I headed through the cafeteria and saw non of them were there so I went straight to the fields and saw them all gathered on the grass, basking in the sun's warmth. It hit me as soon as I exited outside and made my way down the steps and past the lakes.

"Ayla!" Flora's happy voice travelled over to me as she waved her hands at me telling me to come sit with them. I wondered over smiling at them all, "Hey guys." They all smiled and continued their conversations.

I sat down beside Riven and Musa sat to my left, there was no Beatrix or Dane today with us. "How did the meeting with Dowling go?" Riven didn't look at me but was obviously speaking to me.

Turning to face him, I saw him let put a cloud of smoke leaning his head back. God it was hot. Hot enough to almost make me forget to reply. Almost, "Yeah it was alright, she won't let me go after the burned one which is so unfair because I could definitely help-" I stopped talking when he turned his head and those piercing green eyes met mine.

"No way are you going after than burned one." He looked so serious but at the same time unbothered. I really had no clue how I did it.

"But I know I can-" A sharp pain shot through my stomach, feeling like someone was twisting a blade in me. Riven's arm shot out to me as I leaned back slightly trying to stable myself.

"I know you help and protect yourself, but in this state you are no help to them and you have to accept that for now. They will find it and kill it." His words comforted me like no one elses could. It was a weird feeling.

I nodded and agreed with him before we got involved in the conversations being held by the group. We all carried on talking for the next half an hour until the bell rang and as we walked away from the boys, Riven brushed his hand against mine. This made my cheeks burn a bright red but my hair thankfully covered it up.

The day went on but half way through magic training with Dowling, I couldn't carry on so I went back to the dorm to rest.

When I entered the suite I headed to the bathroom and threw up, which did not help with the pain already there. There was blood mixed with throw up and the sight made me shudder. I rinsed out my mouth and drank some water before I lifted my shirt to look in the mirror.

There was a black circle that seemed to spread across my stomach and through my veins, clearly visable on my skin. It looked horrific and I quickly put my shirt back down after applying some more of the elixir.

The pain ebbed away slightly as I went to my room and lay down but I got a text before I could. It was lunch now but I wasn't hungry so I just checked my phone.

Hey :)
Heard you went back to
the dorms, I'll come over
later Firefly <3

The message sent from him carved a smile into my face and made my stomach swarm with butterflies, the effect he always had on me. I changed into some black shorts and an oversized shirt to hide the black mark.

An hour later I woke up and it was now 2 o'clock menaing school was over now and everyone should be back soon. I brushed my hair when I saw the birds nest that was caused from my sleep.

I had no makeup on anyway today so I just waited for everyone to arrive back. When no one came I got very confused until the door opened and I walked into the living room to see Riven.

Right Or Wrong Move | Riven | Fate: the winx sagaWhere stories live. Discover now