Pietro X NB!platonic reader

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Before the story, this is gonna be the Fox universe version of Quicksilver/Pietro. Also it's gonna be third person

"Pietro!!" You tell from your room in the Tower, hopelessly wishing Wanda was here to rein him in.

Quick as a blur he was behind you grinning "Yeah?" he asked with fake innocence.

"You know this means war right?" you said looking at your bed with shaving cream on the pillow you had just rested your head on.

"YES!" he yelled excitedly "I haven't had a prank war in ages!"

2 hours later

"Pietro, y/n. what is this?"

Oh shit, you thought Wanda had gotten back.

"Hey sis...... it's not what it looks like. I swear," Pietro said trying to smooth things over.

"So this isn't a prank war you two started. Without ME?" Wanda asked eyebrow raised.

"You wanna join?" you asked her, barely getting the words out before having a ball of whipped cream punted at you.

"You know, Tony's gonna have a fit," Pietro commented

"Wanda can fix it" I responded with as we continued, pranking each other and the other Avengers rooms.

Marvel X Male/Non-binary ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now