" You yell

"Yeah, she's really nice we're meeting again on Saturday actually! I think she mentioned Peter talking about you a lot ," Tony replied with teasingly

"Fuuuuuckkk" you whisper to yourself

Well, life got a whole lot more interesting.

Sorry for the long break. Writer's block is a bitch. This is also going to be a multi parter so this is just the foundation. Byee

Marvel X Male/Non-binary ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz