Let's Give "Us" A Chance

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Nichkhun was fiddling with his phone. He can't stay still and is very uneasy. He was sitting on a chair inside the practice room but his face seemed so worried. Woo Young noticed it and came near him.Khun was trying to type a message when Woo Young took it from his hand and type a message.

Victoria ssi, can we talk? I'll see you in the cafe later.

"Okay, sent." Woo Young sheepishly said as he sent the message to Victoria.

"Yah! How could you? What are you doing?" He exclaimed as he grabbed his phone from WooYoung. "You really sent it? Why did you do that?!!!" His face heats up.

Woo Young ran away from him. He tried to catch him because of what he did. "How could you sent a message to her?!!!"

"Jamkkanman, hyung. Calm down." He said as he keep on running. Khun was able to catch him andgive him a soft punch on his head. Woo Young just raised his hands to show a sign of defeat."Anjeusaeyo, hyung." He said catching his breath from running.

The two boys sat down, Khun on the rotating chair and Woo Young on the couch facing him."I just did that because I noticed that you're so uneasy? Why are you thinking so much on whether ornot to talk to her?" He asked.

"You know what happened, right. I already told you the other day when we hanged out in my house."He answered. "How could I even talk to a person who doesn't want me to be with her or maybe evensee her."

"How would you know, hyung? You didn't even talk to her after the Gayo. Don't you think we didn'tnotice how cold you are to each other? You can fool other people here, but not us, your bandmates.We know you so well, bro." Woo Young told him.

They honestly know him well as he didn't hide anything from each other. They know the details ofeach other's life, even the relationship that each one has. They are like real brothers. Khun knows hecan't hide anything from them. As what Woo Young said, he can fool other people but not them.

"After what happened, I don't think I have the guts to talk to her again. He saw how angry I was because of that call." Khun explained to Woo Young, his eyes showed how tensed he is because of what happened.

"It's because of jealousy. Just admit it, hyung. Whatever you do, even if you try to avoid her, you really can't forget her so you better talk to her again. Make everything clear to her. And who knows, that man he's talking to over the phone is just a colleague." Woo Young advised. "You let your feelings  took over you, that jealousy. You didn't even let her explain who he was to her. You just burst out. And besides, you told us that she even thanked you for working with her during the Gayo so I think she would listen if you try to talk, explain and hear her side."

"You think so?" Khun asked still doubtful of what he should do.

Woo Young stood up, pulled the other rotating chair, sat on it next to Khun and put his arm on Khun's shoulder.

"Bro, you wouldn't know if you won't try. Where's the Nichkhun we know? The Nichkhun who is confident with himself and can talk to any girls that will come to him? It seems like you've lost your confidence already."

"Because Victoria is different." He said.

"Because you liked her. So you better face her and tell everything, in a nice way okay." He said with a mischievous smile. "And besides, I don't think you could run away now that she already received your message." He giggled as he said it to Khun.

"Yah!" He grabbed Woo Young and hit him again on his head.

The four other boys went back to practice room with a bag of food that they bought. As usual, they ate after the whole day of rehearsal.

The Story of UsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora