ⅵ. new friends and old memories

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It was another day at Jacob's garage. Motorcycle parts were strewn about on the blanketed floor. Bella watched as Diana and Jacob moved, piecing things together excitedly. She was surprised Diana knew so much about motorcycles, she didn't seem to be the type of girl that was super into auto-mechanics.

"If we're gonna be working on this every day," Bella began, "-and I hope we do, we should probably include some homework. Don't want the dads to think we're a bad influence on you."

Diana chuckled, apparently she hadn't told Bella that she didn't actually do the homework assigned to her. Jacob looked up at Bella, raising his brow, "You? Influence me? Please."

"We are older than you. Diana, care to help?"

"Age ain't nothin' but a number, love," Diana said, feigning a dramatic sigh. Jacob laughed and the two high-fived.

"That wasn't helpful," Bella chuckled, "I'm beginning to think I shouldn't have introduced the two of you."

Diana and Jacob looked at each other, with mock terror, then looked up at Bella, "And maybe age is just a number, but I managed to convince you to secretly build us two-wheeled death machines."

Diana shrugged, the girl had a point. But Jacob laughed again, "God, you're right, you're like Satan!"

Diana became particularly interested in cleaning the piece of metal Jacob had handed her. She was glad for the distraction. Every time the girls had come here since last week, she could smell his scent. It was slowly killing her.

Suddenly, a voice called out from outside, "Yo, Jake, you in there?"

Diana had heard the boys coming and therefore didn't flinch, but Bella abruptly sat up and started to pull the tarp over the bikes.

Jacob consoled her though, "It's cool, it's just my boys." Bella still seemed unsure, but she sat back in her seat.

Two boys entered the garage, they looked to be Jacob's age. Diana stood from her previous seat behind Bella to get a better look; one was short and stocky, the other was tall and thin. Both had the same tan skin as Jacob.

"Hey, Jake-" they stopped abruptly at the sight of the two girls. The tall one smirked at Diana, looking her up and down. Then the boys turned to each other and shared a smile.

"Hey. This is Bella and Diana. Bella, Diana, that's Quil and Embry." Jacob looked worried like his 'boys' might embarrass him. He was right, of course, they were.

"So, the bike building story is true," Quil said, looking around at the mess of spare parts.

Bella nodded, and tried to break the ice, "Taught him everything he knows."

Quil however, decided to be cheeky, "What about the part where you're his girlfriend?"

Bella immediately tensed up, "Oh, we're friends."

Embry decided to join his friend now, "Ooh, burn." He laughed at Jacob, who was scrambling to find a defense, "No, remember, I said she's a girl and a friend."

"Em, you remember him making that distinction?" Quil asked.

Embry shook his head, "Nope."

Diana chuckled, but decided to rescue Jacob, "So, I guess you guys have girlfriends, then? That's cool."

Jacob laughed loudly, "Right. Quil took his cousin to prom." Diana smirked and Embry chuckled, too.

"Yeah, that's still a riot. You want funny, Black? I'll give you funny." Quil ran at Jacob, who dodged successfully, then a playful scuffle ensued.

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