ⅹ. imprint things

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Diana sighed and bit her lip, she was mad she blew up, she was mad she had said anything at all. She looked to Billy, who hadn't said anything. He nodded slowly, encouraging her to speak. Nothing in her wanted to explain, nothing in her wanted to speak, nothing in her wanted to even be there, standing there in the spotlight. Still, she sucked in a breath.

"I was imprinted on... a long time ago. We had a wonderful 15 years together, and then out of nowhere he was taken from me," she glanced up to see Sam's stern gaze fall. Pity and empathy filled his eyes and Diana hated it, what did he know? She looked back down again, "We encountered a nomadic shifter pack, it was five to two and he told me to run so... I did, okay? I lost my mate and I'm not willing to go through that again."

Diana collapsed back into her chair and ran her hand through her hair. She stared hard at her shoes, not wanting to see their faces.

At the end of everything, she knew about the imprint rule... and she knew that being a vampire complicated that rule. She also knew that the complications, the risks, all of the trouble was worth it. But she didn't know if she could be anything with Paul.

She didn't even know if she could give him a normal friendship, let alone the relationship he deserved. He didn't seem to want her all that much anyway. But, she couldn't deny that she herself was in pain. She felt sick to her stomach, and she hadn't been sick in over 90 years.

"I am sorry for your loss," Sam said, and Diana looked at him with a cautious gaze.

"Look, I have an imprint," he sighed. Diana's glare softened and she looked down, so he did know.

"I am lucky enough to be able to call her my fiance. I couldn't even imagine losing her and I couldn't ever put her through losing me, but if you have been through it if you do know how great the bond is, why would you ignore it?"

When Diana looked up at him, not saying anything, his voice softened, "This is your second chance at happiness, Diana. I'm not saying there is any way to replace your mate, there's not and there never will be, but I know how hard second chances are to come by and I wouldn't give it up."

Diana glanced away from him and looked out the window behind her. She caught sight of the two boys, waiting anxiously to hear something, anything. She shook her head and ran her hand through her hair again. There was a big piece of her wanting to leave and never look back. But, Sam had proved she couldn't. She wouldn't survive another loss like this.

"If it came to her life, over your relationship together, what would you pick?" She asked, staring Sam straight in his eyes. Part of her was still confused as to why on earth he was trying to convince her to stay.

Sam's shoulders dropped slightly, "That is a different conversation."

"One I want an answer to," she quipped.

Sam's gaze left her to look out the window behind her, "You know how difficult-"

"Sam." she interrupted. Sam's eyes slowly met hers again, and she repeated herself, "If you guys had met, if you imprinted on her but she dies if you marry, would you choose to live only as friends? Even if it killed you to do that, even if the bond was so incessant that it was physical torture to stay away?"

And he nodded, "In that case, the pain would be bearable. As long as she's alive and happy, I would stay away."

She nodded and bit her lip. When she turned to look out the window again, Sam spoke.

"He can take care of himself, you know," Diana turned to meet his gaze again and Sam shrugged, "As long he has a rock, he's pretty sturdy."

Diana's lip trembled, "I don't get attached," she spoke lowly, "I'm not-"

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