Chapter Nineteen

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//Harry's Pov//
I wake up and see that Sophia is still asleep. She looks so peaceful. I don't even want to let go of her. I hear a knock on the door and she wakes up. I sit up and look at her and sigh.
"I'll be back," I say, giving her a kiss on the forehead before sliding out of bed and walking to the front door.
"Good morning Harry," my manager says as he stands in the doorway. I rub my eyes and he walks in. "What are you doing here?"
"We said we were gonna meet today to discuss a few things, remember?" He says and my eyes widen. Shit I can't believe I forgot Jeff was coming over. "Why aren't you dressed?"
"To be completely honest I forgot you were meeting me here this morning," I say and he sighs.
"Well we have limited time so let's get to business first off I did arrange you a day or two in the studio before you head to London."
"That's great," I say and he nods.
"Okay and you've done a good job staying out of the media."
"So I can be back in it a little?"
"I mean that's up to you H. But we both know what some of the stories are gonna say," he says and I sigh.
"Yeah I know," I say looking at my bedroom.
"Okay so the movie is going good?"
"It's going great," I say and he smiles.
"I'm glad. The media is all abuzz about this movie," he says but I'm not paying attention. All I want to do is go back to my bedroom and lay down with my beautiful girlfriend. "You're awfully quiet."
"I'm sorry. I didn't get much sleep last night," I say and he sighs.
"Okay well have you put any thought into what songs you'd like to perform at the charity event?"
"Um how many songs am I doing again?"
"You can do up to five and they want you to do at least three."
"Um.. how about Sweet Creature, Carolina, Ever Since New York and What Makes You Beautiful. Stick to my roots a little bit."
"I mean that's four might as well add another,"he says and I nod. I look back and forth from my bedroom. "Sign Of The Times."
"Sounds good," Jeffrey says and I look back at my room.
"Okay Harry why do you keep looking at your bedroom door?"
"I'm not," I say and he shakes his head.
"Harry man, come on. Is there someone in there?" He asks and I nod my head. Guess this is the right time to tell him. "Who is it? Did you hook up with somebody?"
"No Jeffrey. It's not just some random woman I hooked up with," I say and he sighs.
"That's not what I mean Harry.."
"I know. Okay, I've been trying to find the right moment to tell you and I guess this is it... um I have a girlfriend."
"How long? And how have you managed to keep this out of the media?"
"A week or so and we've both just been careful," I say and he sighs. "I didn't want it in the media. Especially with you saying to try to stay out."
"Harry, I was tryna look out for you. Especially after the incident a couple months back I wanted to make your mental health a priority."
"I know Jeff.. I know."
"You also know this won't stay out of the media forever right?"
"Of course I do!" I yell. "You're not the first to say it." I hear footsteps and turn around to see Sophia. "Everything okay Harry?"
"Yeah everything's fine," I whisper and wrap my arms around her.
"Is this her?"
"Yeah. Uh Jeffrey this is my girlfriend Sophia. Sophia this is Jeffrey Azoff, my manager," I say and she looks at me. She bites her lip and fiddles with her hands. Jeffrey stands up and extends his hand. "It's nice to meet you," He says and she shakes his hand.
"Nice to meet you too," she says and I can tell she feels a little anxious. I pull her towards me and run my fingers through her hair. "Are you okay?" I ask and she nods.
"Ok well I think if you want to avoid drama or scandals we should be the ones to put it out there. Harry you could post it on your social media. And I can get in contact with one of my friends in the media and see if she'll do us a favor?"
"Can we wait till we get back from London?"
"I guess so," Jeffrey says and I look over to Sophia.
"What do you say love?"
"Yeah that's fine," she says and I smile.
"I love you so much," I say and give her a kiss on the cheek.
"I know," she says.
"Okay well I should go. So we'll talk more later Harry. Sophia if you could give your manager my email and tell her what's going on that would be great," Jeffrey says. "It was nice meeting you, and I'll see you both very soon." He says and I nod. He walks outside and Sophia shifts her weight from side to side. "Well... guess we're gonna tell people now," I say and she nods.
"How did you sleep?"
"I'm glad," I say and she lays her head on my chest.
"I'm sorry Harry."
