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I swear my brain has decided to bless me with an idea right before class so I am sorry but I'm putting off using you guy's ideas until I get this done

Tyler's POV:

No no no no! This can't be happening now! Please Y/N you have to respond soon! I could hear my parents fighting like normal but now they were throwing things. I had texted my friend Y/N but she hasn't responded yet.

I heard my phone go off and immediately snatched it up and checked the text Y/N had sent.

Y/N: hey, sorry for not responding

Tyler: its okay

Y/N: anyways, so what did you wanna talk about?

Tyler: um well

Tyler: you really shouldn't come over

Y/N: well its kind of late for that I'm already on your street

Tyler: okay well when you get here can we please just go somewhere else?

Y/N: sure

Y/N: almost there

The yelling subsided for a moment while I sighed in relief. I shook as I pulled the blanket off of myself, suddenly there was a knock at the door. I shot up and rushed to get it, I passed my parents room and heard them arguing.

I opened the door to see Y/N with her small bag that she usually carried around. "Hey Ty! How are you?" She asked stepping in, "g-good," I stuttered silently hoping that my parents stay in their room.

"You okay? You seem nervous," Y/N said as I quickly walked her back to my room. "N-no I'm okay," I said closing the door behind us. I sighed and sat down on the bed, "hey, you can talk to me, you know that right?" Y/N said sitting next to me.

Y/N's POV:

Tyler was acting strange, he's been so skittish lately and I'm worried. Tyler nodded slowly after a moment, "i-i know but..." he trailed off. I heard shouting and suddenly Tyler went silent.

I grabbed his hand, "Tyler, look at me...its okay," I said looking him in the eyes. His hand clutched mine and squeezed it tightly, "Tyler, you're sweating, you should take your hoodie off," I said.

Tyler shook his head, "Ty I'm not gonna let you die of heat stroke," I said unzipping his hoodie. Once it was off I gasped, his arms were covered in bruises. The worst one being on his wrist, it was a deep purple hand mark.

I didn't know how to handle this.

"Tyler, pack you're things,"


"I'm not letting you stay here, they're hurting you,"

"But I-"

"Common, I'm not just gonna stand by and watch them hurt you like this,"

Tyler sighed, he knew he couldn't argue with me. He stood up and grabbed his bag, he packed a few things and turned to me. I smiled softly, I took his hand and lead him down the hall and through the door.

Once outside I sped down the sidewalk and towards my house. I stopped at the front door and glanced at Tyler, my hand left his for a moment to open the door. I brought Tyler inside and immediately the guys noticed.

"Whose this?" Herc asked wiggling his eye brows. "My friend, Herc this is Tyler," I said, Tyler stood awkwardly while Herc stared at his arms. "What happened to you?" Herc asked, I shot him a warning glare and he shut up.

"Its nothing, I'll tell you later," I said dragging Tyler off. Thomas and Washington, who were originally chatting, stopped. "Oh no, you brought a boy home," Thomas groaned.

"What have I told you about boys?" Washington asked jokingly. I sighed, "its fine, we're just friends," I said leading Tyler off. "How long is he staying?" Thomas asked.

"Tyler lives here now,"


Just thought I'd add this


death wasn't good enough so I came back(Hamilsquad x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now