All The Way or No Way

Start from the beginning

Glancing back at Robbe, he took off his boxer. Robbe stared at him like he had lost his mind. He yelled and jumped into the pool. A rush of air wrapped his naked body and then he hit the water in a shock of freezing water. He moved around under the water for a moment, and then he came back to the surface.

Shaking the water from his hair, he wiped his face, he exclaimed, "It's amazing!"

He spreaded his arms wide and kicking his legs gently, he urged Robbe on, "In you go. Come on."

Robbe was hugging his arms around his upper body and screwing his face in, he hissed, "Fuck no."

Sander knew that Robbe had a daring side in him. He had seen that in the boys' vlogs and from their time together, he could sensed that boldness in him. It just needed some nudging to be brought out.

He urged him again, "Come."

"No, no, no," Robbe shook out his head, swaying in place.

"Come." Sander keep urging him on.

Robbe finally gave in. He took off his shoes and shirt. He still looked hesitant but he took off his pants next. Floating in the pool, Sander just gazed at him. The boy had an athletic body under all the oversized clothes and jacket. His skin was smooth and tempting. Robbe walked to the edge in his underwear.

Sander cried out, "Hey! Hey!"


"All the way or no way. Come." It was a night of honesty. He wanted them to be themselves, completely, like they had been the whole night. They had been doing it from across a space that separated them. And he wanted them to jump that chasm.

Robbe looked at him, his hand wavered around his waist. He took it down and jumped into the pool, yelling. The big splash of the jump hit him.

After sometime, Robbe broke out in a scream, shaking his head around. "Fuck! It's cold!"

"It's not that bad!"

Robbe swam away from him, making big splashes. He stopped and coughed.

"Can you even swim man?" He laughed teasingly at him.

Swimming back to him, Robbe said, "Fuck you. I can swim better than you."

"Yeah? I don't believe that."

"I can easily swim to the other side, underwater."

"Yeah?" Sander asked with a mocking disbelief.

Robbe splashed water to his face from across him.

Wiping the water off his face, he challenged, "Okay. You know what? Let's turn this into a bet. See who can stay under the longest."

"Okay." Robbe answered with another splash to his face. "What does the winner get?"

"Eh, the winner gets to decide. So that'll be me." Sander said confidently.

Robbe laughed, "Fuck you. I'll annihilate you."

"Okay, on three."

Robbe counted down. At three, they both went under. The silence of the water enveloped him. He looked at Robbe's closed eyes in front of him through the blur of water. It felt like wrapped in a small world with only both of them in it. The refraction of light from outside threw scattered glint on the gold chain around Robbe's neck. He stared at the blur shape of Robbe's spread arms; the slow current waving his hair around in a halo. There was a gentle calmness on his face. He was the most beautiful thing he ever saw. Sander reached out his arms to pull him in. Surprised, Robbe butted his hand away. He opened his eyes and waved a bit in confusion. Sander looked at him and with a conviction in him, he swam the short distance to him. He closed the gap and touched his lips to Robbe's.

Robbe's hand shot out and pushed him away; he swam up. Sander broke the surface after him.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

Shaking the water from his head, Sander shrugged casually and said, "I won."

"What won? You cheated." Robbe emphasized it with a splash to his face.


"Again you cheated." Robbe splashed him on the face again.

"What do you mean I cheated?" Sander decided to just play it cool.

"Dude, you can't do that." Robbe was splashing water around. His voice seemed to rise and fall with every words.

"I won." He said firmly.

"Fuck you, no. I am telling you, that didn't count."

He wanted to laugh. "I don't see the problem." He shrugged off again smugly.

Robbe squealed, "It doesn't count." Robbe splashed another shot of water to his face.

He could pratically drowned by all the splashes and he didn't mind it. "Why not?"

"Come on, again." Robbe insisted in a high voice.




Robbe said, "You count us down."

"On three. One. Two. Three." Sander took a long breath and went under.

When the water enveloped him again, he opened his eyes. Robbe's eyes were open this time, looking at him from across the gap between them. He waited. For Robbe to take the leap. And he watched Robbe swam to him, reaching his hands out. Sander reached out too and their lips met.

They exhaled and broke out of the water together, in a mad whirl of passion. He felt Robbe's hand on his neck, on the side of his face. Sander pulled on Robbe's hair, breathed him in. The cold night air brushed his body; the heat from Robbe's skin enclosed him. Wave after wave of cold and heat collided in him, around him. He shuddered, drunk on the exquisite taste of Robbe; he felt dizzy and high. Everything else dropped away; there was only the sweetness of their mouths melted into one, theirs arms encircling each other. Breathless, he broke the kiss for a second to take some air. His blood was boiling and he still can't have enough of him. He closed in on his mouth again, kissing him fiercely. Robbe's soft tongue drove him into senseless want. Suddenly there was a blinding light. The sound of dogs barking, shook them awake.

"Fuck." They both cursed.

The night guard had found them. Panic hit them and they climbed out from the pool. Gathering their clothes, they ran through the door. Laughing hysterically, they shot out from the building. They put on their shirts and pants frantically; snatched their bikes from the bushes and flew away. After some distance, with no barking following them; they stopped and shrugged on their jacket and shoes. They looked at each other and laughed their heads off. They subsided after a while, breathing hard.

Gaining his breath back, Sander looked at Robbe and said, "Cmmon, I'll take you home."

Robbe looked shy; he nodded. They knew that something had changed between them, a path had opened. Arriving at Robbe's apartment, Sander wanted to kiss him again, but for once he reined himself in. He can sensed that Robbe needed some time to process things. Robbe glanced at him with a bashful expression.

Sander looked into his eyes and said tenderly, "Good night Robbe."

"Night Sander." Robbe smiled shyly and went in.

Sander and Robbe, Minute by MinuteWhere stories live. Discover now