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Chapter 9 : Explanation


3rd P.O.V

"It all started when the community house was built and people started joining." Dream said looking down, playing with his fingers.

Entire Story

3rd P.O.V

Dream, Sapnap, George and BadBoyHalo. The very first people who started the SMP, it was quiet and peaceful. They joke around and have some laughs.

They've talked and in all honesty it wasn't that bad. Until more people joined the SMP.

The very first war started and that's why suddenly out of no where, Dream heard whispers in his head. The feeling of rage and joy all together made his mind go crazy. After the first war he got a feeling of needing more, he suddenly got the urge  for chaos. He never wanted war but ever since he got a taste of war he felt like he needed more.

It was like someone said one word and the crowd immediately goes crazy and started agreeing with that one voice. He became manipulative, he sometimes followed the voices and sometimes didn't. That's how mixed Dream's decisions became.

Dream started having self doubts about his decisions since almost everyone view Dream as the villain in this story.

After the first war, Dream crowned Eret king of the SMP because of his help, in fact, Dream thinks Eret deserved it. Eret was like a father figure to him but also as a friend.

Everytime the voices whisper something, Dream closes his ears trying to block them out, this took a huge toll on Dream's mental health. He wasn't suicidal, no. He was losing his mind.

After a while, L'manberg held an election. This election is also a huge turn of events, Dream wanted Schlatt to win because he had trust in Schlatt's capabilities, so therefore he endorse Schlatt 2020.

But after listening to what Schlatt plans, he didn't like it. Schlatt was planning to expand L'manberg to the Dream SMP territory, so Dream decided do grind in the shadows for Pogtopia.

Dream met up with Technoblade and discussed some things on the mountain concerning the government.

Dream knew that Techno was right, so he'd like to team up with the guy and remove the government. Then Tommy saw his message and got excited since Dream will be on their side.

Then the battle of the lake happened, Dream didn't like the idea of fighting against his friends. No he did not, but he held a deal with Tommy to be on his side for this one, he didn't want to break it. This is when another presence appear inside the Mindscape or inside Dream's mind.

Dream, Techno and Tommy then won the battle of the lake. As Dream pearls away he heard someone talking. Who could it be?

Dream then went to his base and decided to go to the Mindscape, as he got there he saw a figure that looks just like him.

"Hello Dream! My name is Nightmare! And I am a Dreamon that is created from your essence. Emotions, desires and all other stuff." The Dreamon smiled.

"Why do you look like me?" Dream asked in a suspicious tone.

"As I said, I am a being created from you so it would be understandable if I look like you." Nightmare said joyfully.

The Dreamon took a little while to analyze Dream and that's when the Dreamon got fond of Dream.

After a lot of introduction and talk, let's fast forward to the possession.

During this time of crisis, Fundy and Tubbo decided to do a ritual with Dream. Dream was shocked when they called him Dreamon, even though he thought this he still considered the fact that this ritual may be harmless.

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