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Another day of stupid school. I mean it's not bad, I at least get to see Leo. Leo is by best friend, oh and I'm Haley Lewis (If I didn't tell you). I have heart cancer. Ya I do, and it's kinda hard when I'm only 14. I've had it since I was 3, my parents freaked, I know this because my mom killed herself  after it happened.

There are two different types of screams, number one is the 'death' scream, and number two is a labor scream. I have actually heard both. My step mom had my little brother Michael, Mike for short. And when my mom went I heard it too.

Well anyway, my heart is very fragile, and so I have a specific diet I take. I've been doing it for years, and it's really boring, it's not the typical diet that your prissy next door neighbor named Jenny is on or something, but it's a vegetarian diet. I can ONLY have veggies and it kinda sucks, cause I've always wanted to try food. I have breakdowns a lot, and my anxiety definitely doesn't help.

I've had anxiety for a while now and my friend Leo, I met him at a anxiety circle were we all tell how we fell and what would help. I have to go every week on Tuesdays after school. Leo is different, I've always felt close to him, and I have a crush on him... ya.

My dad has been with me for years now, he got remarried to Tiffany, she's my step mom and she's pretty cool. She was like the mom I never had, she's so nice to me, and funny, and I don't know, I love her. I have started calling her mom, and she likes it. It feels right, like she's my REAL mom.

I'm in my first year of high school, and it's really hard. All the teachers have me in the front of the class at all times because of my heart. It's not that necessary though I've never had a heart attack, my heart just hurts and it feels like I got stabbed. Ok so maybe it's necessary. But they never let me and Leo sit together because 'we are too distracted, or too crazy' but I keep telling them if I die I want Leo to be beside me in class if I do die in class. Leo is my best friend and I love him. He's my only friend but he's a perfect one.

Leo also carpools with me everyday. I have a bright red Geo-Tracker. It has white seats and a red line through them. It's so cool.

We arrive at school, and I hand Leo my backpack. He carries my bag and his, he's amazing. We walk inside and the teacher offers to carry my bag to my class, and Leo agrees. At least the principal lets Leo be in the same class with me, it's a charm. I get to tell the principal who I want in my class, because I could die any second. It's hilarious, Leo jokes that I could boss the police around one day.

We get to class and I get my free day today. I get free days in class, it means I don't have to do school for that whole day and instead I do my prescriptions. I hate free days. There not even free, I have to do all kinds of shots and take pills. It's not even worth it sometimes.

Everyday during lunch I see kids bring cake, pizza, chicken, candy, anything they want. Some kids complain if they have peanut allergies. Ha! They wish. I can't have more than half they can. My heart can't take it, it will malfunction, that's what the doctors say. But I think they are just telling me that so I can be EXTRA careful. I think I could have cake and pizza, but they want me to be super cautious and NO chances.

I walk into class and sit down at my desk. The school nurse comes in minutes later after I get settled in. I walk to her office to see Tiffany and dad. They are with my nurse at the hospital. Like normal, Tiffany holds my hand each shot I take. One by one, after 8 shots are done, the nurse hands my water and 14 pills the size of a tiny lego. I swallow down each one then take 6 more tiny pills, smaller than the lego sized ones. I get the good meds.

I get done with my prescriptions and head back to class. Oh no, not again. I scream, "help! It's happening again! Please!" My heart is aching, it burns again. The nurses rush towards me then the bell rings. All the students come rushing out of classrooms to the next. Kids stop and stare at me on the ground crying.

At this point I don't even care if they laugh. This one is worse than the other ones. I see Leo push trough the crowds, he kneels down and tells me it's ok. But It feels different, it hurts more, then... a sharp pain hits me in my heart. Then I black out.

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