Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Yes dad, I'll call you when she wakes up, trust me!"

Her brother's voice came from Jane's right. She didn't want to open her eyes, but she could felt she was in bed, everything was calm and relaxing.

She wanted to stay there forever.

"I saw you move Jane... Dad's worried, stop pretending to be asleep."

"Richiiiie... You come to wake me up every time I sleep..."

"If you can find a way to complain, then you've gotten enough sleep."

Jane sat up in bed to face her brother.

"Can you tell me what happened? I remember I was coming home, but nothing more... "

"We don't really know, the neighbor saw you fall, your nose was bleeding. The doctor said it was because of your glasses, well, your lack of glasses. Mom was very upset. She called the school..."

"Wait. Where is she?"

Richie looked away for a moment.

"Don't freak out..."

"Where is she, Richie?"

"A witness at school said it was Bowers who broke them... She's at his house to hold them accountable..."

The "Fuck" that came out of Jane's mouth came from the bottom of her heart. She laid back in her bed and pulled the quilt up over her face.

"You know, I'm sure nothing will happen. I'm sure his dad will ignore mom, and that will be it."

"That's sweet Rich, but ..."

"I haven't told you the worst part yet!"

She sighed, how could this get any worse?

"You're going to have to wear these glasses. At least until you can get the usual frames back..."

He showed her a thicker black pair, and they would surely take up more than half of her face.

"You already looked like a nerd... Now it's going to be worse... I hope you'll at least fix your hair..."

She punched him in the shoulder, as usual, but laughed anyway.

"You are awake? Richie, I told you to call me!" Their dad said as he entered the room. The boy shrugged. "Whatever... Are you okay? Never scare me like that again!"

"Yes I'm ok... my head hurts a little bit."

"I heard that a boy broke your glasses this afternoon. You spent almost 4 hours compensating. It's not a surprise."

"He didn't do it on purpose, and he apologized... And ..."

"Your mother is already gone, she knew you would discourage her from going, but she doesn't want to let this go, it could have ended badly."

If only he knew...

"But let's change the subject! You are 16 today, want to do anything in particular before dinner?"


"If you sleep too much now, you won't sleep tonight, Jane... Come on let's watch a movie."

The end of the day went smoothly, until Maggie returned.

"Bowers is really a pain, but He offered to pay all the ophthalmic and medical bills, and he's going to tell his son about it. Now that everything is settled, are we celebrating this birthday?"

Toziette (Henry Bowers)(English version)Where stories live. Discover now