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"Thank you, Sensei!"

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"Thank you, Sensei!"

I bowed to the sports teacher seated in her desk with an exhausted expression on her face.

I only smiled politely to her.

It's probably rude to do that to a tired person, but it would be impolite if I don't smile either...

Why aren't there any lessons for human interactions?

"Well..." I trailed off awkwardly. "Enjoy your lunch!" I wished her and walked out of the room rigidly.

Why am I like this? I wasn't this awkward when I was 'pretty'?

Sighing, I sucked up the complaints and told myself to deal with it. If it's going to be that way, so be it. I won't back down.

Smiling proudly at my amazing self, I took a glance at the paper in my hand.

It was a clubs' registration paper.

Deciding to make a change in my life, I diverted from going to my usual corner and reading peacefully just to make a small visit to that very sad Sensei.

Brace yourselves, I, Katsuhira Kyoko, will be joining a club and not any club.

A sports club.

I mean, the girls' volleyball talk really inspired me to try this new thing. So I went on and said, 'Why not?' Even though, to be honest, they were just talking about some player with the name of 'Oikawa', but the thing still got the idea of a sport to my mind.

One that I used to practice myself.

I placed the paper on the manga and brought the pen closer to the empty line for my name. As I started writing each letter of my name artistically and in a very peaceful environment...

"HEY!!!!" Someone shouted as if they spotted a retarded-looking monster about to terrorise a nursery and cook its children's limbs off a recipe they found on the net.

My reaction?

Why, of course flinch, draw a tornado extending from my name, and whisper-shout, "mama!" all at once.

Instantly, I looked up to face the villain of my day to find that it was Flagpole waving at me.

I smiled.

He flinched.

Okay, I tried to smile and it seems like it didn't turn out to be very pretty. What would you expect after frightening a living creature?

This kid clearly doesn't have a lot of experiences in life.

Regardless, he still jogged to me with a huge smile. "You remember me, right?" He asked with a sparkly expression.

I don't think I could say no, even if it was the truth.

"Uh, yeah! My hero from this morning." I smiled now comforted by his innocent expression.

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