"I-I'm done! S-Sir..." Her voice was shaky. Just like that Baldimore walked over to her desk, took a look at Sam, and back to her paper. Neither one said a word, the aura in the classroom just only screams at Samantha to leave, but she still remained in her seat.

Baldi stared back at Sam, his eyes steadily shifted to crimson red, "I'm afraid that your answer is wrong Mcroid, you should know by now that I don't tolerate incorrect answers."

"Mr. Baldimore I tried! Really!" She begged hoping for some sort of compromise.

"I'm sorry, but I don't believe in 'trying'. You had a chance and you screwed it up, kid." He grinned, "And just don't pretend like you didn't know already, I have a job and that job is to teach scum like you for 'the real world'. Yet you can't seem to figure out the most simplest of questions I had for you."

Sam shifted back in her chair, slowly breaking to tears, "Please! Just what are you? What do you want from me?!"

"So you've noticed hmm? I should've killed your friend when I had the chance to, but I suppose that it wouldn't be too late for a drink," He loomed closer, his red eyes now laid before Samantha.

"His eyes... I don't think he's angry, but... Insane! The rumors were true!" Sam exclaimed in thought, "But this is not the time to sit and cry, I need to get out of here!"

Without a moments notice, she quickly got out of her seat and attempted to reach for the classroom door. With knowledge that Sam would do such a thing, Baldimore blocked the door in her path, "Nowhere to run kid..." he sneered.

Filled with now hopelessness, no one was there to help, and there was no way to escape. Samantha dropped to her knees and sobbed, "Please... I'm sorry, I-I'm sorry! I-I don't know what I did wrong to deserve this, but p-please... have mercy!" 

Ben's Point of View

I was starving. I needed this kid dead. But don't want to, but  I have to! It's the only way for this to stay secret. I walked forward swiftly, and lifted her up by the neck. Samantha coughed, of which I took no care for. I curiously took a look of the eye patch, and there was a line that showed a bit of a scar. When she first got here, I wasn't really at all curious, and so I now took this as a moment to figure out what she was hiding.

Samantha attempted to get out of my grip, "N-No... you c-can't!!!" I tighten her neck, to which she couldn't struggle again. "Shut it you little brat! I only needed to look at one thing!" I shouted, and ripped off the patch.

When I did, Samantha kept her eyes shut. "OPEN.YOUR.EYES!" I commanded loudly; with no hesitation, she did as told and opened. For the first time in a 100 years, I was surprised... I know I have met some humans with different coloured eyes, but Sam's eye was white to the point of no pupil was showing. "W-What... happened to you?" I asked calmly.

I dropped her on the floor, to which we now both have a look of disbelief; with her also panting from the result of me choking her. But without a moments notice, Samantha sprinted out and left her eye patch behind.

"Sam! Wait!" I shouted, but she still kept running.

I was still starving, but I couldn't focus on my hunger. I just wondered what was on my mind since this morning. I sat on the floor alone in the empty classroom, griping of what was left by my student.

"Why can't I seem to do what my mind is telling me?"

"Why can't I stay with my decision?"

"Is this why Will hates me so much?"

"Is this why my students fear me so much?"

"Is this what Samantha sees in me?"

I stare at eye patch, and it stained with blood. It was most likely from the past, "What happened to her?"

I stood up and went out the door, "I need to go know and apologise!"

Samantha's Point of View

"Sam! Wait!" Baldi hollered, I took no chance of turning back.

Please... why is this happening to me? This is just only the second day, I need to get out of here!

I took a left turn and booked it to the front entrance, only later find it locked for some reason. I bust through the doors to one of the other hallways, only to find more halls splitting up with flickering lights. I guess it's better to describe it as more of a horror maze; it's strange to me that I've never seen this part of the school.

Maybe this could be some sort of shortcut to the yard?

Tired, I walked straight through the flickering halls. This could potentially end badly, but it's better than being chased by a vampire.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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