However, she was going big because she wasn't going home. She, on one of her walks home, decided to stop by one of the many stores that she'd never been into because it was, according to her father, for delinquents and easy girls. Cold Subject was the only store like this in Springfield, but she knew of two in Shelbyville and at least three in the town on the other side of Shelbyville. 

She stepped inside, and everyone inside turned to look at her. It was only three or four kids, but it still made her anxious. She stepped further anyways, knowing that she'd saved up her money for this exact shopping trip. She was sick and tired of wearing knee length dresses and skirts or jeans all the time. She wasn't a child anymore, and she refused to let her dad dictate what she wore any longer. 

"Well, if it isn't the virgin Mary," A girl that Eve knew as being the girlfriend of both Kearny and Jimbo, Shauna, laughed as she walked over to her, "The bible shop is down the street."

"I know where the bible shop is," Eve said, "I came in here on purpose." 

"And what exactly are you looking for? A wallet chain for your dad or something?" Shauna laughed. 

"No. I'm here to buy some clothes. I'm going for a new look." She shrugged, trying not to look or sound as nervous as she felt. 

"Oh, you're going through your teenage rebellion phase and you're looking for something that is going to piss off your dad, huh?" Shauna asked, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"Pretty much, yeah." Eve said, not wanting to get into specifics of her faith and family struggles with this girl that she barely knew. 

"Why didn't you start with that then?" Shauna rolled her eyes and dragged her further into the store, "Basically everything in this store with do the trick. Your dad seems to be against everything black, ripped, or even mildly rugged. So, what are we really looking for right now?" 

"Well, I was thinking I'd start with ripped jeans or just a skirt that doesn't make it down to my knees to start off with, but I don't know anything about this sort of fashion so, I'm basically putting myself into your hands with complete blind faith." 

Shauna smirked, "We'll have you looking like an average teen in no time. THE REST OF YOU LOSERS GET OUT! WE'VE GOT A MAKEOVER TO GET DONE!" 

The rest of the people in the store scampered out onto the sidewalk while Shauna locked the door. Eve panicked for a quick second but reminded herself that there were security cameras all over the store, and that Shauna probably wouldn't kill her in front of them. Shauna sat her down by the counter and disappeared into the racks of dark clothing and shelves of hair dye and body jewelry. Shauna emerged from them not too long afterwards with a huge stack of clothes in her hands. 

"Alright, Sunday School, let's make you cool...on the outside anyways." Shauna shrugged, handing her a couple different articles of clothing, "Dressing rooms are over there."

Eve took the clothes into the small, dim room and began to shed her good girl exterior. She tugged on fishnets, a pair of shorts that were so short that they could barely even be called shorts, and a huge t-shirt with a band logo that she didn't recognize. She stepped back out, and Shauna scanned her over, taking a drag from her cigarette. 

"It's a start, but I don't like the way that fits on you. I think it's the shirt, or maybe it's the fact that I've never seen your legs until just now. Here try these," She said, throwing more clothes at Eve who headed back into the dressing room. 

This time, she'd given her a leather jacket that was at least two sizes too big, a skin-tight black top and a skirt that didn't even poke out from under the jacket when she looked at it from the back. She'd kept the fishnets on, and she had fallen in love with the outfit.  She smiled at her reflection before stepping out to see what Shauna thought. 

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