Chapter Twenty Three

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\\Sophia's Pov\\
After dinner with Gemma and Michal we say goodbye and head back to Harry's mom's house to grab our things. Harry unlocks the door and holds a finger to his lips. "Harry the lights were on, she's obviously still awake," I say and he shakes his head with the most serious look on his face.
"How was your double date?" Anne asks and I look at Harry. I cross my arms and give him a look as if to say I told you so and he rolls his eyes. "It was good, but mum I think we're going to drive to my place in London. I told Sophia I'd show her and I figured while we're here it would be a good time."
"Oh. Well if y'all want to meet one last time before you leave give me a call. I love you Harry."
"I love you too mum," Harry says hugging her. They hold each other tight and I can only imagine how hard it must be for him to leave. "Harry, why don't we just stay here?"
"What? No"
"Harry..." I say and Anne smiles. "You should use all the time you have with your mom."
"Sophia don't worry about it, Gemma and I are flying to LA in a week or so," Anne says and I sigh.
"Are you sure Harry?" I ask and he nods.
"Sophia could I speak to you?" Anne says and I nod.
"I'll go start packing," Harry says and walks off. I follow Anne to the couch and look around nervously. "I'm really glad you and Harry made up... and more than that he told me you misjudged him a little in the beginning so thank you for letting him show you he's a good man."
"I didn't realize he'd told you that," I say and she smiles.
"You don't have to worry I know it was an honest mistake.. and he really loves you I can tell."
"He cares about you so much and he has the biggest heart and he always talks about you and you know that look that a man will give you when loves you?"
"I'm afraid not."
"Well I can't show or tell you but I can tell. And he is so happy with you."
"I'm happy with him too. And Gemma is so sweet and you were really great welcoming me into your home when all Harry and I did was fight... it probably wasn't a very good trip."
"Nonsense. It helped fix things didn't it?"
"I guess," I say and Anne smiles. "I really do care about him too maybe not as much because well I've been hurt... and I never wanted to rush into anything and now look where I am." I laugh and Anne sighs.
"But you're happy aren't you?"
"Of course it's just surprising I guess," I say and Anne smiles.
"It really was lovely to meet you Sophia. And I hope I'll get to see you again soon when you and Harry are on much better terms," she says and I nod.
"Thank you" I say and she smiles. She hugs me and I can't help but smile. Harry comes back in with his suitcase and I sigh. "I better start packing."
"Of course dear."
"Thank you again," I say and she smiles. I begin walking to the guest room and hear Anne.
"She's lovely Harry, and I know I don't need to say this but make sure you treat her right... no girl deserves to have their heart broken" I hear Anne say and smile a little.
I feel someone shake me awake and groan. "Harry let me sleep," I say and he shakes me again.
"No Sophia, wake up," he says and I groan.
"Harry I believe your exact words were 'I'll drive us to London and you can sleep,'" I say sitting up.
"You've been asleep for two hours now look out your window." I sigh and do as instructed. "It's beautiful," I say.
"See why I woke you up? Don't worry darling we're almost to my house and you can sleep there." He says and I smile.
We pull up to his house and I look around. "Dang Styles you have good taste," I say referring to how the place is decorated.
"Really Sophia it's not that nice," He says. I leave my luggage in the living room and throw myself onto his couch. "Come on sleepyhead, let's go to bed," Harry says, holding out his hand. I take it and he pulls me up off the couch. "What a cutie," he says and I roll my eyes. "Pouty but cute."
"Just show me where the bed is please," I whine and he laughs. He shows me to his spare room and I throw myself onto the bed. "Goodnight beautiful," He says and I turn my head to look at him.
"Goodnight Harry," I say and he shuts the door and turns off the lights behind him.
I wake up the next morning and look around the bedroom. It takes me a moment to remember where I am so my anxiety skyrockets for a moment. I slide out of bed and open the door as I see Harry carrying a plate. "Oh no, you ruined the surprise. I was gonna bring you breakfast in bed," He says and I smile. I jump onto the bed and pat the right side so he'll sit beside me.
He sits down on the bed beside me and hands me the plate. "Ooh pancakes, bacon, and eggs. What an angel," I say and he shrugs.