"What for?"
"I know you probably wanted to keep it a secret a little bit longer and I-"
"Shh you're talking too much," I say and kiss her. She wraps her arms around my neck and smiles when I pull away. "Look, it's a good plan. I can't stay out of the media forever and most people will be happy and supportive," I say and she smiles. "I need to go get dressed and then we can head over to the lot." She lets go of me and walks over to my kitchen. I change into a striped button up and black pants.
I grab my keys and wallet and grab a banana off of the kitchen counter. "Ready beautiful?" I ask and she nods. During the drive to the filming studio I have one hand on the wheel and the other lying on the center console while holding Sophia's hand. "I could lie and say I like it like that," Sophia sings and I smile. "What?"
"You're so cute."
"No I'm not."
"Now you're just fishing for compliments," I say and she laughs.
"No I'm not. But if I was, did it work?"
"Maybe," I say and she smiles.
"So what's the schedule for today?"
"We're doing the scene where Jack tells us everything, then one of the possible ending scenes. And that's all I really know so far."
"Yeah and then we have to reshoot the scene where Carol discovers Jack is missing," I say and Sophia nods.
"You've got a busy day then."
"Not too busy that I can't spend some time with my girlfriend," I say and she smiles.
"Aww you're gonna buy my lunch?"
"No I'm not doing that again. It's your turn to pay," I say and she rolls her eyes. "Maybe if I'm feeling generous I'll buy it. We'll see."
"Or you can just buy it cause you're my boyfriend and you love me."
"Sometimes," I say and she gasps. She hits me in the shoulder and I laugh.
I hit Alexis's number and clear my throat. "Tell me everything," I say and Jack sighs.
"Almost a year ago I went to New York and I met this woman she was beautiful and smart. But Carol and I were married so I told her nothing could happen. Until a few months ago I-I wasn't happy so I found these people that would help me fake a disappearance because I wasn't happy with my life."
"Bryan?" Sophia says on the other soundstage and I
"Then get a damn divorce, quit your job! But you didn't have to fake a disappearance!" I yell and send Sophia's character my current location.
"You wouldn't understand."
"Hating the way things are? Sure I do. But they don't get better until you make them better!"
Sophia gets out of her car and peeks in through a window. She opens the window and jumps through. "Look come back with me and I'll help you get the life you want," I say and he shakes his head. He pulls a prop gun out of his jacket and turns and points it at Sophia. "Nice try Bryan," he says.
"And cut!"
"Woah. That was intense," Sophia says and I nod. I look over at Avery and Sophia sighs. "She said our secret was safe with her so don't worry okay?"
"I'll try my love."
"You know I actually like all these nicknames," she says and I smile. "Hey I'm done for about forty five minutes so I'm gonna go take a break in my trailer."
"Okay princess I'll see you later."
"Wait so if I'm a princess what does that make you?"
"Your Prince Charming," I say and she shakes her head.
"Come on you know you love it," I say and she shrugs.
"Maybe I do. Maybe I don't," she says. She gives me a quick hug before running off towards her trailer.
I finally finish filming for the day and then grab my things from my trailer. "Hey babe. Can you drop me off at your house to get my car?"
"Sure," I say and she smiles.
"So are you bout to go record?"
"Actually I'm gonna meet with my band and the producers to finish the song. But if we finish it before it gets too late we might."
"Let me know how it goes. Okay?"
"Of course," I say and she smiles.
After dropping Sophia off I head to the studio and pull into a parking spot. I grab my guitar out of my car and walk inside. "Hey," Mitch says and I save. I set down my guitar case and pull it out. "So this is what I have so far," I say and begin playing it.

My phone buzzes and I pull it out of my pocket. It's probably Sophia texting to let me know she got home okay. My eyes widen when I see who it is and I quickly unlock my phone. 'I need to talk. Can you meet?'
'I'm at the studio. What about tomorrow?' I ask and Mitch turns to me. "Sorry," I say and he shrugs.
"It's cool who is it?"
"A friend."
"A friend?" Mitch asks, raising his eyebrows and I laugh.
"No it's not Sophia if that's what you're thinking," I say and Mitch looks at Sarah who shrugs.
'Yes please. 7:30 am at Violet's.'
