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The Normal Life

IT HAD BEEN 7 years since she ran and 7 years since she had heard someone calling her by her real name. In the years that passed, she had used all the identities she had acquired and for the past 6 months, she was Andy Lores – barista and baker by day and sad, lonely adult by night.

She had spent the first 4 years on the run, not staying in places any longer than 3 months until she was sure no one was after her anymore and she started extending her stays until she felt like starting over.

It had been a lonely few years. Whatever friends she had made, she was always forced to leave without saying goodbye and it hurt every single time. Over the years, Andy had gotten used to having no attachments, she found it better that way because when she'd have to inevitably leave, it wouldn't be as painful.

She was currently walking down the quiet streets of Washington, D.C. early in the morning for her shift at the small cafe-bakery she worked at: Jackie's. Jackie was a sweet old woman who gave Andy the job when she found out the young woman could bake up a mean cupcake and cookie.

She watched the way the sun peaked through the buildings, lighting up the pink and orange sky. It was moments like this that made waking up so early for her morning shift worth it.

Andy hummed along to Taylor Swift through her earphones as she walked, her black boots hitting the concrete as she made sure not to step on any cracks. Instinctively, Andy glanced over her shoulder regularly to make sure no one was tailing her. Life on the run really did make you paranoid. She was just happy she had her baton hidden in her bag.

Andy reached the cafe and took out the keys, unlocking the door. She walked inside and flipped the light on before she put her belongings in the back. Putting her light blue apron on, the woman started to set up for the day, setting up the chairs and turning on the machines.

The door opened 20 minutes later and she looked up to see Rose. She was a 23-year old woman who recently graduated from college and she was also Jackie's granddaughter. Her green eyes landed on Andy and she grinned. "Good morning, Andy."

"Hey, Rose." Andy smiled. "You're in good spirits. Good night I'm guessing?"

Andy enjoyed Rose's company. She reminded her of her cousin, Gemma. The two would have been great friends.

"I got a whole 9 hours." Rose informed happily as she put her apron on and started to brew tea and coffee, followed by putting the pastries Andy had made out in the display cases. "What about you?"

"6. I got 6 hours of sleep." Andy sighed.

"And yet you still opened up." Rose said. "What a Saint."

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