#20 ♡ ⤹ ぃ ゚

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Miranda POV:

where am i..?
where did mommy go?
why is it so dark.. am i sleeping?
I woke up, but it's a new place i've never been too before, my clothes are changed and im pretty sure i was wearing a skirt with knee highs and a white tang top. Now i'm wearing a feetie onesie with pigtails. I really hope i'm with mommy, I really hope so.. until my hope was all gone to see a guy with same features as my mommy, and with a black tux. It was Galvin, a man i've seen before, babysit me when he was a good person at least..

"Hey there baby, howre you feeling?" he came up to touch my head and I almost immediately flinched, my panic starting to set in. "P-Please let me go, please i need mommy" i panicked starting to shake and my breathing got worse. "Hey there baby, daddy's here" he tried soothing me but it didn't work and I did something I never would've as my eyes fogged up due to my crying, i kicked him, and i kicked him, in that area.. i'm not going to explain. I just ran tripping over everything and I ran into a room not knowing and locking the door as i tried to calm my breathing shaking and panicking. "Please mommy save me" i kept thinking, tears falling and flowing through my cheeks. my cheeks are with rained tears and my eyes puffy.

I locked the door and put some things on it, and opened the small window, i wasn't high up, but i wasn't low either. I've watched Beauty and the Beast to know how Belle almost left so I made a rope with the clothes in that room, hooked it onto something tightly and threw it out the window as i climbed down as fast as I could, trying my best at this point. I ran out into the yard, running into the nearby forest, running as fast as i could, at least i wasn't barefoot. Now i was at a nearby gas station, I quickly run and ask to use a phone since i'm in need of help. The nice man lets me use his cell phone and I dial vanessa's number, please pick up, please pick up.

"Hello?" her voice sounded so tired, like she hasn't slept for days, as her voice sounded as if she'd been crying. "m-mommy it's me.." i almost choke out crying as her voice is relieved and starts asking me where i'm at, i ask the nice man and he says where, i hid in the back of the gas station as i stayed on the line with the nice man's phone. I waited for her to show up, but when she did, she didn't look good at all. She looked like she went through hell and back, and I did too, My hair was messed up, my pjs had been full of dirt. I knew I should've called the police but I had this gut feeling they knew Galvin. I didn't want to take that chance, i've seen it in movies how they tried to escape but soon enough was found again in the same scenario.

"M-Mommy.." i cracked out and she ran to me and picked me up as she handed some money towards the guy and it seemed like a big amount, i didn't know i meant that much to someone. She kept holding me and was silent until we got to her black car, I always forgot the name of it but I never really cared but just called it "black car".

"Baby, are you okay? did he touch you? did he do anything to you? I kept trying to get guards in but they couldn't manage, I was loosing hope, I-I, I thought i lost you for good, I promise you won't ever get out of my sight okay? I need you here with me always. I need you to breathe, you're the only thing keeping me going love, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, I don't know what would happen If i've never seen you again. I should've kept you by me, I should've kept you by side, not let you go with guards who couldn't even manage to keep you safe." she stuttered through most of it, and started crying as i cried too. I just cried and my small body shook.

why does this happen to me.

Anna's POV:
before getting miranda back:
I went crazy. i felt my knees go weak at the sight of her not being there. it hurt me so bad. i couldn't eat, sleep, i just slowly went back to my cigarettes. I promised myself i'd stop when I got a little or a person I love, and I got everything that I wanted, Miranda. But I got back into my addiction ever since this happened. It's my only relieve. I drank alcohol too, I went back to my bad habits trying to find her, i'm telling you. I went crazy. Lord knows what he did too her, touch her? abuse her? have sex with her? use her for his own good? The thoughts ran through my mind. I hate having an asshole of a brother. I hate it. He was jealous I was with Miranda, and Miranda loved me. Heck the whole world wants this girl, and I get why.

I was slowly looking around the neighborhood for her, and sent guards with me too Galvin's house. I looked everywhere too see through the windows, nothing. I got a call from a random number then, thinking it was Galvin, I sighed and picked it up, "Hello?" I said as I coughed a bit from my droggy voice. "m-mommy, it's me.." my heart stopped, I heard her small little sobs, I immediately told where she was and she told me the exact location, I stayed on the line with her as I put the address into my gps.

When I got there I didn't see her until she popped her head out when she heard my name. I ran to her hugging her and what not, asking her a billion of questions. We were okay, i won't let anything happen to her again, i promise her that. she's the only person i need is my little girl. i love her so much.

I will forever love her.
HAIII! i'm sorry i haven't been updating frequently, my mental health is still horrible,, but i almost ended my life yesterday :(( which isn't good you all, i wasn't doing too well and wah, but i lvoe you all and thank you so much for the support <333

Yes Mommy? Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz