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Turning around, I found the only Flagpole that would call me senpai

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Turning around, I found the only Flagpole that would call me senpai. Haiba Lev, first year Middle Blocker.

After being around Haiba for a while, I realised why he would call me senpai way too early and especially since I had no skills superior to his whatsoever. Except educationally, I'm on a higher level, but that still doesn't mean that he has to call me senpai, so the real reason is...

Because I called him a hero.

What ego...

Still, this is coming from a self-proclaimed ace and a lion. In other words, it shouldn't be so surprising for him to place me on a pedestal since I am the only person in here who considers him to be something he aspires to be.

The tall thing dragged himself to me with slumped shoulders and a hand on his cheek while pouting. "Yaku-san hit me again... and my elbow hurts..." He whined showing me a bloody elbow.

"You probably asked for it." I replied taking his wrist and dragging him to sit on a nearby table that definitely seemed like a chair to him.

"I just want to play in the practice games! It's not fair that I'm always practicing on the side!" He complained while I opened the first aid kit and examined his elbow.

"How did you even get injured?" I questioned, frowning at the injury.

"You're not listening to me!" Pouted the child withdrawing his elbow from my grasp.

What am I supposed to say? I mean, Haiba and Yaku don't exactly have the best relationship and that's all due to Flagpole's bluntness.

So what if the man's short? It's still cute.

Before I get engrossed in a full session of describing how amazing Mocha is, my attention went back to Haiba as I took a hold of his elbow once again and started disinfecting it causing him to flinch. "Maybe you should be serious about it and do it correctly so it wouldn't be unfair for either you or Yaku-san."

"That's..." He started but then closed his mouth.

"You're the ace, right? That stuff shouldn't be hard!" I encouraged him with a wide smile and a strong pat to his back making him straighten it.

This all makes me feel really guilty, too.

As if I'm inconvenient to the team because as far as I know, a manager should be able to cover up all the holes of the team which means that Haiba's practicing should be with me. Not Mocha... or Yaku.

When I used to play basketball, our manager was a strong girl that would instantly jump in during dire situations. She was like the mother of the team.

Treating wounds, helping practice, tracking progress, cleaning up, setting up and even training members to dribble or any other basics needed on the court.

As for me... well, all I've been doing is passing balls and cleaning up the court. Nothing that useful.

That's it.

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