Luna's Visit

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"Oenni." Luna squealed and ran to Victoria with a big hug as the older girl opened the door. Finally,she had a time off from the musicals so she was able to visit Victoria in her house. 

"I missed you somuch." She said as she hugged Victoria tightly."I missed you, too. Come, get in." She then guided Luna inside her house and asked her to sit. "I'lljust finished cooking." She went to the kitchen, Luna suddenly stood up and followed her. 

"Wow! This smells really good." Luna said with a big smile as she peeked on the dish Victoria wascooking. "Your cooking skills hasn't changed, Oenni. I know this will taste really good." She continuedpraising her.

"It's almost done. I cooked fried rice, too. I'll prepare the table so we can eat." She said. 

"Let me help you." Luna got the plates and the utensils from the cabinet and helped set the table.Victoria put the dishes afterwards. 

"Jal mogotsseumnida." They both said as they took the spoon on top of the table and started toscoop the food. 

"Oennie, this is really good." Luna commended as she munch in the mapo tofu that Victoria cooked. 

 "Massitta?" Victoria asked with a smile. 

"Nae, oennie." She smiled as she continued to chew the food."By the way, how's your musical doing?" Victoria asked. She was invited by Luna to watch her a lot oftimes but her schedule doesn't allow her. 

"It's fine, oennie. We'll do a few more shows before we ended. I hope you can come." Lunaanswered.

"I would love to, Luna. You know how much I missed you and the other girls. I want to catch up withall of you soon." She answered. "How's everyone doing? I only know that Krystal is filming a newdrama and Amber is busy in the U.S. Did you happen to catch up with them?" 

 "Krystal watched the show once so I was able to catch up with her a little, but with Amber oennie, Ihaven't. Huh! I missed you girls so much." Luna give a sigh as she said those words. 

"Same with me. Please do take care of yourselves and always be strong okay. I don't want to loseanother sister again." She said as the trace of sadness showed in her face. 

With what happened toSulli, she can only hoped for the best and the happiness for the other girls. She always wanted themto be happy and strong though she knows that with the kind of job they have, there will still be peoplewho will not like or judged them in a wrong way. 

 "Nae, oennie. Don't worry, that will never happen again." Luna assured her. "How 'bout you, howhave you been doing? I heard you had a dance production again with Khun oppa in SBS. Was itgood?" Luna flashed a big smile as she asked Victoria about the dance production that the two did. 

"It went well." She answered sparingly. "Haven't you watch it?" She asked. 

"I haven't. My schedule was so busy that I didn't have time to check it. But I could check it now." Lunatook out her phone and searched the video over the internet. "Oh! It's here." 

 "Let's finish our food and clean up first before you do that." Victoria said. They finished eating. Luna cleaned the table and Victoria insisted on washing the dishes since shesaid that Luna is her visitor. Luna sat on the couch on the living room and went back to the video.She watched it as Victoria continue to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen sink. 

"Woa! Daebak!. You both did well on this, oennie. This is even better than the one you did in MBCGayo before. You really looked like a couple here though you're just dancing." She said as shecontinue to watch the video. 

 Finally, Victoria finished with the dishes and sat next to her. The video was also done at that time.Luna looked at her with a smile."How's the two of you." She suddenly asked. 

"Why are you suddenly asking me that question?" Victoria's eye brows creased as she heard thequestion from Luna. 

"You know what I mean." The younger girl said. "You're on the same company, you even told me thathe's your neighbor when you called me one time and we know that he likes you even before and youliked him." Luna explained to her. 

"We're colleagues." She answered not making any explanation about it. 

"Yes, oennie we both know that. But what I'm asking is how are you? The two of you." Luna tried toget an exact answer from Victoria. She knows Victoria well. Being her band mate for years, sheknows what she feels most of the time. She knows what kind of character the older woman which sheconsidered as her real sister has. 

 "He confessed to me few weeks ago..." she answered, trying to explain one by one to the youngergirl."He did? And what did you say?" Luna curiously asked. 

"It wasn't intended, Luna." She answered. A sudden sadness was seen on her face. "He just blurted itout at me because he's angry." 

"Mwo? Why would he be?" Luna asked in shocked."He drove me home one time and Song Wei Long called me. I didn't know that he would get madbecause of it." She explained to her. 

"Ah! I get it now." Luna said. "He's obviously jealous. I think he really likes you until now." 

"He admitted it when he burst out. Luna, what should I do? You know me. I... I really don't know.." sheconfusely asked the younger girl.Luna smiled as she looked at Victoria. 

"You know, oennie, just follow your heart." She answered. 

 "He's avoiding me. He said that he won't bother me anymore." Victoria added. Her face hasn'tchanged, still looking confused and at the same time worried. 

"Oennie, you won't act like that if you didn't like him, too. Look at you, you're worried. Andthe fact that you feel that way means that he is also important to you." Luna held her hands andlooked her in the eyes. "We're not rookies anymore. You have proven to the world that you can standon your own, that you can make a name for yourself. All of us did. I think, it's time for you to thinkmore of yourself now, of your own happiness." Luna held her hands tightly. "It's not bad to take a risk.At least if ever you failed, you won't regret because at least you tried." She continued. 

"But what if he doesn't want me anymore? He's avoiding me now. Even when we see each other inthe company, I know he just tried his best to be professional so people around us won't notice, but Ican feel it. As much as possible, he won't talk to me unless we don't have any choice because we'rearound people but I could feel his aloofness with me." Victoria sigh. 

"Why don't you try to talk to him first? Maybe he just think that you don't want to be around himthat's why he's acting like that." Luna expalined. 

"But..." Victoria was about to argue but Luna cut him off. 

"Don't let him slipped away without even trying, oennie. You knew what happend years ago after thetwo of you ended the show. Don't let him moved on with his life without you and worst let him be withanother person even though you both know that you feel something for each other. If you really likehim, let him feel it. Don't be afraid to take the risk before it's too late." Luna said. "And know thatwhatever happens, I'm always here for you." Victoria couldn't help but tear up with what Luna said. She hugged the younger girl tight. 

"Thank you. I missed you so much, Luna." She said as she both of them hugged each other."I'll always be your dongsaeng, oennie. No one can changed that." Luna answered. They bothgiggled as they let go of the hug and saw each other tearing up. Victoria knows that whateverhappens, she will have someone like her to run to and that makes her heart feel warm. 

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