"Now where were we?" I ask.
I wake up the next morning and change into a t- shirt and jeans. I grab my keys off the counter and walk outside to my car. I arrived at the restaurant about five minutes before seven thirty. I look around and see her tap on my window. "Hey Harry" She says as I roll it down.
"Hey Kendall how are you?"
"I've been better," she says and I get out of my car. I put on my shades and we walk into the restaurant. We order two coffees and she looks around nervously. "Kendall what's going on?"
"I have a bunch of family drama. And I really needed somebody to talk to," she says as the guy hands us our drinks.
"What's going on?"
"There's this guy and my family doesn't like him they're not being supportive, they're just calling him a gold digger because he doesn't have as much money as we do and Kylie is being supportive. But Khloe keeps switching sides and I'm just so frustrated."
"Kendall who cares? They should want you to be happy."
"I know but I just really want them to be happy for me because he makes me really happy."
"I would just be honest and tell them not to judge him without getting to know him first,"
"Yeah. Thanks Harry."
"Of course Kendall. You know I'll always be here for you."
"So what's new with you?"
"I recently started dating this girl."
"Mr Harry Styles is in a relationship?" She says and I nod. "Tell me about her."
"Well we haven't been dating long but she's sweet and funny and Gemma and all my friends love her. And her family loves me. And she's stubborn as hell just like me. And she's so cute," I say and pull out my phone. I pull up the picture from when we went to Disney world and hand the phone to Kendall. "She's so pretty. You seem really happy Harry."
"I am."
"I'm glad," she says and I smile.
"I'm actually taking her home with me to meet my mum next week."
"That's so exciting! And it's a good thing your family is so supportive," she says and I sigh.
"They'll come around Kendall, just give them time."
"I hope you're right," she says.
"Trust me" I say and she smiles. I check the time and my eyes widen. "Shit. I have to go. I'm late for filming. Let me know how things go okay?"
"Okay. And Harry until I get them to see things my way can you not say anything to anybody?"
"Yeah," I say and she smiles.
I run up to the sound stage and Sophia runs up to me. "Ok your text was vague. I got them to wait now can you tell me why you were late?"
"I just was."
"Harry," Sophia says and Neal claps his hands together.
"Now that Mr Styles has chosen to join us we can begin," Neal says and I breathe a sigh of relief.
Lunch rolls around and I pick up my phone from my chair. When I pick it up I have several messages and missed calls from Jeffrey. 'Call me'
'Harry. This is important. Call the moment you have a break.' I call him back and he sighs. "Finally."
"I was filming. What's going on?"
"Check your messages," he says and I open it up. There's a picture of me and Kendall at the restaurant this morning. "Where the hell did you get that?"
"Do you know my friend that works at People magazine?"
"Uh yeah Kimberly."
"She emailed me about an hour ago and said her photographer got this. And she's killing the story and deleting the photo but I thought you should know."
"Oh my gosh. H-how did this happen?"
"I know that's a rhetorical question so I'm not going to answer but Harry are you planning on telling Sophia?"
"Why not?"
"Cause I told Kendall I'd keep it private okay? She doesn't want people to know what we were talking about. She's embarrassed and upset," I say and Jeffrey sighs.
"I mean it's your decision but I think she deserves to know."
"Look as long as the story isn't gonna be run I don't see much reason for her to know"
"You should ask your sister what to do. She's always right in these situations," he says and I sigh. I send Gemma the picture and ask her what she thinks, although it really doesn't matter because I told Kendall I wouldn't tell anyone. 'Oh god Harry Please tell me you told her you met with Kendal?'
'Um... well... um not exactly'
'Harry Edward Styles!'
'Kendall asked me not to tell anyone!'
'Sophia is your girlfriend she deserves to know!'
'Look Kendall is my friend and I told her I wouldn't say anything'
'You're unbelievable!'
'I can't explain it if you don't see it' I sigh and put my phone down. I can't deal with Gemma right now. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around. "Hey babe," Sophia says and I smile.
"Hello beautiful," I say and she smiles. "Can I buy your lunch later?"
"Mhmm," She says and I smile. There's no reason to tell her I told my friend I would keep it secret and plus nothing happened.

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