Chapter 11

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Lydia's POV

I just dropped off Nora with Chris so right now I'm heading to the school to fill out some forms. " hello I'm here to register my daughter." "Yes right this way mam. Said Lady" We walked into a room and she gave me some forms to fill out. There was this one form I had to complete was about Nora getting tested to see what grade they should put her in.

It's been over an hour and I finally completed these forms she will have to come with me tomorrow to get tested. But for right now I have to go pick up Nora. I drove to the woods where they would be practicing. " Nora you ready to go live." "Yeah, mom. Bye, Mr.Argent. Said Nora" " bye Nora see you next week ok. Said Chris" "ok. Said Nora" "go get buckled up while I talk love." "Ok, mom. Said Nora" Nora walked into the back seat and bucked herself up.

" how was she. Did she behave?" "She's was great she listened well. And she's good with the crossbows and with some knives and self-defense too is it okay if I teach her every week after school. Said Chris" "yeah it'll give her something to do. She looks up to you yknow." "I know she's cute. Said Chris" "well I gotta go see you later Chris."

"bye, Lydia. Said Chris" I walked back to the car and made sure she was bucked up. Then I drove off. " mom can we go see grandma Melissa at the hospital. Said Nora" "sure we don't have to be home for another hour and I'm pretty sure she'll want to see you." I drove to the hospital. " cmon Nora." We walked in and walked to her station. " Grandma. Said Nora"

"Hello, Nora what are you doing. Said Melissa" "well she wanted to come and see you." " wanna help me with some patients. Said Melissa" " Can I mom. Said Nora" " Yeah go ahead" Melissa and Nora walked off to help some patients. Then Scott and Stiles popped up behind me. " What are you doing here. Said Scott"

"is Nora ok? Said Stiles" "yeah she's fine she wanted to come to see your mom." " where are they. Said Scott" "they left to go help some patients." "Ohh. Said Stiles." They both walked back to us. " Melissa when your shift is over can you watch Nora. Said Stiles" "Yeah sure. Said Melissa" "for what." " I'm takin' you out. Said Stiles" "with a gun or on a date. Said Nora"

We all laughed at Nora's comment. " on a date Nora don't worry your mom will be safe. Said Stiles" " ohh your finally gonna do it. Said Nora" "yes Nora I'm gonna do it. Said Stiles" "use protection. Said Nora" " Nora who taught you about that." "Umm aunt Malia she said for when I get a boyfriend. Said Nora"

"you are not gonna get a boyfriend. Said Stiles" Stiles went over and picked her up. " why not. Said Nora" "because I said so and you're too young. Said Stiles" "fair enough. Said Nora"

Nora's POV

Stiles picked me up and we started to talk and I whispered in his ear. " are you gonna propose." "Yes, I am. Said Stiles" "are you going to be my dad." "Yes, I will. Said Stiles" "good because I like you." " I hoped you did. Said Stiles" "you are not gonna hurt my mom are you." "No, I would never. Said Stiles" "good"

"you are never gonna let me have a boyfriend huh." " never no one gonna break your heart. Said Stiles" " I love you" "I love you too. Said Stiles" " mom let's go we gotta get you ready for your date." "let's go love. We'll see you guys later. Said Mom" We drove back home and went straight upstairs. " mom are you excited for tonight."

" Nora to you know the surprise. Said Mom" " what no I don't." Mom just stared at me. " fine yes I do." " what is it. Said Mom" " dad said in not supposed to say it." " Fine. Said Mom" It took at least trying to find the perfect outfit then it was time to go. Mom dropped me off at grandma's house. " Behave ok. Said Mom" "Ok mom I promise. I love you."

"I love you too bye. Said Mom" Mom left so it was just me and uncle Scott until grandma comes home. Then we heard the door open and close. We both raced to the door. I won and ran to high her. " why hello little one. Said Melissa" "hello grandma." "Hey, mom. Said Scott" " I won uncle Scott I'm faster." "You pushed me. Said Scott" " well your just slow." " let me go get changed then we can watch some movies ok pumpkin. Said Melissa"

"yeah ok, grandma." Melissa went to her room and changed while I and Scott were trying to figure out which movie to put on so we did rock paper scissors. I won so we watched Moana. " you ready love. Said Melissa" "yup" we sat on her bed and watched the movie.

Melissa's POV

Nora fell asleep on my bed and so did Scott. I got a text from Stiles asking if Nora can spend the night I said yeah. Then I fell asleep with Nora next to me.

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