[½] Ch. 4

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[½] Chapter 4 : Ranboo and Techno, Dream's favor revealed????


3rd P.O.V

"Before this... New voice ever came, I was hearing a voice of a certain person..." Ranboo started, looking down his feet. Techno hummed for the boy to continue.

"It's been... Haunting me, telling me things... And since I have problems with my memories I can't really trust the thing, but all the things he said have been so..." Ranboo swallowed, "so accurate..."

This caught the pig- oh wait excuse me, the bacon's attention. (You guys were correcting me last time so ye- lol)

"What has it been telling you?"

"I helped Dream blow up the community house... And I actually can't remember if I did or didn't, I helped you and Dream destroy L'manberg which I probably did... It just kept on telling me that I've been helping Dream...." Ranboo gripped his hair.

Techno looked at the boy with pity, "They're not that different from mine then."

Ranboo looked at the bacon anarchist.

"Sure, they say E all the time although last time I heard someone say 'A'... But they demand blood Ranboo, violence. I don't have memory problems like you but if you didn't have memory problem then you might just agree with the voices like I do." Techno said pinching and playing with his hair.

"So that's why you're usually so violent..." Ranboo muttered still staring at Techno.

"What?" Techno looked at Ranboo, quite offended.

Ranboo raised up his hand trying not to look guilty, "Nothing! Nothing!"

It was awkward silence then.

"How come you're... Not surprised to know he hearing voices?" Ranboo asked out of the blue.

"Cuz the voices in my head told me that there's another one, just didn't specify who but they did. Now that you showed up, it's you." Techno said simply.

Ranboo let out a hum, then back to the awkward silence.

Techno stood up stretching as Ranboo looked up at him confused on what he was planning to do.

Techno went up to Ranboo and held out a hand.

Ranboo looked at the piglin- bacon, confused plastered on his face.

"Don't just sit around there, why not bond a little? Me and you hearing voices means we're different from others. You and I will be able to understand each other better than others an understand us." Techno said still offering his hand to Ranboo.

Ranboo looks shocked, he didn't expect the dear-oh-so-great Technoblade to be this friendly with him.

"There's no catch.... Is there?"

"If you piss me off, betray me or hurt my friends then your head will be off rather quickly." Techno said jokingly as Ranboo chuckled and took the hand.

They walked around the biome enjoying the scenery, it was peaceful. For now at least but still, the trees were covered in snow and so as the ground. The snow sound it makes are rather satisfying, it's like crunching ASMR. The field were covered in snow, it's just white everywhere but even so you can find wolves and bears here. The breeze of the wind also feels refreshing.

It was rather a peaceful walk.

"Ranboo... What do you think of Dream?" Techno asked breaking the silence between them.

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