However when he walked back in with a coffee for me, it felt like things never really have changed. Him buying coffee seems to be an excuse for him to just get closer to me and at this point, I'm welcoming him in with open arms.

I can't believe he went to get my flowers either, although I dread to imagine what June said to him. She's like my best friend, my much older best friend however age doesn't matter when it's friendship. June's such a lovely woman and I know she definitely wasn't expecting Harry to walk in there asking for my flowers. I doubt she'd expect my type to be muscly men covered in tattoos but I wasn't expecting that either, Owen is quite the opposite of Harry.

"Right you, you're supposed to be working and you guys are also supposed to be working." I remind them, pointing my finger jokingly because as much as I love them, I do still need to make money from this club and so do they. Unfortunately they don't get paid to listen to my gossip.

"And you need to go find Harry and tell him you love him." Smirks Luna jokingly.

"You my friend are really pushing it." I say, standing up to waltz out the room again.

"You love me really!" She exclaims as I head out the door, followed by Demi.

I do love her. She might be very forward and very excitable, but she always has your best interest at heart which is nice. Not many people are like that with me.

Demi is following along behind me and I just know she's going to pounce again, I've been doing too well at avoiding her interrogations.

"We are not done yet." She says, pulling me by the wrist into the side. "So?" Her excitement is terrifying.

"So what?"

"So have you guys done the dirty?" Smirks Demi, judging me in a jokingly manner to add to the whole hilarity of the situation.

"Demi!" I scoff, nudging her back. "...yes"

She let out an excited squeal, to which I held my hand over her mouth immediately so she didn't have all the strippers running out and fussing over this situation.

"Was it big?" She asks the second I pull my hand away.

"Demi!...I'm not telling you that!" I chuckle when I realise she was waiting for an answer just like two seconds ago.

"I'm happy for you, how's everything else going?" She smiles, sounding much more sensible than she did a second ago.

"It's good, well somebody put a dead bird in my car but aside from that, it's going well I think. I'm not sure what's real and what's fake though..."

"Dead Bird?" She asks in shock, looking a little worried over the matter.

"Yeah...anyway let's get back to work."

I don't even give her the choice because I'm walking off before she can even disagree. It's probably easier to gloss over the dead bird incident rather than going into it, I doubt she'd be as happy for me after hearing about that.

The club is full, the musics blaring, the lights are flashing and that little feeling of pride I get when I stand here and realise that this is mine has hit me.

I really do love this place, it's my pride and joy. Seeing all these people smiling and having fun in a place I've created is honestly so rewarding. It must be like what June feels when somebody buys from her flower shop, that's why I'm there weekly.

Demi's gone back behind the bar and every time I look over at her she smirks at me or makes a stupid gesture that's definitely not safe for work.

It feels like hours have gone by since I was hounded by the girls in the dressing room however it's only been around half an hour. Perhaps because there's no Harry and the gang here to make things interesting.

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