"I just like doing nice things for my beautiful girlfriend. Especially now that you've forgiven me," Harry says and I kiss him on the cheek. "Oh I forgot something." He runs out of the room and I pop a piece of bacon into my mouth. He comes back with a glass of orange juice in one cup and coffee in the other. "Thank you," I say, taking the glass of orange juice from him and taking a big drink.
"You know you're cute when you're sleepy," He says and I smile.
"Am I now?" I ask and he nods.
"Mmhm," He says and leans forward. Our lips meet and I smile when we pull away. "We should argue more often," I joke and he shakes his head. I laugh and take a bite of eggs. "This really is nice Harry," I say and he smiles.
"Anything for you princess," he says and I smile.
"Can we just stay in bed all day?"
"Uh uh. I did not drive all this way just so you could stay in bed" he says and I roll my eyes.
"Well you were the one who wanted to drive to London last night instead of staying in Cheshire, remember?"
"Whatever you know you're happy to be here. And I know you're gonna love it."
"Maybe I will, maybe I won't."
"We both know you will, you're just being stubborn, my angel."
"Am I being stubborn? Hadn't noticed," I say and he laughs.
"You're so cute. Now finish eating so I can show you around London," Harry says kissing my forehead.
"Yes sir," I say and he smiles.
I finish eating breakfast and change into a light pink shirt and ripped jeans. I walk into Harry's living room and look around for him. "Harry?" I call out. I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me and smile. "Guess who?" He says and I roll my eyes.
"Well I certainly hope it's Harry and not some random guy in his house," I say and he turns me around towards him. I wrap my arms around him and he smiles. "I love you."
"I love you too," I say and he picks me up. "Harry. Put me down!" I laugh and he shakes his head. "Harold Edward Styles!"
"I'm sorry what was that?"
"I love you," I say and he rolls his eyes. He puts me down and grabs my hand before walking outside.
"It's absolutely beautiful here," I say and Harry smiles.
"Isn't it?"
"I'm just amazed."
"Are you having fun?"
"Yeah. Look I'm sorry screwed up most of the trip."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"I ruined this amazing trip by being mad at you."
"No I did when I kept it a secret and then said it wasn't a big deal.. you had every right to be upset."
"I wanna put it behind us but it's easier said than done," I say and he nods.
"We'll take it one day at a time. This is already so much better than it was. And you have nothing to apologize for."
"You don't, we both know I was in the wrong and I take full responsibility for it," He says and I sigh.
"How did I get so lucky to have a boyfriend like you?"
"Same way I got lucky enough to have someone like you I guess," Harry says and I smile.
"You know we're both being extremely cheesy right now," I say and he laughs.
"What's wrong with cheesy?" He asks and I sigh.
"Nothing. It's a lot different from what I was used to in my last relationship."
"Shh we don't talk about that," Harry says putting a finger to my lips. I move his finger and scoff.
"Says who?"
"Says me, your perfect, pretty boyfriend."
"Pretty?" I laugh and he smiles.
"I mean that's what you said last night."
"Ugh ok I'll admit you're attractive but I wouldn't go as far as perfect."
"Ouch," Harry says and clutches his heart. I laugh and he smiles. "I love you so much," he says and I smile.
"I love you too," I say and he bends down. "What are you doing now?"
"Uh tryna give you a piggyback ride cause that's what good boyfriends do duh," he says and I laugh. I jump onto his back and wrap my arms around him. "Yeah this is really cheesy," I say and Harry sighs. "But it's sweet."
Harry carries me into a little restaurant and sets me down. "Table for two please," He says and I smile.
"Did you know that once we get back tomorrow we can tell the world about us?" I ask and he nods.
"Yes I did," he says and I smile.
"Do you still want to do this?" I ask and Harry nods. "Are you sure?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"Because this isn't like creating some crazy rumor this is your actual life and relationship and you're putting it out there for the whole world to see."
"Some crazy rumor like I have four nipples?"
"Yeah something like that," I say and Harry's eyes dart to the side. "Wait what?"
"I have four nipples," Harry says and my eyes widen.
"Wait what?"
"I have four nipples."
"Um... wait how did I never notice that?"
"You probably just didn't know that that's what they were," he shrugs and I laugh. "But back to what we were talking about you're right it is my life and I want people to know about us and to know how happy I am with you, and then after that everything we say and do will be private unless we decide otherwise," Harry says taking his hands in mind.
