I walked out the front door and she was in the passenger side of the car. I couldn't tell if she was crying or not, when I got in she handed me the keys and I didnt waste my time making the car move.

When we got into town I pulled over, she had been silent the whole time and I wasn't about to interrupt that, until now.

"So I get that your upset and all- but if we merge tonight your going to need to drink some blood." She turned her head towards me in pauses.

"We?" She asked with the same attitude she was giving Mark. "We are not doing anything. This is all me. I dont know why all of you guys are trying to include yourself in something that you dont belong in." She said turning away again.

"I'm not trying to include myself in what your doing, all I'm saying is that if you want a shot at winning, you need to be strong."

"So now your saying that I wont be strong enough?" She yelled, I looked at her in disbelief.

"Rae. Stop this fucking attitude. I'm only trying to help, if you dont esnt to listen to me at all and totally disrespect me, I will leave!" I snapped at her, she looked at me furiously. Her eyebrows turned down and her mouth slightly open. "So snap the hell out of it, and behave. I know that demon child isnt crying so-"

"How do you know that?"

I didnt respond. I wasnt going to tell her I just compelled a baby, nonetheless her baby.

"Malachai, what did you do to Ben."

"I didn't so anything!" I said opening up the car door and slamming it closed, she did the same and wasnt too far behind me.

"Malachai Parker! What the hell did you do to that child? I thought you liked him!"

"Well I- I dont hate him if that's what you want to hear!"

"That doesn't give you any right to do whatever you did!"

"I know!"

"So then what did you do?"

"I kinda... sorta... might've... compelled him?"

"You what?!" She yelled, walking towards me and eventually pinning me up on a brick wall.

"I compelled him- completely on accident! I didnt meant to. It just sort of... happened."

"Hes a baby!"

"I know! Ok? I know! It was just a little compulsion, it's not a big deal."

"Not a big deal?! Malachai, hes a baby! He should not have people forcing him how to feel!"

"I cant control it!" She scoffed at me and rolled her eyes.

"Yes you can." She said roughly but calmly. She raised her hand and punched the brick wall behind me, making it crumble.

"Why Kai." She asked calm this time, closing her eyes and shaking her head for a second.

"I honestly didn't mean to, Rae."

"No- I mean why do you care. Why are we like this. I have you one day and the next one of us are pinned up against the wall." She kind of chuckled, I didnt know how to respond.

"I dont know... maybe because despite our families hating each other... maybe we aren't supposed to." She laughed at me and shook her head. She put both of her hands on my cheeks and rested her forehead on my chest.

"I think your wrong."

"What other explanation is there. How we act towards each other?"

"Maybe there isnt one."

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