ⅹⅹⅰ. art class arguments and more wolves

Start from the beginning

It dawned on Diana, as she sat there watching the brunette laugh and take a bite of her pasta, that even if Bella was ready for her to leave, she wouldn't have wanted to. She found her home here, or some version of it, in her house, with her new friends, with Paul.

She didn't think she'd be leaving Forks anytime soon.


Later that week, Bella had called Diana almost yelling. She was very angry and intended to confront Jacob, who had been avoiding her. After conversing with Sam and Jacob, they agreed that Diana should pretend she knew nothing about what was going on with the boy, and that meant she would go with Bella and pretend as far as she could until she didn't need to.

So, Diana raced to Bella's house, and the two sped out of the driveway moments later. With Bella driving, Diana was free to gaze longingly at the forest. She'd give anything to be running, instead of driving.

"I just can't believe he'd do this to me, did you know he cut his hair? And got a tattoo? I think it's Sam, I think Sam and his cult or whatever have finally gotten to him," Bella rambled, angrily. She was driving well over the speed limit, but it was beyond Diana to correct her.

"Well, Bella, love, as I see it, we might be able to find out for ourselves what exactly is wrong, but, only if we don't die first! So please, stop swerving!"

"You can't die! And I'm not concerned about myself right now," Bella muttered, still angry and driving fiercely. She did slow down a bit though, much to Diana's appreciation.

They arrived at Jacob's house a few minutes later, Bella hopped out and stormed over to the door, barging past Billy when he tried to stop her. Diana got out of the truck and chased after her, giving Billy an apologetic look as she rushed inside.

She saw Bella pause at Jacob's room, where the boy was fast asleep. Diana sighed in relief, then she heard someone whooping and howling and glanced out Jacob's window. When she saw the boys, any and all relief she had been feeling, vanished instantly. Bella saw them too, and she stormed out of Jacob's room and past Diana who was now very worried.

"Bella," she muttered, chasing after her yet again. "Bella, wait, maybe this isn't such a great idea?"

Bella didn't answer her though, just continued to storm across the yard. Diana sent the guys a worried look, hoping Sam would keep them reined in.

"What did you do!?" Bella shouted as the two groups met. Diana avoided the questioning gazes and put her head down slightly. The guys started chuckling.

"Huh? What did you do to him?" Bella asked again, this time shoving Sam.

The boys' anger sparked and Sam glared at them, "Easy." he said, his voice loud and stern. He put his arm out to keep Paul back. Diana stared hard at Paul, hoping whatever hot-headedness he had been dealing with wouldn't come out and claw Bella to pieces.

"What did we do? What did he tell you!?" Paul countered, pressing against Sam's arm. Diana deflated slightly as she realized this was not going to end well.

"Nothing! He tells me nothing, cause he's scared of you!" Bella shouted, her anger spilling over. Paul began laughing and this- this was a mistake.

Bella swung her hand and slapped Paul across the face. Diana felt her instincts kick in and she roughly grabbed Bella's arm yanking the girl back and away from her mate. Paul was shaking angrily, and Sam was trying to coach him through it.

"Paul! You need to calm down! Now!"

Bella turned and shoved Diana, which didn't do much, Diana hardly stumbled backward, but it was enough. Paul was on the verge of phasing and Diana had to get Bella out of there. Diana moved to grab Bella again, Sam shouting at the girls to leave.

But it was too late, Paul let out a growl and phased landing on four paws. Bella gasped and stumbled backward, falling to the ground. Diana stepped in front of her as Paul slowly stalked toward them. She picked Bella up and had helped her away when Jacob shouted for them.

"Bella! Diana!" he ran toward them, and Bella tried to get him away. "Jake, run!"

But Jacob leapt over the girls, phased in mid-air, and landed defensively in front of them. Diana knew or hoped, that Paul wouldn't hurt her, but he was very angry at the present moment and Diana's main priority was getting Bella away safely.

She felt very defensive, however, when Jacob and Paul started circling, ready to attack each other. She felt even more defensive and slightly angry when they finally did launch at each other, tumbling and clawing into the woods.

"Get them to Emily's," Sam ordered, before following after the wolves. Jared and Embry came over to the girls, as Diana helped Bella up.

"Guess the wolf's outta the bag," Embry chuckled, slinging an arm around Diana's shoulder. He had to drag her away from her stance, glaring at the woods where her mate had disappeared.

"He'll be fine, baby," he murmured in her ear. Diana glared at the nickname but walked with him back to the truck.

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