All you need to know about shifting

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This chapter explains the basics of shifting and the science behind it! 



DR: desired reality, the place you are going to.

CR: current reality, the reality you are in right now.

OR: original reality, the reality you were born in.

WR: waiting room, it's a reality where shifters often script to shift to before their DR.

Affirmations: words that is repeated so your subconscious believes something more.

What is shifting?

Shifting is when you move your consciousness to another reality, another you. The multiverse theory is that there are infinite realities with infinite possibilities, and they all can have different physics as well, meaning in a reality you are dating Draco.

What is the science behind it?

In every single reality, you exist, they could act and look completely different from you, or exactly like you, it doesn't matter because they still all are you. That is what people meant, when they say we are one. Your consciousness is nothing but energy which cannot be destroyed, though their vessels, which is human body, can be destroyed. Time is not real, it is like a book, it flows when you go through it, like you go through the letters, words, sentences to pages. Though all the reality exist at the same time, just like all the words exist in the same time. If your reality is a chapter, then maybe Hogwarts is in another chapter, you are always shifting, just like when you read, but going to a more different reality takes you to put in the effort, just like you would need to flip the pages. Or you could compare it to a movie, realities are like the movie frames, and time is when you play the movie and the frames make it look like motion.

Since all the realities exist at the same time, when you shift, you are only going to the one you choose, you are not creating a new one. This being said, anything anyone does cannot effect the system, because it is always being done, at the same time. This is why when some people say us shifters are shifting too much, the universe is going to crack, this isn't true at all. None of us can ever make any impact to the universe, because every single reality is possible, and this all has been done before, or is always being done. 

Shifting and manifesting is also the same thing, shifting is believing you are in another reality, thus tricking your brain to put your consciousness there, and manifesting is believing you have a certain thing, and basically slowly mini shifting to a reality where you do. Though don't stop doing it because you don't want to go to another reality, you just want those traits in this one, because you haven't been in the same reality since before you were born, since you have been shifting since way before. There is no THE reality you are in, you are always in a different reality, if not then time wouldn't exist.

What is scripting?

Scripting is basically just planning out your thoughts and defining to yourself where you will be going, there is no certain way it needs to be, it's just notes for yourself so you won't forget any ideas. Also you don't have to script, your subconscious always remembers everything, though people like scripting because they won't feel like they forgot something, and you can look through your script to feel more connected to your DR.

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