400 Read special!!!

192 3 5

Wow! Just wow! Thank you all so much for 400 reads! This means so much to me!
For this special I am going to be doing a scenario where zodiacs are stuck on an island for 5 days! Enjoy!!!!!❤️

                   Day 1:
Virgo: So..were stuck here, all because Cancer fell asleep while driving the boat, during a storm might I add!
Cancer: Oh, wow! So just because I fell asleep while I was driving the boat this suddenly becomes my fault!?
Scorpio: I say we feed Cancer to the sharks
Sagittarius: Why feed Cancer the sharks when we can eat them ourselves?
Aquarius: Good point-
Cancer: WHAT!?
Virgo: Calm down everyone, we're not eating Cancer.
Taurus: we're not???
Virgo: NO!
Taurus: But I'm hungry, if I don't eat something I might die!
Aries: Your always hungry, just shut up for once!
Taurus: Who asked you!?
Aries: I'm just proving a point, your always so hungry and you got a bad temper, your just so annoying in general! I say we Eat Taurus instead!
Taurus: Why you little-
Libra: That enough! If we're going to survive on this island we need to work together! Right Everyone?
Virgo, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Leo, Gemini: Right
Libra: What about you Aquarius?
Aquarius: I work alone
Libra: Fine, have fun dying
Aquarius: Oh, I won't be the one dying-

       Day 2:
Capricorn: So..Does anyone have a plan as to how we're going to survive this mess?
Leo: Oh Oh! I do!
Capricorn: Anyone but Leo?
*Cricket noises*
Sagittarius: Well...we could gather wood to make a fire, that is essential
Gemini: Sagittarius has a point, without fire we could be cold-
Virgo: Thank you Gemini for pointing out the obvious
Gemini: Awe, your welcome.
Leo: We got the wood, now what?
Virgo: We make a fire
Leo:......How do we do that?
Virgo: I have no idea
Sagittarius: Step aside peasants, your savior has got you covered
Sagittarius proceeds to make fire*
Gemini: Alright! Now we won't be cold!
Taurus: Y'all I'm still hungry! I could really go for some fish right now. *looks at Pisces*
Pisces: Very funny!
Taurus: It's not a joke..
Libra: Ok, that's enough. I wonder how Aquarius is doing?
* Aquarius*
Aquarius: C'mon, c'mon!
AHA!!!! FIRE!!!!!! Now to work on my hammock!
*Aqaurius would start taking some steady vines and starts to box weave them to make a hammock*
Libra: Oh, well hello there Aquarius, how is your survival plan going?
Aquarius: Better than yours
Libra:...Mutters* I can see that-

    Day 3
Sagittarius: Alright! I'm back with the fish!
Aries: Why would we need that fish when we have Pisces?
Pisces: I told you before it's not funny!
Aries: Oh yeah? And what are you going to do-
*in that moment Pisces would throw a punch at Aries*
Pisces: Does that answer your question!?
Cancer: Quite yelling! I have a headache!
Capricorn: Oh I'm sorry! Did I hurt your sensitive head????
Cancer: Shut up!
Sagittarius: So are you all hungry or not?
Scorpio: Just let them starve, they'll never survive out here.
Sagittarius: you have a point-
Aquarius: Can y'all like shut up, I'm trying to think of an escape plan
Libra: I thought you said you work alone?
Aquarius: Yeah..But it's clear that if we stay in this island any longer we'll kill each other for pure pleasure

      Day 4:
Sagittarius: All your plans won't work, we don't have the materials.
Aquarius: Yeah, I guess your right..
Gemini: why don't we wait until someone finds us?
Leo: We'll be dead by then! And when they do eventually find out dead bodies I'm going to look like a mess! In the ship wreck I lost my other earring! They can't find my body with only one earring on!
Pisces: we could collect rocks and spell SOS really big so that plans can see it?
Sagittarius: That's not a bad plan...
Aquarius: Yeah, that could work, but we should also think of an escape plan as we put down the rocks.
Aries: Whatever works, I just need to get off this island.
Taurus: It's freezing!
Virgo: Amen sister
Taurus: I'm not your sister!!
Virgo: It's a saying! Calm down!
Gemini: Wait- Virgo is your sister?
Taurus: someone shoot Gemini
Scorpio: I would but I don't have my gun on me, it got lost in the shit reck
Capricorn: Wait...you brought a gun???
Scorpio: You didn't?

Day 5 (1:00 am)
Leo: Did you guys hear that?
Aries: yeah, that's sounds like-
All the signs: A SHIP!
All the signs: HELP OVER HERE!!!!
*the ship hears their cry's for help and changes direction to come and rescue them*
Gemini: See! I knew it, all we had to do was wait!
Aries: Gemini, nobody asked
Gemini: You're just mad that I'm right
Libra: Stop it, what matters right now is that we're safe!
All the signs: Right!
And after that, they never left Cancer drive a boat again!

I hope you all enjoyed this! Thank you all so much for the reads! I will be doing another special at 1k reads! Have a great rest of your day!

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