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「WARNING!!! This chapter will contain violence, and will have very detailing text, will include BDSM, Torture, and more things related to violence, please do not read this chapter if you'll think you'll get easily disturbed, I'll try to release the next chapter ASAP for those who are easily disturbed」

Not once have I ever been scared... Sometimes I would fake it... Or force myself to smile... But right now.... Fear is covering my entire body...
"Tell me, is this where he touches you? "... " Nggh... N-Nothing like that... "... "Still won't tell me the truth then, huh?.... Your very loyal to your Master... "....
Despite me crying... He continues on.... It hurts a lot... But feels good.... Oikawa never did anything like this... It scares me, but no matter how hard I try to escape these chains...... I'll stay locked up....
" NNGGHHAAAA!!!?!?!?! ".... " Oh? Did I find your weak spot? Damn, only with a finger and I already found it, your ears are also a sensitive spot.... How cute~.... ".... " St-Stop it.... Nggh.... I don't like it wh-when you lick my ears.... "... " Thats dissapointing, but who ever said you could say your opinion about it? You really are loyal to that bitch Oikawa... ".... SMACK.... " G... GAAH... NGH... ".... " Holding back are you? Then let me see how much you handle... "... BITES.... " H-HAAAAH...... GAAH.... "....
He keeps slapping me with something that has the same texture as leather.... It hurts.... He keeps slapping me.... And biting me.... This isn't pleasure..... It's pure torture for me.....  
" Oh, I didn't see this before, but the scars on your back... That fucking bitch Oikawa did this to you, didn't he?.... "..... " Y-Yeah... He did.... B-BUT!!! He was in a bad mood at the time... Um... K-Kai?... "....
That was the sound of a door... Did he go out?.... Can I escape? But for some reason.... I can't... I know it's because of the chains... And because of how much he slapped me with that leather thing.... Each time I try to move my body... It hurts....
" K-Kai?... Is that you? "... " Yep, sorry, I had to get something... I can't believe that the shitty bastard did this to you, he was better off dead with Mom.... ".... " What're you talking about?.... And you said you got something.... Wh-What is it exactly....? ".... " Your about to find out... But first, guess what it is~"..... SWISH..  ..
I.... I can't breathe.... What the hell.... Why..... Why the hell..... How.... WHY THE HELL DID HE OPEN ONE OF MY SCARS WITH A FUCKING KNIFE?!?!
" Tell me, little Tobio... What do you think I brought with me~? "... " G-Gaaah..... It's a fucking knife.... B-But why.... ".... " Why? Well, I think it should be pretty obvious...... Hahaha hahahaha.......
It's because I absolutely love the sight of seeing people bleeding and getting torn up into pieces, I guess you could say I'm pretty interested in murder~".... "HOW IS THAT SOMETHING TO BE INTER---?!?! "...... SMACK.. .  " You shouldn't talk.... Unless you want me to cut something else besides a scar.... Maybe a limb? Hahahahha~~"....
HES A TOTAL PSYCHO.... I need to get out of here.... But how can I..... WHEN A MURDERER IS IN FRONT OF ME?!?!?!?! I just have to play along for now... There's not that many choices.... And if I can play my cards right... I might be able to get out if here....... But that depends....
On how much he plans to use me...
"I've been getting a bit tired with hearing you yell.... And by putting this on you....... There, all set, well? How is it? You can feel your body tighten due to the leather, right? "..... " MRRRFFF!!!! ".... " Still being disobedient.... Take this as punishment... ".... SSHHHHHH..  .....
" I-IT BURNS!!! STOP IT PLEASE!!!!.... NNGGAAAAAAA?!?!?!?! ".... " How cute... "....
My entire body.... Feels like it's on fire.. He's using a candle.... And it's lit on fire... And the wax on the candle is melting onto my body.... It burns... It hurts..... ? !?!?!?!
" STOP IT!!! NOT THERE ANYWHERE BUT THERE?!?!?! GAAAAAAAH?!?!?! ".... " It's troublesome... You won't listen to a single thing I say.... You're very disobedient.... So, take into consideration, with this burning wax on your reopened scar.... ".... " GAAAAAAAAAAAH?!?!?! NGGGAAAHAGAHA?!?!?!? "....
" Let's stop here for now... I bet all the burning wax did a toll on your body, since it looks pale and fragile.... ".... " Haaaaah..... Why.... Why are you doing this to me? What's your gain into doing this.... Is it the bet that you and the others made...? "..... " Well shit, Oikawa told you.... That fag.... But yes, it's about the bet.... You see, I plan to have you all to myself... I want to train you into becoming an obedient pet... And doing what ever I tell you to do... But let's dig into the main course shall we~? "..... " W-What are you tal--GAAAAAAAAAAAAH?!?!?! ".....
He took my blindfold off... I could see all the blood... I was silent as if I was already dead.... Blood covering my entire back... His bloody hands.... And the bloody handprint on the candle... Everything.... The burn marks.... Everytime he touches them.... It hurts... But more blood appears on my body.... And.... The reopened scar... Still spilling blood... When he pushes on it... It spills more blood.....
" T-Take it out..... Please... ".... " Why should I? Does it hurt? ".. " It hurts.... So please... J-Just ta--NNNGGAAAAAAAA?!?!?!".... "I'm not taking shit out, I don't care if I didn't loosen you up... It's better this way~"..
" Your crying now...?... Did it really hurt that much..? ".... " Y-Yeah... I'm s-sorry... But please take... T-Take it out please... ".... " I normally never do this... But fine.. I'm sorry, but I think now's the time to let you go back... As much as I honestly hate having you go back to him... That's where you really want to go.. ".... " Thank you.... Um but... Where are my clothes..? ".... " Oh yeah, I burned them, so just wear mine, might be a bit big though, but ... Heh~"..... "H-HEY!!!! ".....
He let me go... And he called for his driver to drop me off at Oikawa's Mansion.... But it's uncomfortable... My back still hurts... And I can still feel blood pouring out... I'm guessing that's why he let me wear black clothes... It still hurts down there.. I can even feel the knife.... Even if Kai's not in here with me, it feels like he's right behind me.... With a knife stabbing me....
In front of 「Seijoh's Mansion, Front Gate」..
" T-Thank you... "... " Have a good day.. "....
I feel scared, being in front of the Mansion... I'm scared as too how Oikawa will react.... But despite all of that.. Did Kai really have to put THAT  in my ass.... It's hard to walk.. And each time I walk forward, it moves from side to side... I feel like I might break at any moment....
" Iwa-Chan, get the car ready, we have to fi--?!?!?! TOBIO-CHAN?!?!?! ".... " KAGEYAMA?!?! ".... " Uhh.... Sorry for making you worry? "..... " Tobio-Chan... Tell me who kidnapped you... "....
If you tell anyone, even Oikawa, I swear I'll kill you right in front of them, wouldn't that be great? 
" Nobody took me... I... I just wandered off.... ".... " Follow me inside Tobio-Chan... Now   .. ".... " A-Alright... "...
He's gonna do it again... He's angry... He's gonna bang my head against a wall... He's gonna punch me until I bleed... He's gonna make for scars....
But how can he do that when Kai already did all of that...?....
In this bet over me.... Where do I even stand? What's my role or placement in this world.. The answer is simple...
Everyone just sees me as a slave... One that they can use to fulfill their sexual desires... And one that they can beat up... I knew I shouldn't...
I should have listened to my mother... Falling in love with a King will only bring bloodshed..

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