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Hey!! I had a really bad day bc I broke up with a toxic friend.. so sorry if this chapter wouldn't be the best yeah enjoy:)

"(Y/n) I'm okay you can let go now" he said
I let go and said
"yeah sorry"
"No it's okay I kind it I think" he said with literally no emotion, it was so funny.
We both went to our room's and tried to fall asleep
But I couldn't stop thinking about what happened.
Eventually I fell asleep.

"ALL OF THE STUDENTS! WAKE UPPPPP" I heard and woke up to the loud noise. I dressed up quickly and went outside.

Everyone was outside too
"Today y'all are going to overused your quirks" Aizawa said and we all started to work.
We were training ALL DAY with NO brakes.
After the training today we were all very tired and went to make our food.
I was cutting vegetables and bakugou too.
"You're doing it too slow, extra"
he said
"Ok but I cant do it faster because my hands hurts bakugou"
I said and show him my bandages and got back to work
"Tch" he said.

We finished coking and we all ate.
Kirishima and denki was eating like crazy.
I sat next jirou and Tsu
"I'm so tired" jirou said
"Same, I don't have power to do anything"
I responded
"Bruh, what happened to your hands?" Jirou asked
"Oh, it's a long story"
I said and continue to eat. After we all finished to eat I took a shower and all the other was doing a scary maze, I was too tired for this.

I finished and went outside.
It was a good weather, cold and a little windy.
"Hey (Y/n)" I saw shoto he, was holding two cups of tea
"Oh hey shoto, thank you!" I said and took the tea.
"No problem. It was just a little cold outside so I maked you tea" he said and sat next to me
"I like the's refreshing" I said and looked to the sky
"Same" he said.
After a long silence I decided to talk
"So, what is your favorite food?" I asked
"Soba, cold soba.. what about you?" He said and sip from the tea
"mine is (F/f)"  {f/f- favorite food}

"(Y/n)-" shoto tried to talk but a big explosion stopd him
"What happened?" I asked
"I don't know.. let's go inside and ask Aizawa sensei" shoto said and we went to the door and then a guy covered with purple scars was standing in front of us out of nowhere
"Hey kids" he said
"I need to take the blonde boy and... you" he pointed on me
My eyes winded
"Dont touch her!" I heard shoto saying and he grabbed my wrist. We both run away from him.

I used my wings and carried shoto in the sky "i cant carry both of us! I need to land"
I told shoto
"I kno-" he said and stopped his sentence.

We were crashing.

"Hold my hand!"
Shoto said and offered me his hand and I take it, he pushed me closer to him
"I'm sorry I didn't make it" I said
"It's not your fault (Y/n)" he responded
And then boom.. we hit the ground and I fainted.

Shoto's pov

She was in my arms, Unconscious.
"(Y/n), hey can you hear me?" I said, blood leaking from her head and a long cut on her cheek was bleeding too.
"We meet again..hello there"
I heard someone said and turned around my head, it was the guy with the scars from before
"What do you want from her?" I said
"Nothing that you should be worried about"
the guy said
I stood up to fight him
"You can touch her only if you will get through me" I said
"Listen kid I don't have the time for thi-" I sent him an ice trail that almost pierced his throat
"Wow, that was a close one" he said and laughed.

"Why are you doing this" I said
"What do you want from her"

"I can't tell you kid, and I don't want to fight you.. so just give me the girl and I will leave..simple"
he said
"My name is shoto todoroki not a kid, and NO I will not give her to you"
I said with an angry tone.

"So you want it in the hard way ha.. ugh ok" he said and start to fight me. He was quick and powerful.

In the fight I got many scratches on my skin, I had a large bleeding wound on the right side of my stomach and I bleed from my nose.
"You are tired? But I just started.." he said and laughed.
I fell on the floor, trying to move but I couldn't, my hand on my wound, trying to stop the bleeding. Suddenly I felt cold and blurry. I saw the guy getting closer to me and said
"How bad, it was really fun to fight you, good night..shoto todoroki"
That was the last thing I saw and then I fainted.

(Y/n)'s pov

I opened my eyes and saw the guy holding me in his arm.
"What I am doing here?" I said
"Where is shoto?!" I asked and looked for him
"Oh you woke up" he said
I screamed and fell on the ground,
"Wow, easy, I'm not going to hurt you" he said.
My head hurt, and I bleed from a cut on my cheek.
I spread my wing and flyaway as fast as I can, looking for shoto. After a while I saw jirou on the ground and fly to her.

"Jirou! You don't understand what happened"
I said and started crying
"Wow wow dude calm down.. what happened?" She said and put her hand on my shoulder.
I told her what happened and she was shocked
"We gotta look for him maybe he's hurt really bad"
she said
"I will fly and look and you will look for other people so they can help us" I said and she nodded.

I flayed and my head hurt really bad
I need to keep going..for him

I thought and then.. I saw him,
In a puddle of blood, Unconscious.
Tears started falling out of my eyes.
He reminded me that one day..he looked like..

My mom.

Heyy sup😼
I tried to do this chapter as long as I can so yeah😗
I hope you enjoyed it
Don't forget to drink water!!🙃

Words: 1108

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