Chapter 5: Remember Me

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"Hello Primrose, my name's Cinna. I'm going to be your stylist during these games."

"Nice to meet you," I return. I try not to think about how bare I am. I subconsciously cross my arms across my chest.

* "Just give me a moment, all right?" he asks.

He circles me, the way Haymitch did on the train, wanting to see if I've got all the characteristics he's looking for. I feel vulnerable, but I remind myself that cameras will follow me everywhere in these games, and this is just the beginning. I try to get used to this feeling— the feeling of being watched. It's hard to shake.

The first thing Cinna comments on is my hair. He asks how I do my braids each morning.

"Usually, my older sister Katniss braids them," I respond, "but today it was prep team."

"Well, they suit you very well, Primrose."

"Thank you."

And without really meaning to, I break out in an abrupt question.

"Are these your first games? I mean, I've never seen you on TV, that's why I'm asking, not because, you know, you've done anything wrong or anything."

"This is my first year."

"And is that why you got my district? The worst one?"

He ponders, seems to mull over it for a while, before telling me, "No, I asked for it."

He stops me from asking any further questions by handing me a soft, simple gown. "So we can talk," he explains, "without you feeling awkward." I thank him before slipping it on. Warmth spreads throughout my body.

Cinna leads us to the red, velvet couches with a table in between. He kindly gestures for me to take a seat, and so I do. He presses a button, and our dinner rises from a plate underneath the metallic table. If only food was this simple back in twelve— available at the tip of our fingers.

"So, Primrose—"

"You can call me Prim, actually," I tell him. For some reason, I feel comfortable around him. He has a calming demeanour that no other Capitol citizens seem to share with their buzz and excitement for everything. Cinna is composed, and something about him tells me, "You can trust me. You can rely on me. You can depend on me."

"Alright then, Prim, Portia and I have been discussing what outfits we'd like you and Peeta to try out." He takes a spoonful of soup before continuing. I do the same as I keep listening. "As you know, the costumes for the games reflect the specialty for each district. And we, District 12, are stuck with coal mining."

The way he says "we" throws me off, but I just nod along. Coal mining. It sure is one unlucky district to be stuck with. District 1 always has beautiful outfits, no exceptions. It's probably impossible to come up with a hideous outfit when your speciality is jewellery. I just take a moment to be thankful I won't be a tree from Seven, a cow from Ten, nor a fish from Four.

"We've been thinking of ways to get the crowds to remember you. We want you and Peeta to stand out the most from all the tributes." pause. "All the tributes."

I nod along. It's the all-so-famous tribute parade, and we have to stand out to get sponsors. This has never worked out well for those from Twelve, in their coal miner outfits, or one year, when our tributes were stripped naked and covered in coal dust. I was three during this Game, and it scarred me for life.

"Coal miner suits?" I ask cautiously. It'll be better than coal dust. Anything but coal dust.

"Actually, no. We're going to be focusing more on the coal this year," Cinna tells me.

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