Chapter 5

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 On the road, Michael, Amy, and Sherri were having as good a time as could be expected, talking and listening to some Christmas music on the radio. In a little over two hours, they were finally in Memphis, near the Tennessee-Arkansas border.

At this point, Michael asked, "Does anybody need anything before we continue? This will be our last good chance for a while.

"Nope." Amy and Sherri replied in unison.

Michael and Amy then began to talk about something, but Sherri wasn't paying attention and was instead deep in thought.

She remembered how her parents had planned a trip to Nashville during the following spring break and thought about how this and other trips wouldn't be happening, now.

As they drove across the Mississippi River to West Memphis, Arkansas, Sherri flashed back to the last time her family spent much time together at the beach, before she started going with her friends. She saw herself running out into the shallow waters near shore, her father nearby first running out with her and then jumping in at a certain point and beginning to swim. Her mother reclined on the beach towel, soaking up the rays from the warm sun.

As soon as they reached the deeper water and he dove in, Sherri's dad said to her, "Looks like I'm still a match for you, honey." he smiled.

Smiling back, Sherri replied playfully, "Ah, I just let you win. Rematch. This time back to shore."

Once they made it back, Sherri grabbed her surfboard, which she had been learning to use, and ran back to the water. She got on the board, lay down, and paddled out. Soon, the girl was expertly riding a wave. She felt the spray of the ocean hit her face, the freedom of being on the water, and-

"Sherri?" Amy said a little loudly, trying to get her attention.

"Huh? Oh, sorry. What was it you were saying?" the girl asked.

"We just crossed over into Arkansas." Amy announced. "And in a little while, we'll be in Missouri." she added.

In West Memphis, Michael turned to get off I-40 and onto I-55.

"All right. We're officially on our way to North Dakota." he announced.

Michael and Amy were both still wondering who might have sent the three men after Sherri, because there was always a chance that there could be more.

The road led through snow-covered fields that, if the circumstances had been different, beautiful.


Back at the house in Charleston, Polly was staying in touch with Ben, doing her best to help him with finalizing funeral arrangements, dealing with the hospital, and other matters, as well as helping to clean. She couldn't look at anything of Elizabeth's without crying, but wanted to do whatever she could. Besides, being busy was what she needed right now.

Although Sherri had only been gone for less than a day, Polly had broken down and cried twice, managing to pull herself together with much prayer.

During the vacuuming, dusting, and laundry, Polly was flooded with memories from when she and Elizabeth were growing up.

They were inseparable; where one sister was, the other was never far behind in sports, spending time with friends, or anything else. Like any other siblings they had plenty of fights, but always made up quickly.

Polly was the maid of honor at Ben and Elizabeth's wedding. She couldn't help but remember with a smile how she had to calm her nervous sister while helping her get ready. Of course, the ceremony went smoothly and everyone had a great time at the reception.

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