- Chapter 21 -

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"Wait, you do?!" Sykkuno spouted.

"Yeah. I do."


"Do I need a reason?"

Sykkuno sighed. He wanted to run away again, but that would be senseless.


"I think I love you too."

It was true, those words, but Sykkuno longed to say something else. He knew that soon he would be occupied working in the medical wing and helping Ludwig.

Meanwhile, Corpse was stunned. The prince had the feeling Sykkuno was only staying with him out of pity because he was lonely.

The truth was that he'd never expected his confession to be rejected or accepted. He was in the moment, and he wanted to say it. So he did, and it worked out in his favour.


"I don't think I'm positively ready to be in a relationship at the moment," Sykkuno murmured. "I feel like, soon enough, I'll be too busy."

"Ah, I see." Corpse choked. "Of course, I do not wish to rush you through anything."

"Um, I'm fine with small kisses, just ask me first next time, ok?"

"Right, I'm so sorry."

Sykkuno nods and looks down at Bimbus in his arms, "I need to go now." And with that, Sykkuno turned and left.


Cadáver stayed in his room the next morning. He couldn't help but feel an immense amount of guilt. Why had he decided to confess then and there?

"It was a stupid, impulsive move that I could have avoided." He criticized himself.

Cadáver lay in bed face flat on the pillow. "I'll just make an excuse to stay in bed." It was still early in the morning, so Dave hadn't brought him his breakfast yet. He had plenty of time to mope alone.

"At the moment..." Does that mean Sykkuno could be in a relationship with Cadáver in the future? Or is it a lie?

"Sykkuno wouldn't lie to me." Cadáver thinks. He recalls the time when Sykkuno had been honest and confessed that he had told Ludwig about the raids. It shows how loyal someone like him could be. "Is that the reason why I love him?"

A person will commit an action with a motive, even if that reason is absurd. Some of those goals we may never know. For now, one of the many purposes for loving Sykkuno is because of who Sykkuno is, a kind and gentle person, to whom Corpse grew attracted. That's what Cadáver believes anyhow.

The prince hears a few light taps on his door. "Come in!" he yells softly. Dave walks inside holding a tray in one hand. Cadáver was surprised when Dave never dropped a tray in front of him. 

"Mornin' Dave." The butler placed the tray of food on Cadáver's nightstand.

"Good morning. How are you feeling?" Dave asks. "Uhm, sick." Cadáver responds, "My head hurts."

"Would you like for me to order medication for you?"

"No, no, that's fine."

Dave nods in response, "Well, if you feel worse, please let me know."

"And please, brush that hair..." the butler mumbles. "I heard that," Cadáver shouts, pushing his head deeper into the pillow.

Dave snickers, "Sorry."

Cadáver pushes his face deeper into the pillow, "Go away." he says. "Alright, negative nancy, calm down," Dave bespoke.

"I am calm."

The prince hears a sigh and the sound of fading footsteps. "Alert me if you need anything." Then Dave left with the door closed behind him.

By the time Cadáver decided to get out of bed, it was noon. He roamed the hallways. 

 When Cadáver was a child, he ran around, happily exploring the large empty rooms, including the ball and dining room. Only now, he felt a sensation he couldn't comprehend. All he knew was that it was unpleasant.

While walking around, Cadáver found himself in the library. There wasn't any sign of Emma, which would have been a good thing, but Cadáver had wanted to comfort her since the last time he saw her; she was crying. 

  To clear the boy's mind, Cadáver decided to take a book to read off one of the higher shelves. It was a novel entirely based on teaching the reader about herbalism. Cadáver decided he would read it to discuss more with Sykkuno about plants without being ignorant about the topic. If he couldn't be with Sykkuno, he would still be there as a friend, with just slightly more affectionate actions that other friends wouldn't have. Still, the title of a friend wasn't one he was fond of.

The book always returned to the top shelf when he turned in the novel to the library. He'll have to ask the librarian to put it on a lower ledge if she could.

He reached up on his tiptoes. Cadáver held onto the side of the bookshelf for support, and it moved the side slightly. After stretching his fingers and finally grabbing the hardcover of the book, he settled down. It would have been embarrassing if anyone saw him struggle. Thankfully he was in a more secluded area of the library.

Before leaving, he noticed a detail. After he had shifted the bookshelf to the side, some light shone out where the wall should have been. He looked around to ensure no one was around him then he quietly began to shift the bookcase to the side again and again.

It revealed a room. A lantern was hung from the ceiling, illuminating a large table surrounded by multiple chairs. The prince focused on the table and saw a piece of paper. Or to better describe it, a map.

On it were the locations of different towns, but a few stood out. Three of the sections had been crossed out with red ink forming an 'X'; Roman numerals were also seen marked by each village.

The 'X's were listed with 'I' 'II' and 'III'; And so on. Then the town Cadáver recognized as Leeside had the number 'IV';, but this one wasn't crossed out. But just what could this map mean? The third city marked with an 'X' was south-east of Leeside. Cadáver discerned it was the City of Eastcliff.

That's when the dreaded shock hit him. Eastcliff was the prior town that The Anchors had invaded. This supposed map was a hit-list for all future attacks. Leeside was next.

In a panic, Cadáver rolled up the map and left the secret room, closing the bookshelf after him. He made sure to bring the book on herbs with him as well.

He was thankful his room wasn't too far from the library since he most likely would have been seen. It would be more beneficial to be ignored in a situation like this.

Where could he hide a large paper like this? Cadáver looked up at a painting of a landscape. It was a forest (<-- foreshadowing ;) ), his mother gave it to him for his birthday. Cadáver unrolled the map and decided to fold it instead. Then he slipped the paper between the metal of the picture frame and the picture itself. It would have to do.

He needed to tell someone, anyone he trusted. So he heads for the medical wing.


Hello! New update!

Question: If you had a salary of 1 million each year, what would you spend the money on?

Have a good morning, afternoon, or night!


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