"You make me so happy," I say and he smiles.
"You do realize once people know things are never going to be the same again don't you?" He asks and I nod. "While many people will be so supportive you have to realize there's a lot of hate from fans, from the media. Are you ready for that?" I look down and he raises my chin. "Look I don't wanna scare you. If you wanna keep it secret for as long as possible we will."
"I want to tell people about us. Don't you?"
"If it's what you want," he says and I sigh.
"Harry this can't just be about me it would change things for both of us"
"Believe me, I know, there will still be rumors, stories.. but if telling people will make you happy it will make me happy and Jeffrey was right I can't keep it a secret forever," Harry says. The hostess gestures for us to follow her back to a table and I sigh. "I know but-"
"No buts I love you and soon everybody will know that," Harry says and I push my hair back behind my ear. "Now come on beautiful, let's go eat."
I sit outside looking at the stars with Harry's arms wrapped around me. "Thank you for today Harry," I say and he smiles.
"Of course darling, anything for you" He says and kisses my head. "I'm happy you forgave me."
"Me too," I say and he sighs. "What's wrong?"
"Just thinking" he says and I look up at him.
"What about?"
"Nothing you need to worry about," he says and I sit up.
"Harry," I say and he smiles.
"Sophia," he says and I give him a look. "Damn if looks could kill. Kidding. You don't need to worry okay?"
"That doesn't help"
"Help what?"
"Reassure me"
"About what? I'm fine. I'm happy," Harry says and I sigh.
"Promise?" I ask and he nods.
"I promise, beautiful," he says and I lean back against him. He pulls me close and I smile. "Thank you."
"Uh Sophia you already said that" Harry says and I sit back up.
"I don't just mean for the trip I mean for being so great and loving and supportive, I haven't been this happy in a long time" I say and Harry smiles. "I love you Harry Edward Styles."
"I love you too Sophia Paige Hart," Harry says cupping my face. His soft lips touch mine and I smile when he pulls away.
I wake up the next morning lying beside my boyfriend. I look over at the clock and sigh. We have to start packing and get ready to leave, but if I'm being honest I don't think I ever wanna leave London. I roll over on my side to face Harry and shake him. "Good morning, beautiful," he says and I smile.
"We did it again," l laugh and he shrugs.
"So?" He says and I shake my head. "Do you regret it?"
"No. Because I love you," I say and he smiles. I pull the comforter up towards me and Harry pulls it over to him. "Hey don't be a blanket hog," I say and he smiles. He grabs my waist and pulls me towards him. "Harry" I giggle.
"So no regrets?"
"Oh my gosh, no you dork. Get that through your thick skull. I didn't regret sleeping with you the first time and I don't regret it this time," I say and he smiles. His body is warm up against mine and it feels nice compared to the feeling of the cold comforter. "Ya know we have to get ready for the airport," I say and Harry sighs.
"No we don't," Harry says playing with my hair.
"Yes we do babe."
"Uh uh."
"Uh huh," I say and he groans. "Trust me I wish we could stay but we can't... we have to get back and film."
"But can't we stay here forever while we're finally happy?" Harry says and I shake my head.
"We were happy before we came to visit your family."
"Yeah but not right before.."
"Harry going back to LA isn't gonna change things."
"I guess you're right," Harry says and kisses me on the cheek. "Let's just lay here for five more minutes."
"You're lucky you're so damn cute," I say and he smiles.
We arrive back in LA and Harry pulls out his phone. I sit down on the ground while we wait for our luggage. Harry laughs and I look at him. "Are you laughing at me?" I ask and he smirks.
"Maybe. Hey pose," he says. I throw up two peace signs and smile and he laughs. He grabs our suitcases off of the conveyor belt and pushes mine towards me. I stand up and grab the handle of mine.
I pull out my phone as I get into Harry's car and begin scrolling through Instagram. I see a post on Harry's instagram and it's a picture of me sitting on the airport floor both hands thrown into peace signs. 'Ladies and gentlemen my girlfriend...' Harry's caption reads and I smile. "I love you so much"
"I love you too," he says and smiles.

// authors note: I know Harry actually posting whoever he's dating on social media is unrealistic but I thought it was cute, please make sure you're voting at the end of every chapter and let me know what you think :)

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