"Yeah, and he'll deal with it in a way everyone will have to hear it."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" She asked defending Damon and herself in a very bossy way.

"I mean... that if you weren't vampires, he'll deal with it in a you'll have a bunch of Bennny's running around everywhere." A smile grew on my face and a laugh came along with it, she had the same reaction. There was definitely a punch in the shoulder involved, but she laughed. She smiled.

"We should get inside." She said calming down her laughter, I nodded and got out of the car then opened up her door. We walked to the front door and Benny instantly cried out for her, it almost sounded close to her name than anything. She looked at me and her eyes lit up with pure joy, she smiled at him and started to talk in a high pitched voice.

"Benny! Did you miss me?" She asked in a high voice, it made my ears hurt but I smiled. She lifted him up in the air and he was squealing adorably. She was blowing air kisses at him and throwing him softly up until the air making him get excited. I couldn't look away from them.

He won me over.

No, Raes love and care for him won me over.

I cared for this... baby. This... thing.

Because of her. And I didn't know how to feel about it.

She turned around and smiled at me while hold Ben close to her body. She was about the throw him up again as he laughed but Mark grabbed her attention instead, he grabbed mine too. I looked away from her to see him, he had just entered the room.

"Let's get this thing going." He said forcefully ripping Ben out of her hands, his smile dropped along with Raes and he started to throw a tantrum. Rae scowled at him and went silent, fully frustrated. She cared for the little guy, I know that Ben being a thing and existing or even being here made the merge harder for Rae. They didnt know about the bond yet, and I sure as hell wasn't going to be the one to tell them.

She came to my side the second Mark pushed everyone out the door. Her whole entire coven followed us on our way over, about 26 people were behind Rae, Ryan and I leading the group to the field behind my childhood home.

This was important to everyone involved. I was just surprised that roughly 30 or more people could fit inside that house.

When we got to the center of the huge field behind my house, her coven grouped up, it was time for me to instruct them. I just didnt know what to tell them.

"Kai, teach us the spell. How to do it, what everyone else needs to do." Rae muttered.

"Right," I cleared my throat. "So all of you cam stay there, us three are going to come back a few yards away from you all. Just in case." I announced turning away and backing up. I didnt like having to show everyone what to do.

Ryan and Rae stood beside each other facing me as I faced them and their family. "Rae, do you remember some of the spell from me and Jo?" She chuckled at me on a non hysterical way and I nodded.

"Right. So what you are going to do is stand across from each other holding hands, and you'll say Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis feantas."

"Kai, you actually need to go step by step into the spell." She mumbled. "God your lucky your family is dead, I dont know how youd council them." She said under her breath, that wasnt meant for anyone to hear, only me and Ryan did. I glared at Rae as she mumbled what she remembered of the spell and Ryan chuckled.

"Sanguinem desimilus," I introduced, they easily repeated together. "sanguinem generis feantas." They repeated. "Great. All together now."

"Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis feantas." We all said, they both looked at me and I nodded. "Let's start the spell." I whispered.

"Ok so what will happen after they merge their magic, they'll both pass out. There magic will essentially be stripped and will 'battle' the other. The first one to wake up.. will win." I disclosed loudly, then I gave the two a nod.

"Close your eyes and start the spell. This part wont hurt as bad as the rest." Rae had closed her eyes but they shot open when I brought up pain, I gave her a reassuring look and she sighed, closing her eyes.

"Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis feantas." They whispered.

"Louder. Say it like you mean it otherwise we will be here all day." I harshly stated. I didnt want to see her fall over as her blue eyes turned to a solid white. I didn't want to risk losing her.

"Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis feantas." They repeated more powerfully this time.

"Good." I whispered taking a step back. A very small smile came across Raes face as she heard my praise, then it left faster than it came.

They kept chanting. The temperature escalated quickly, it soon got very warm and the wind pick up, making it very humid out with a cooling breeze.

The trees spiraled around as normal from the wind, it sound like a storm was brewing. The street lights a couple hundred yards away from us sparked and went out.

Rae cringed as her chanting got weaker and Ryan's was louder. I saw her stiffen up as she made an effort to keep going. Then both of their eyes flashed open and turned white. I knew what to expect, I knew this would happen but I still felt the urge to pull her away from it. I knew this hurt her, I could hear it in her voice and it devastated me.

Ryan's chants go so loud it was even hard for me to hear Rae. The wind got stronger, the powerline posts were even moving while the trees were almost bending over and snapping in two.

Then everything was still.

And I mean everything.

I heard the breaths of Ryan and Rae cut off as they both fell to the ground. I just stood there, my hands clasped together in front of myself. Callie ran up to Ryan and pulled his body a step away from Raes.

I watched over her. Waiting for a breath, a twitch, a faint heart beat. But there was nothing. The only good part about this was that none of that was happening to Ryan either.

This was the part that hurt the most, but the power that the winner feels when they stand up is forgivable enough for all the pain the merge did to them.

About 7 minutes passed by without anything from either of them. No one moved. I was starting to think something was wrong.

Theoretically, this was normal enough for them, especially because this was the first time this family has merged in a very, very long time. But could it really take this long for them to decide who was the winner and who was the loser?

I was getting impatient. I started to pace back and forth, then when I was looked away from both of them I heard a gasp. I quickly spun around, a heart beat came.

But it was Ryans.

He didnt seem very conscious of what was happening. He was very delusional, he wasnt sane.

I looked over to Rae. Her immortality couldn't save her. She laid there still as Ryan freak out behind me, babbling on and on about the pain in was that didnt make sense to me.

But I didnt try to make sense of it.

Rae was dead.

And there wasn't a single thing I could do about it.

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